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- Annual session of tho state grange at Lansing, Dec. 9. - Albert Cheever of Ridgeway is victira No. 16 of the Adrián horror. ■ - Five divorce oases are pending in the Jaokson circuit courMhis term. - Jackson is putting on airs by asking government to provide í'or a freo mail delivery. - Riley P. Young, of Hilisdale, has been fined for disposing of moitgaged property. - Tho serious charge of incest against Alinoo üpdyko of Grass Lake has been withdrawn. - Sinoe Doerfield put on a foniale pólice forcé, all the young and even old mor., all singing : "Oh, give us arre&t!" - The Shiawassee Atlas, a greenback organ, admita that over one-half of the newspapera of that fuith havo oollapsed since 1878. - Prof. Payno of the University is announced to address the Lenawee County tdiichera' MSOoiatiou to meet at Adrián Doe. 0. - Es-Sheriff E. E. Lowe of Stockbridge, Ingham county, has been sick for three years and begius to think it a little monotonous. - The Clinton paper romarking there was a fino opening for a lawyer in that village, tho Ailriun Press believea it to be in tho cometery. - A bad youth John Woodard of Morenoi, aged 14, must be. To tbo reform school he goes to remain until he is a votar, for larceny. -Mr. Taft of Deerfield says ho raised 320 bushels of potatoes from an acre. This statement let the reader observo has no affidavit attached. - The prosecuting attorney of Jackson county states that uuder the new law, eider oannot be retailed by the glass unless a licenae is obtained. - Hilladale county will voto next spring on a proposition to build a $16,000 jai], and Calhoun county would like au opportunity to do likewise. - Albert Beek of Lansing, after leading a life of extreme dissipation took a dose of morphine that brought a sudden, and ia thought, fatal termination. - The reason why tho liquor law is not enforced in Pontiac on the Sabbath, ia because tho marshal is not employed on that day and does not care to work for nothing. - iiesuniption ot specie payments, says the Adrián Press "gave the gospel such a bad squeeze in Manchester that the Presbyterian clergyman wouldn't work any longer on promises." - Judson Yüling of Honrell, aged 11, was allowed to go hunting with a gun. When he cauie back it was necessary to ampútate one of his hands. 'He had hauled his gun over a fence by the muzzle. - The Clinton News editor wont up the lakes for a. vacation. Now he is crowiug over a seven pound girl. The editor of the Artri.. rt-tm announoes mus early that he will take a vacation in 1880. - The supervisors of Huron county reduood the salaries of county officers. The sheriff resignod ; the board aooepted his resignation, and afterwards reconsidered the acoeptauce, and will pay Lim as heretofore. - A ra an in Hillsdale, named "Winchell, tñg 1"W"iftJlWií14ihfS(Ifi'?'iA& "■tJifimi1ü% strychnine in a saok of flour, ako in their tea. He confessed the crime, but pleads insanity. - At a citizen's meeting at Adrián, a systeniatic plan for raising funds for the relief for the needy wounded of the grand stand disaster was adopted, and the work will be carried into every township of the county. - Jacob D. Crouch, of near Jackson, was robbed last Friday night of $1 000 in cash and a deposit certifícate for $G00. He is one of the richest men in Jackson county, and had just drawn the rnoney froni the bank to buy a mortgage. - A bald-headod sinner in one of the Masón churches passed a nickle to the Lord's credit as the contribution man passed down the aisle, but reconsidered the matter, and stopping on bis way back, demanded four cents in change. - A report is current at Battle Creek that an attompt was recently made to blow up the house of the rich and somewhat famous Jim Pugsley. Of course the idea cariïeil by the report was that it was done to get rid of Pugsley and certain documents. - The Port Hurón Times sets forth that the meeting held in that city to consider rneans for governing it on a non-partisan basis was a success, but news otherwiso represent that those who went thore, deinocrats or republicana, carne away as bitter partisans as ever ; aud that, as a general thing, while there they would listen to no word of a surrender of party advautage or party poBition. - Atnong tbo narrow escapes at the Adriun grand stand disaster were James B. Colvin and kis daughter Josie, and Miases Lulu and Ettio ïcfft of Raisin. Mr. Colvin and Josio were seated near the top aud center of the stand and oauie down with the wreek, but fortunatoly escaped unhurt. Tho Misses Ttfft had just got tickets for the grand stand, and woro near th top of the; steps leadiug thereon, when it feil. - A yonng fellow by the name of Teimey living at New Hudson was attacked about two weeks since with convulsions, which proved to be the result of hydrophobia. He was bitten about tvvo years ago by a rabid dog. He is perfectly rational between spasms. And while in one knows what he is doing, but is unable to control biniself. While ho is in u tit he barks und howls, and bites like a dog, but does not froth at tho moutb ; nor does he bito in every spasm. He knows whon a spasm is appronching and what its cbaraoter is, and warna bis attendants accordingly. Are y ou iii tho $5,000 clase? If so your certifícate is worth over $1,500. - Are yon in tho ?2,000 class'r1 If so your certifícate is worth over $500. Aro you in both ciasses? If so you have over 12,000 insurance. Only ono assessment of $1 in either class sinos June 1, 1879. Cheapest and best insurftneeiu the world. Only $4 to join. Office, coruer of Lafayette avenue and Griswold street. Detroit. Mutual bouetit uBsociution:


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