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Reformed Funerals

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Tin-: Roman Catholic priest in Jersey 'it v nho refnsod the other day to open bis church fora funeral because there ivere more carriages in the procesión tirni geerued to be proper, howerer harsh the proceeding niay have seemed lo the persona Immediately cbïcerned, took a step in the right direction. Jn esplaining his conduct afterward lie said Umi expensive obsequies had come to he a great abuse; that personé who eould ill afford to do bo paid lnr-e suma oí money in vain show npoD the deatfa of their friendsor rejatives; that he had known of cases in whidi ari extravagant outlay for this pnrpoaehad lefl the survivors without sufHcient food ii tiie house, or money lo huy it: and that the clergymen of his diocese bad belieyed it i !)(■ nécossary to interfëre with the praetice so ña as to specify the ntimber oí carriages to be hired for a funeral, :'.ri:l to elose thcir doors agilinsl tiit' services whcn tliat nunibcr ahould i' fesceoedet?. The abuse referred to is n familiar oi'c, and :li:'v wüo Indulge in t and sulfer from ü are usually persons who can least lifford it. Tlie strohg hold wiiidi a weakness for parade oí tnis sort lias on some rainda was grotesqUely illustrated in the cas to lii.h we refer. Afir:' the carriages in excess of tiii specified numb'ér had been sent ftway tin1 ehnrch was opened and tin; services tooh plaoe. Thcn as the pro i way to the burial place, the rejected rel 11 into line, and the priest was oútwitted by the niourn(",■. A reform in t!is matter and iliiT.'is do doubt that somc impïovement has been made in twenty yars - may properly begin among those who are loas! injnríoñslj affected by tlie rich or well-to-do sel au nple oi moderation, the peor- who the proudest and rao I sensitíve cías -may be more easilv influenced in trial wise din-c! 'on. The foHowing advertisement, which wc take from :i late nnniber of tlie 1-': 'J'iiticn, shows that the subject ong ago ted attention in Engfand : "i' i Piñotrals- The Punenál Crnnpfltiy TTÍP eMílblísllOf] !■ ■■ ! pmt: !(■((. inimy filid reform in ïl 13. 01 rtreét, E. ('., bhk] 83 Uiiki v -m ■■(. V.'. ■■.'■. i.Kx re Bono, Gi nrral Miinti(ror." Bo that at least thirty-six years sgoft at toward " fnneral economy and reform" began. Prejtely what its methods are does nol ap] from tl. e advertisefnent- whether t looks to a eurtaillucW of the incidents of mortuary ahowand parada, or only to a cheapening of tlu-m. 'J'hal somebödy deriveg a pro!:! from the schenae is evident from a rival ádvertisenient whieh follo'.vs hard after the onc iiioti'fl: " Kflnj-rncd Funeroi?. - Beware of imitativa competjtors.- The Reformed Fnni'iül C cnpany'e olikiee ate - 53 City Road, Finsbury Bqware, I".. ('.; :l Cambridge Placo, Ñorfork Sqirare, W.: an1 10 Bomore Koad, West KenHinylrm. - Halford Luoton Mills. The enterprising tradesmen pn.sli thcir Way, so to speak, to the very portáis of Ihe tomli, and scuílle for cttstom, as it were pon the eriunbling brink of the gravo. This is in accordanee with commercial human nature; and, whatever may bc said of the taste of tho fhing, it is scarcely more objectionablo in this respect th'an are the extravagant exhibitions which "funeral eeonoinv and reform " are íntencted to check. The matter is not mcrelv one of money. The obtrusive and effusive public setting which is sonictimes inven to private woe, and private joy as cll. is of doubtful consisteney with real reh'nement. The exampleof tlie New Jersey priest might well be imitated by clergymen everywhere, in spirit at least, and so far as to discourage funeral ostentation. The people thcnisilve.. however, should be the active reformers; and the announcement 'lno flowers,"' which is now often seen in obituary advertisements, may well serve as a precedent for tasteful moderatten in other particulftrs. - X. y. Evenintj Past. Crops must ca' as wel] as the ovmer, and therefore the soil should be well maunred ; crops which leave land better than they fonnd it make both the farm and the farmer rich. The best fertilizer of any soil is a spirit of industry, enterprise and inteliigence. Feathek Cake. - Une, onc cup of silgar, on o ta,blespoonful of buttcr, half a cup of milk, one and ono-haif cups of llour, one teaspoonfu) of eream of tartar, hall a teaspoonful of soda. This combination makea a nico cako. Eat fresh. Dkied Appie Custakt). - Ono pint of dried apples, naashod and strainod; two eggs beaten with tlieapples; sweeten and spieo to tasto: add a half turnbler of eream or rich milk. Bake in paste, and when done cover witli a meriniie. fENNsi'LYAïriA is report ed to have suffered to the extent of $500,000 f rom pleuro-puenmo&ia sinoe its entrance into the State, and il was contined prïncipally to the eounties of Philadelphia, Backs. Chester, Delawaro and Mont(jomery.


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