
LEGAL NOTICES. ( Estafo of Roger W. Walker. STATE OF MICHIGAN, COUNTY of Wadhtenaw, ss. At a session oi the Probate Court for the County of Washtenaw. holden ut the Probate Office in the city of Ann Arbor, on Tuesday, the twenty-elghth day of Uctober, in the year UBfl tbousand eight humlnd and sevtiity-nine. Present, VVtlllara 1). Rar riman, Judgeof Probate. hi ihe matter of the estáte oi" liogt-r W. Walker, deeeased. Atbie T. Walker, admlnUtratrix of said c-dm..-omes iuto court and represent s that sbe is now prepared to render her final account as such dámiiíi-trrtti íx . Thereuponitisordered,that Tuesday, the twt-ntyflfth dav of Novemfter BGlt, at ten oYlocl; in the lurunoon, be assigned for examimng and allo w ing xucti BCCUUUl, and that theheirsat la of said de eease.d, and all other persons interested n said estate, are reiiuired to appear at a sessiun oí í-uid :ourt, then to be holden at the Probate Office in the city of Ann Ardor, in saia county, and shon :ause "if ftny there be, wliy the siü'l account should not be allowed : And it is further ordered, that said administratril give i.otice to the peruons intere.sted in siiid estáte, of the pendeix y of sititi account ind tlie hearing thereof, by causinp a copy of this order t Ke publUhed in the Ann AkbdhAk cuunty, three succcssive weeks previous to said day of hearing, WILLIAM D. ÏÏAUKIMAN, (A truecopy.) Julge of Probate. Wu. G. DÓTT, Probate Register. Estáte of Nancy Wiieeler. RÍTATE OF MICHIGAN, COUNTY IO oí Wtislitenuw, ms. At ase&sumol tlie Probate Oourt ter the Cmmty of Waebtenaw. holden ut the iTobnte OÜice in the city of win Arbor. on SaturJuy, the twenty-Üf'h ÚJ ot October, in the yoar ne thousitnd ei"ht huudred and seventy-iiine. Present, Willtam D. Ilanimim, Judu e ut l'robate. [n the matter of the estáte of Nancy W heek-r, deceiistd. Charles G. Wheeler, adininistratur with the ill unnexud ot Buidtïatiite, comes into court and repie.Heutsthut lie ia now prepured to r-ndt-r hia fiuul tücouiit af sucb udmiiiiwtralor. Thereupuu il is urürd, tlmtSaturday, the twenly-secoud day of November next, at ten o'uluek in the foreiïoo, be asslgndd furexainining and allowiug such accuun t, and thut the deviseets, legutots, rtnd liuirs at law of said deceased, aml all otht-r persona interested in said estáte, are requïred to ippear at a wwlon ot said Court, then to be holden a tht' Prubtite Utiice in the city of Ann Arlor in aiü county, and show canse il' any thcre be, why siiid accouni should aot be allowctl : And it is t'urther ordered that said administra' or give notice lo the persons interested in said estnte, of the pendenoy of said account and the hearinp tbereoi, by causing a eopy ui' this order to be published in the Ann Aubok Akgus, a imwspaper printed and circulatinp in suil county, tbiee successive weeks previous to said day of liearing. WILL1AMD HARRIMAN, f A truecopy.) .Tudgc of Xrobate. WM. G. Doty, Probate Register. Mort ga ge Sale. DEFAULT OF PAYMENT HAVING ben made of a oertal o nxntgnge made by August koppand Pau line Kopp hu wifé to Alunzo t;iark, dated Muroh 20, A. D. I87tï, and recorded in ilie Kegistt-r ol Dewls otti. e tor Wnsbteuaw county, Michigan, on the 2:ïd day oi ' Man-b A. D. 187tï, ut fil4 oVloek p M-, in liber 54 of mortgnges on page 90, and on whicn roorig.tffe there now remaina due HAd owing the Bumuf three bundrod nnd seventytwoand lü-10 dullars, the iurtber turn of Mm e hundrcil dollars oí' principal with the in erestthereou accrullg frcm Mart-h "20, A. D. S7Ü, at ten per cent. tiereat'ter to bccoine due according to the term& of aid mortgiige, and no proeeedtiuri at law or equiiy haviiifi bten taken tor the collection theieof: Motici is tbercfore herehy given that by virtue of the power aud provisions in snid moTtgage containei, nnd for the purpose of realiziug the payment of the monies now as aforesaid due and owing on said mortgape, tugether witb ihe inteiest to accrue thereon at ten per cent., ándeosla and charras oí lureclosure, including n attorney íee ppecified in said morttiu, I shall, on the Twentï foubtii day ofJaküaby, A.D. 0, at 12 o'clock m., wil t public vendue to the highest bidder at the front door ol the Coort House in the city of Ann Arbor, Wa8htuaw County, Michigan, subject to the remaiDing principal, and inteiect unaccrued, nut yct due, all tnat certain traet or pnrcel of bind being and lying in the townahip of Bridgevvater, county of Washtenaw and stnte of Michigan, kiiown and bounded as lollows, to wit : Connnenein on tlie niiddlt) of the highway in the quarter section line in seciion number t wenty in township number tour south of ranpe nnmber foureat twfnty two 'jh:iin and twenly-two links south í'rom the quaiter post in north In e of B;iid seotion numlier twonty; thence 8outh nlong said quarter line sixteen rods and aix links lo n stake; thence northeasterly t wenty three rods and tive and one-hali links toa stake; thence north to center of mili road sixteen rods and six links; thtnee uoulhwestwardly alon? the center f inill road to the place of begin n ing, contaiuing three aerts of l;tnd be the same more or leas. Dated, Uctober 26, 1879. A 1,0 ZO CLARK, Mortgagee. E.B. Wood, Attorney for Mortgagee. Estáte of William Myers. STATE OP MICHIGAN. COUNTY of Wnelitenaw. ss. At a Bestión of the Probate Ui urt for the Couuty of Washten -w, holden at the Piubate Office, ín the city of Ami Arbor.oii Wednettday, the tifteenth diy of October, in the year one thounand eight hundred and seventy-nine Present, Willist D. Hairiman, Judp' o Probate. In the matter of the est'ite of Willium Myers, dt cea sed On r-adinr and filint? the petition duly verified of Charles H. Kempf, prayintr tliat a cerlain in&truracnt riMw on fiie in this Court. purporting to be the tuut Will and Ti-tüment of snid oeeeasod, mny be admitted to probate, aud that he may b appointed exfcutortln-rcitf. Ttaereupon tt isorderod, tbal Mondny, the tentb day oi Noveuibcr next, at ten o'clock in the ioronoou, be assipned tor the hearing ol waid petítion.HTid that tiw devisen, ley at ets and ln-irstt law oí Kaid dfucacd. and uUother penunn intpreated j in siiid estáte, are requirfd to app.r at aseasion of aid court, tlien to be holden ;it the rr.l)ate Office in the city oí' uní Albor, and show cauee, if any there bn, why the pniyer of the petitionrr hould nut be gninted : And it is iurther orderei1 that sitid petition er ttive uotice lo the persons i'tersted in said -state, of the pendency of said petition itnd the benrinir tierpoi, by caTisintr :i copy ol tbil or3er to be publlwhd in 'the Michigan AnflFS, n npwspfl]er ])rinied and circulated in said countr, thrtasuoceBBive week prcvimn to caid d:iy ot hesrinp. W1LLÍAM D IIARRÏMAN, f A t.rue opy.) lu'ltfe of Probate Wm. O. Doty. Probate Reitiater. Our departiniMit of La1ies' Neckwrur üoraprUes an elppant line of Lces in Breton, Duchessp, Pointe, etc, and noveltie8 in Bows. Ties, Jubots, etü. Everything new and fasbionWe. Bach & Abei,
Old News
Ann Arbor Argus