Death Of Senator Chandler

The leader of the Republican party, a senator in Congre38, the most distinguished citizen of this state, a suecessful merchant and wealthycitizen.Zichariah Chandler, died in Chicago early Saturday niorning, in the 6Gth year of hia age, of heart disease. Mr. Chaudler delivered one of hia eharacteristic sledgeh minier speeches to a crowded audience the evening before, retiring about midnight, complaiuing of a cold, and was found in 'hu morning dead, in bed. Mr. Cbandler fílled a very important niche in the political affitirs of this country. He was a man wKoin tinturo had eudowed with peculiar qualities, such as are needed in eventf ui cases, whcri) resolution of purpose hesitates at no obatacle. In the arena of political o .iiiibat, he was not a biilliaut gladiator, but wlnit he sail contained a pitli that, it' not Htudied or ulaKsical, was stern logic, to Uie purpose, and went straight into the ent my's camp. He did not shoot at randoin nor with suiall bore weapous, but in true coluinbiad style. He was noted the country over for a wonderful dtgree of courage in inaintaining his opinions. He did not care for unpopularity ; he did not stop to consider how his opinions ruight be re ceived; he moved on defiantly in the face of the enemy with an andacity that provoked aduiiration. He was naturally happiest when leading his political friends into nction. At the outbreak of tha war when party ehiefs were frightened nearly out of their boots running hitherand thitber with peace propositions, Chandler, frora hia seat in toe senate denounced thein all as the manifestations of cowardice. A revival of the memory will bring to ininil bis famous blood-letting letter written near the opening of the rebellijn. It is an universal belief that Ilayes owes bis present position more to Chandler tban to all the hair-splitting attorneye that appeared before the electoral commiaaion. While others hesitated, doubted, dallied, he inaisted Hijea was elected, and, as chairman of the Eepublican national committee issued a proclation of that purport on the uiorning following thö day of election, frooi which he did not recade. For a party einergency like that which befel bis own in 1876-7 there were few Chandlers Yet, the uiaa for whoin he was rendering nlmost superhuman aid, once ensconced in the white house, turned the cold shoulder upon the power that did him such signal service. Chaudler came to Michigan to await results. About the time Hayes' aduiiniatration beparae the most impopular and demoralizution threatened on all aide?, Chaudler was re-elected senator. Taking hia seat at thw time when the bill pensioning the soldiers of the Mexican war which would include Jeff Davis was uudercon■ideration, he made a speech denouncing it that attracted wide attention. It was a stal wart effort and from that hour there began a revival in the party. - Stalwartism took root and grew until tbo entire party became stalwartr. Where was despondency before, there aroso hope, and all the hopes came ibrougU llio i-vy uute sounded by Zachniah Chandler. Mr. Chandler cut a em&U figure in national politics duriug the days of its fathers. Wuile Seward, Greeley, Sutuut-r, Chase and others lived, he took a b ick seat. But as the party grew weak and state after state deserted it, men of resolute purpoie like Chandler grew into a necessity. He was therefore made ohairman of the national committee of liis party in 1876, and the success of Hayes is largely due to his shrewdness ís an orgauizer and inflexible purpose to seu him inaugurated let it oost whtit it luay. In Michigan Chandler was strong. - The party had been his to do with it as he tbought best so long that opposition rurely troubled him. He held the reina of the inachiue, controlled the leading newspaper of the party, diotating ita eiuididates and policy. He was a pulitioal king iu this realtn. Every custom houSH official and postmaster constituted his body guard. Who will succeed hiin ia already a matter of speculatiou. - Bagley will attetnpt it, but Burrowa, Conger, Eynd and others will contest. Funeral services wero held on Weduesday, the body lying in state froui 8 A M., until 1 P. M., in the city hall.
Old News
Ann Arbor Argus