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Have We Rioters In Our Midst?

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Amoag the large number of students who come to this city to reside teuiporarily there is a sm all per cent of reckless f'ellows, uot possessed of a disposition to viólate law ia the expectation of seriously harmiug any one, but who are ready " to have a little fun." This "fun" fin ds expression at entertaintnents in the opera house by singing and kuuüng before entertainments begin, between the acts, and often breaking out in tho midst of a play the actors iu which happen to be dull or poor. Another mode of enjoyment to tbem is the gathering of hundredn in and about the post office about 7 P. M., the hour at whioh the eastern and western mails are distributed, blockading the sidewalk and impeding pedestriana. To prevent these crowda policenien are called into requisition. On Tuesday evemng an unusual large gatbering congregated about the federal office, and, became noisy to an extent that raanded suppression. The leaders singled out by the pólice were arrested. In tiiking them to the jail officers were assailed, but by uaing their clubs freely they foroed away the would-be rescuers and conducted their prisoners, six in number, to jail. There they passed a sleepless night refusing to occupy cells as other prisoners do for purposes of sloep. Meantime ïffenüs wore busv endeavoring to effect a release on bail without however beiiig suocessi'ul. Tle following raorniüg a considerable iiumber uf student friends quietly atood about the coVtTPTnruwimm g xae brtugiijg from j-iil for arraignmPn u a coutt of jnstiee those arrested the evening ]icviom. Abüut 10 A. M., the pólice escorted the prisoners to Justice Olark's oriico where they gu,ve tlieir natues as Win. ï. Drulatd, Frank P. WilliainB, Is'dore Burristine, Lewis Knapp, An.iii'w L. Dencl and Joseph Charles. E ieh was charged vvith disturbin the peace, riotous conduot, defying officers, &o., all pleading uot guilty. Trial was set down for Nov. 4 at 10 A. M . Messrs. Cramer and Frazerare retained for the defense; city attorney Sessions for the People. Incidental to the affair of the evening before a small crowd asseuibled upon Huron street, addressed by Thomas Haley to which the students present took exception to his reiuarks. As a body they pushed him three times from the walk. Naturally Mr. Haley resented this sort of treatment, and, singling the one he believed most guilty proceeded to administer ohastisement, whereupon the assailed, Lewis Brucker, obtained a warrant for his assailant's arrest. Mr. Haley promptly appeared ia Justice Granger's coúrt, plead guilty and was fined $7. He immediately procured a warrant for Mr. Brucker, oharging him with disturbing the peace, trial of which is set down by Justice Granger for Monday next. Apprehensive of further disorder on Wednesday evening a considerable nuinber of special pólice were ordered on duty at the post office for the evening. At 6:30 students began to arrive in squads. It was noticoable they did not as usual after calliug for their mail, return to their boarding places, but instead stood on both sides of the street, tintil arrival after arrival swelled the crowd thut effectually embargoed ingress and egress at the post office. Mayor Smith appearing upon the scène ordered the gatherinsr to disperse. At this commaud the studonta set up a howl and hüot refusing to move from their standing places. As soon aa possible the bell on Fireman's Hall rang, a signa! for the assembling of Company A. In as short a time as possible forty bera under cemmand of Captain Manly paraded the streets and with fixed bayonets charged upon the crowds lioiug the sidewalks dispsrsing them like chaff bei'ore the wind. Louis Taylor, bookkeeper in the National Bank, standing upon Huron street when a charge wus ordered received a bayonet wound in the lot't thigh, and others were slightly hurt. ïwo members of the oompany, Z. Roath, salesmau in Bach & Abel's dry goods house was hit in the back by a stone from the hands of an unknown person ; Gillio Pitki u . salesmau in J. N. Gott's dry goods house was struck U] on tho shoulder with a club in the h nnds of an unknown person ; other meiubers of the compauy reoeiving alight injuries. Eather than pass the night in duranue vile oue of the eight arrestad, ws permitt"d to plead guilty ami pay a fine "t $7. The others aojourned wilh tho sheriff uutil yesterday jnorning wbeu I they were arraigued before Justioe Uranger. No one appearing to enter coinplaint they were discharged. It appears that most of them were arrested by unauthorized persons who preferred not to appear in court and exposé their assumed authority. We wero unable to obtain tlie natnes of the last batch arrested, some of whom we are Batisfied were placed in jaü without provocation. One or more of the number alleged to be guilty of disturbance will probably be corupelled to answer for unbecoming conduct.


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