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BUSINESS DIRECTÖRyT ñ B. TATLOB, ATTORNEY AT UW, l). Chelsea, Mich. DÖïtAl,n BTACLI3ATV, OT. ., Physician ndSurgeon. Office and residence, . 1 Huron ,treet, Aun Árbor. Office hours from 8 to 9 a. M. tnd from 1 to 3 p. M. , M BS. SOI'IIIA VOLI-A1VD, OT. ., Phy Bicianand Sargeon. Office at residence, 44 Atn Btreet. W1B attend to all professional calis yremptly, any ana night. WH. JACKSON, Dentist. Office corner . Main and ■Washington streel, over Bach & Abel's stoieTAnn Arbor, Mich. Aneathctics adminUtóied if desired. i,"NrcOOPER, HT. ., Aocouclieur and li. Gynaecologist. Office corn er Mam and Huton streets, Anu Arbor. Urty SrèerA-m Arbor. Prompt attention paid to piano-turiinj ________ "TbAMEB, FBtTEAUlTF & COK15ÍX, .titorneys at Taw, E. K. FRTJEAUFF, .Tustice of the Peace. All business H?mUyaendtót o'['?e,;t8 Eut -ashington-street, Hinsey and beabolt a block. HENRY 11. HILL, Attorjney at Lave, Dealer In Keal Estáte and Insnrance Agent. Office, No. 3 Opera House Block, AUN ARBOR. TpnEOEHICK Kil 4rS12, AtTCTIUxTEBsn WÍU attend to all sales, on short notice, at reasonble charges. For further particulars cali at the Arous Office. ■püBOPEAJí HOTIÍt, Ypsilanti, Mich. New House, First-Clns f ablfj Clean Beds, Low fcrtcè. W. H. Lewis, Proprietor J_ H. NICKELS, DEALER IS FRiSH AKD SA T MEATS, Hams, Sausages, Lard, etc., Ordera promptly fillea. Farmer haviug meats toaell give him a cali. THE4NN ARBOE SAVINGS BAUK AÏTN ARBOR, MICHIGAN. assssx ------ - ■ Ttv"cts a general Banking Business; buys airi elli Exchanges oa New York, Detroit ana Chicago ; leltafflghtBrafts-on all the principal eitles of Europe; also, sells Passage Tickets to Liverpool, Louao and Glasgow, via the Anchor Line of Stcamehips, whose rates are lower tbaa most other flrstclus line. This Bank, already having a largo business, invite merchante and others to open accounts with them, withtheassuranceof most liberal dealing consisent with safe banking. In,theSTÍUK Department interest is paidsemiannually, on the íirst days of January and July.on all ums that were deposited three months previous tothose dayB, thus aflording the people of this city a"-vMinty perfectly safe depository for their funds, togetut. „;iyï a fajr returu in interst for tho Moey to loan on Approvtd Socu.:.,t DiRE(TOES-Chr!sfianMn:', W. W. Wincs, W. D.Hartiman. Iwnicl Hisoock, li. A. Beal, Wm. üeubel, and Wïllard li. Bnith. OFFICERS : CHEISTIAN MACK W. W. WINES EnSüilnt. A'ioe President. CHAS. E. liiSCOCK, Caehier. Druggist and Pharmacist, S:SOUTH MAIN STHEET, ANÏÏ ABBOK, has on hand a well selected stock of PUEB DRUGS, MEDICINES, CHEMICALS, 'ffffl CHOICE PERFUMES, Toilet Articlea , Shoulder Bruces Trusses, cfec, which he offers for sale at pricen to suit the Unes. W Physicians' Preseriptïons carefully prepared t all hour. EBEItBACH & SON, Dmggists and Pharmacists, 12 South Main St., Haye on hand a large and woll selected stock of DEUGS, MEDICINES, CHEMICALS, DYE STUFFS, , Artista and Wax FLower Materials, Toilet ArticUs, Trusses, Etc. PURE WINES AND LIQUORS. Bpecial aMention paid to the furnislúni; of Phy W:inn, Chemísts, Schools, kíu., with PhUOMphical nd Chemical Apparatus, Bohemian Chemical (jlassware, Porcelain Ware, Pure Rpaiíents, etc. Phvsiciaas' prescrlptions carel'ully preparad at alt boon.


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Ann Arbor Argus