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- Shakespeare was married at 18. - King Alfonso' secoud niarriagp, Dec. 1. - Gen. Hooker's estáte is estiraated at $50,000. - Mrs. Senator Davis died lately at Lenox, Mass. - Played out and worn out is George Francia Train. - Although full three score in years Lucy Stone hankors aftor the ballot as badly as ever. - Bishop Cheney arrived home in Chicago Thursday last from a four months' trip in Europe. - James Gordon Bennett sailed for Europe on the 8th inst. to spond the winter in ludia. - Eev. Dr. Robín married Col. John Buzzard to Miss EleanorCrow the other day. All of Statesville, N. C. - After an absenoe of six years Adalina Patti has returned to Paris. She is now 36 years oíd, or claims to be, though she has been singmg on tho stage for over 20 years. AU wool oashmfires at Bach & Abel's, 20 per cent, cheaper thaa auy other house iu the city. ■!■ II. . Ifc is wonderful how the Udies rush to Bach & AbeVe.for new goeds. Thomns F. Biyard is a statesman of itigh rank, a thorough-bred gentleman. Eminent as be is, thrce things will prevent bis nomination to the Presidency. First, Delaware contribu tra only six votes to tho electoral college, and she will sustain the noiuinee whoever he mny b?, Sccond, Bnyard favored the 'oiination and became a member of the electoral commission tbat comruitted the 'rentest fraud known to history. Third, 119 state alone maintama the wbipping Tast, a lelie of babarism, which ouirlit ;o have been abolished years ago. Two words from Viira would liavedoneit at any time in the past. If there was a doubt iefore, the late elections demónstrate one fact positively, that the noniinee nust be a resident of tho great stato of S'öw York, whioh will havo to be carried to ensure victory. Four times the peojjle of Massachnsetts lavehad the chance to secure tho services of Gen. Butler as their Governor, and bur times they have elected the other man, A less plncky and persistent poli;ician would concludo that be wasn't appieciated in the bleak commonwoalth, and would migrate to more congenia climes. But Butler is a queer fellow 'or sticking to anything he has once undertaken, and notice is served that, if ie is alive, he will again bo a candidato :or the Governorship in 1881. Meanwhilo, by way of passing the time, he is joing to run for Coogress. His election would add not a little to the interest and Iïvelïnoss of tiro dohafo Tïi Souse is inclined to be rather a dull body, and Butler has the knack of stirring it up.


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