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Detroit Markets

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ífI,OUK- Oity pastry brands 6 50 6 75 State brauds 6 50@6 75 Patenta 6 60(g8 50 Low grades 8 50;24 OU Kye 5 25@5 50 W heat- Extra white 1 2Uffll 33 No. 1 white 1 20@l 32 Amber 1 20 gl 30 Bamjcï- $1 30@l 45 per 100 lbB. CJOBH- 45@ 0c per banu. Oats - 8350 per bu. RïE- 60@65o per bush. -T,T,_cioTer #5 50g5 70 per bu Tiniüiüj -a-o Anft,} vft Beans- önpicked $lii $1 2J per oubi , rt..i ed $1 4D@1 55. Peas- Green, $1 5J(3il 65 per ba. Field, $1 00 @1 10Beeswax - )6 @ 22 per pound. Bctter - Prime quality, 14(j$i7. 51liunj 7 @ 14o CïtANBERRrES - 2 lü@2 '25 per bu. Hops- 3ü@35 o per lb. Apples- 1 5U@2 00 per bbl. Dkied Appleb - 5@ "s. per lb, Dbied Peaches. - 12@14 cta, Eoas - Fresh 15(5jl8c. - - uiukuuï liuis - -nüL'UDíirK, -ijil 25 per bu. Chebtnuü - $2 50 per bu. Honey - 12@14c per lb. Onions- State %% ()0@2 25per bbl. Peaks.- 4 004 50 per bbl. Cabbaoes - $3 50@3 75 per 100. Potatoes- $1 20 @ 1 50 per bbl. Frm store 30@40 o per bu. 1'urnipb- $1 00@l 25 per bbl. Sqdashes - $1 001 25 Der doz. Poultuy - Live cbickens, 40@45 c per pair Game - $Duck, common and teal, 30iï35c peí pair;ma lardfi, 55@60c per pair; pariridgea, 65(S6íc per p ir; quail, $2 25 @2 50; rabbits, 1 15; snipe, $lgl 20 equirrels, 75@8) c; veniaon. caacasses 5ö7c FiSH- Whitefish, $4 25@4 50 per half barrel trout f3 25(3 51) per half bbl. Tallow - 5 o per pound. 1"bovisions - Pork MeBB f 11 50ig$ll 75; .bar;: 6-iiil; Smoked Hame, 8@10 öhoui ders, 5((i6o; Baoon, 7c; Pïtr Mes Beef, $10 00@lG.50 per bbl. Dried beef 11@12 c. Pait- Haeinuw, $1 20@l 28per bbl; Onondsr1 28@1Ï3O. Wgod - Hiekory $4 25 @4 50 per corri ; mapl $5; beech and maple, 3 75@4 00 soft $2 75. Detroit Stock Market. The receipts of live Btock at the Michi Han Central stock yards last week werp (Jattle, 874; bogs, 10,383; wheep, 4,221 The cattle rnarket was active at au ad vaneo of 12i@25c per cwt on all grades o stock, due partially to the cold weather and partially to the improved quality o che stock oflered for sale. Sales weie a? íbllows: 22 mixed butoherlng head, av 800 lbs, at $2 75 per cwi; 9 mixed butcli eringliead, av 727 Iba, ut Í2 60 perewt; '. steerss, av856 lbs, at ?2 75 per cwt; 8 mixei butcuering cattle, av 888 lbs, at $2 50 pei cwt; 22goodstper,av 1,040 lbs, at$3 Ü5 per cwt; 15 mixed butcheriiig cattle, av 1,03 lbs, at $2 60 per cwt; 8 good steers, av 98( $3 40 per cwt; 13 bulchering head av 928 lbs, at $2 60 per cwt 8 good betren v 800 lbs, at Í3 per cwt; 1 buil, 1,400 lbs at $S per cwt; 24butohering steers, av76( lbs, at 2 75 per cwt; 10 mixed butebering cattle, av 725 lbs, at $2 75 per cwt; 2. mixed butohering cattle, av 811 lbs, a $2 60 perewt; Ü5 butchering cattle, a 730 lbs, at $2 6ü perewt. The hog rnarket was active at the previous wetïi's prioes. Sales were as folio ws: 72, av 210 lbs, at 3 55 per cwt; 78 av 240 lbs, at $2 60 per cwt; 61, av 321 Ib.s at $3 50 per cwt; 60 av 206 lbs, at f3 5( per cwt; 54, av 297 lbs, at $3 55 per cwt 26, av25(llbs, at f 3 55 perewt; 39 av 2f2 lbs, ai f8 55 per cwt; 68, av 207 lbs, at Ï3 55 perowt;37, av 233 lbs, at $3 50 per cwt; 41 av 233 lbs, at $; 50 per cwt; 49 av 257 lbs, at $3 55 perewt; 10T, av2e3 iba, at 8 5ft per cwt.; 32, av 268 lbs, at ■f3 55 por cwt; 70, av Ï40 lbs, at $3 65 per cwt; 61, av 250 lbs, at f3 05 per cwt; 78, av 232 !bs, at 3 55 per cwt; 40, av 31 lbs, at 3 60 por cwt; 63, av 2-13 lbs, at $3 5. per cwt; 109, av 220 lbs, at $3 55 per cwt; 94, av238 lbs. a' 3 65 ner cwt.


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