The University

Several of the Toronto foot-ball team spent Sunday last with the boys here. Last week Professor Payne heard the first recitation in pedagógica in the United States. - One hundred and forty ladies are gtudyiug in the different departmonts of the University. - Owing to tho lecture in University Hall to-night, all the Hterary societies met last night. - A large nunibpr of law students of the law department are studying short hand this year. - Almost $4,000 worth of museum cases and furniture will be oidered for the new museum building. -Professor Palmer will return froni Europe in titue to attend his classes iramedintely after the Christiuas vacation. - A complete set of lueteorologieal instrument have been ordered for tho observatory at an expense of about #850.00. - Messrs. Sprague.Bingham and Cone have been ppointed a committee to miiki! arrangements for the Senior law class picture. - The Sophomore class have passed resolutions of respect aud regret for the late deceased member of their class, Homer A. Skidmore. -The Temple Quartetto of Boston, Mass., give a concert to-night in the Methodist church, under the auspices ot the Student's Lecture Association. - The law department has appointed a committee of six to meet a committee froui the other professional schools in reference to starting a University paper. - The work of collecting the one dollar iisseosment placed upon the students for defraying litigation expenses, is being pushed and the money is paid cheer fully. Several new features will be added to the Palladium this year. It will be iucreased in size, the natues of books written by the Professors will follow their author's names, etc. -About 250 students attended the foot ball match at Detroit lust Sitturdny between the University and Toronto toums. It was one of the fairest and most hotly contestad games evnr plnyed in the park, ending in a draw, as neither team made a. goal. - Mrs. Abby Sage Riehtrdson wis greeted with a fair sized audieuce at the M. E. church last Friday evening, at which place the lectures and concerts brouglit here by the student will take place until the new tieating apparntus for the University is put in working order.
Old News
Ann Arbor Argus