Ann Arbor City Markets

Carelullj Revisad iVeekly hy the 1'ublinher. Vs Akuub, Nov. 6. Beuns- Wanted at 7S$1. Cali sKiii - 9e. Kip Te. Cuni- Shelied 4i c ; e ir 20c. Hiiles- SVc green ; cured la7. Oats- 25c. LdmlskMis.10a40c. Sheurlings 15a25c. Nuw l'otatoes - 3fc. HETiLIL HATES. Beau - 5c per quart. ld ui - i tets per tiundred. Butter- 18c. t:hft-8e - 14c. Ooru- '2óc eir; shelled ■rï.;ic. Corn Heal- Oorsel.lO; S1.7S boltfd. EPl!,_lr. Flour- il. Putent S,5 P1 barrel. (round Kei'l- Sl.lo pt-r UuiiJi i-il or $1( per ton. Hams - Suühï' cured 12c. lluiniiiy- t per lb. 18c. Lard- 8c tlutB- We. Oalmeal - 1c. l'ot atoes - 5". p(rk - lrch 6a8c ; Balt 8aI0c Ruit- OmmilHgKil.61!, Saginaw SI. 40. Shoulders - 7c. Binceourlaat quotution of l,10, wheat hm ad vaneed toSl.ïO wlii.'h h:i heen the ruling ligare tb past week. Keceipt moderate. l'rire of clover f eed has declined to H.tiO for best No. I brn'-'BÍ4.a' Pork ipens liinher than nul. Farmnrs are m ou to contract ut eoing r;ite $4.5" tt 84 75, bn hutchenmn sly piTchasing only what tliey nee lor daily use. Muttwi hy the carcasa is worth 6 6 1-2 ceuts; laiob 8, beef 46 ceatB. Caiokens Ca foU 4%tnrkic and dack 10 cent.
Old News
Ann Arbor Argus