
TUK SV'ÍÍ KOU. ISSO. The Suv will dnl wilh the eveots of the year 183C in its own laslnnn now pretty wet i underolootl hy everybody. From Jnnutiry 1 umii Decembw :il irwUl le conriucted a a nwpaper w ritten in the Èiurlish laoL'UtiKe und printea fot ibe whole p ople. As a newspaper, Thb Sun bellevoa in ettin all tti ni'ws uf the worM promptly, and prewntiBflr il in ihe most intetligihla shape - tli stiape iliat. will enable it readers to keep veil nbrensi of the age with the lmipt improductiva expnlitare of time. Th1 preatest la te rest to the (rreatest nuniber - thnt la the law controlllng lts rfaüy m;ike-up. Il now has A eirciilütioTi very mncJi Urr tltitn that oi nny otlu'r American uewsp-iptT, and enjoya an income which it ia ut rtll rimes prep-tred to spe ad llbernlly for the benefit of ita readers Peopie of' all conditiona of life ind all w.ivs of thinking buy and read Thc, Sun ; and tin y all derive Batkittction of sume aort from its columns, for they keep on buyiiifr atnl readinj; it. In its coinnients on men and affnirs, The Sun he Heves that tlie onlv gul ie of pol ie. y shoutd be common i-ense. inspind by germine Anierieatl principies and b icked by 1-onesty of purpose. Por this reason it is, and will continue to be, absolatelf independent of party, class dique, orgsutlztii ion, or interest. It is for all, but of none. It wil! continue topreUe what ï good and repróbate what is (ivil, taking eaiv that its lan ff tinge is to the point and i-Uní, beyoad the pos-ibiliiy of being misunders'ood. It íh unirfluenced by motives that do i.ot appear on the Mirface: it has no opinión to sell. s.ivi; those which muy be had ly any pttrchKser with two cents. It lurtes injustice und rusculUy even more thn it hates u n nccessury wnrds. It abhora fmuds, pitiL-8 fools, and deplores niño unpoops of every Kpi-cieB Itwi.l oontinue throughout the year 1SÍW to chHStise the Hret cluss, in-truet the second, nd fllacountenance the ttiird All honest men, wiih honest convictions, whether sound or mistaken, are lts triendá. And THB Bum inakwi no boneBof teiliiiii tlie trutli to ïts frienda nnd ahrut its f rienda whenevet occasion aiiscs lor plaln ■peaktng. These tre Hit; principies upon whioh The Sun will becimducted du ring the yent to cune. The year 1SS will bc mie in whicli nu pniriotlc Amerieaneaaaffwrd to close hls eyes to public af faire. It i-impoFsit)le to wtaffffpruie theimporianec of thp politicnl ;venlH which il luis in !(!■■, or the oeeessity of resohite vigilrtcee on the pari of every eitlzeD uii o dnsires to preserve tlie (overnment that tlie foundem gave us. The debetea nd acts of Oongresa, the utternnoet of the prese, the eatciting contesta of the Hepuhlican and Dem oc rat! o parlies, now nearly equtti in strenetl) thronphmt tlie country, the varyiug drilt of public sentiment, will nl[ benr direetly and etle-tively upon the twentyfourth Presidential election,to be held in NoVémber. Four yeara figo next Novpiiiber, tbc will of the nation, us expifssel nt the polls, was thwarted by an abonainable eonpiiacy, the promoten and beueficiarleti of which still hold the offices they 8'ole. WiH the crime of lSTfi be repetited in WSOi? The past decide ot yeara openttd wiih aconupt, extru vagan t, and (ní'olent AdralnUtritlon ha t rene h ed al Washington. TiikStn dld sometliing iowrd dulodgloK thegHüg andbreuklng is power. The sam.i men are now int rlguin to restore tlwit leader iiTid themtelres to pluces from which thev were drivenby lbo isdignfttíon oi thejpenple. N iM tbey BUCCeed? The coming year will biinfT the Hüswera to those momentous qviestions. 'I'uk 8HN will he on ha-nd to ch oniele the facto as tlicy are developed, and lo exhibii them e earty nnd fearlessly in their relutlon lo expediency nnd righ. Tlius. wth a halvit of philoBOphionl goofl humor in lonking at the minor tliurs ut lito, and in grent thinga h steadfasl purpose 'o maintain the righta oí the peoplü and tae principies (f tlie Coimtitution agaiiut uil aggreesora, tuf bun i prennred (o write ti iruihful, instructive, and entertiiiniug histury of 18S0 Üur ratceof subscnpiion remain unchanged. For the uaïly bUN, a four-pnee sheet of twr n(y-eiht columns, the prine by mail, poatpafd, is 55 oenfes ft ni"LiUt, or Stí'5O i year ur, tnctudittg the Sutiday papar, an eiglitpage t-heet ot filty-six columns, the pnet is 03 cents u month or S7.7O a year, postale IKii'l The Sundny dition of thb bon is alo fumished ■eparately at Sl.'íO a year, putriage paid. The priee oí the wkkklv suk, eight paes, fiftysix columns, is SI a year, postume paid. For r.iubft ai ten üeiiding 1S10 we will sendan sxtra oopy tree. Address I. W. KNGLAND, TuMldhcr of tue bcn, Kew York City.
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