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Sense And Nonsense

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Coitx is founil in the last roV9 of nummer. Time brings many changos. It is full of iu'v wrin&les. The world tums upon fts own axis; so upon a man's own acts his fortune must turn for good or evil. Neveb despirt a mouitach.ewh.en it is down. It may bristle upand make a good showing in timo. - N. O. Picayune. "Man wants but Uttle bere txlow," lli' w not bard to please; Uut every womftii tnat we kiiow Wanta cvi-rj tliing shosees. - Krciïana. Tiie ordinary life of a locomotiva is tliirty years. No doubt it wonM live much longW iL it didu't smoko so much. A Cleveland man who has had scveral vvivcs says a batd-headed eagle is oqc ttutt has beon married. - Cleveiand Voiee. It H-tó ofíen been reoaarked that th miui who inakea the most noiso when talking is given the credit of being a sound man. Dn. Holland says a man's character may be judged by his cravat. If he wears no cravat we suppose he hasn't any. - Buffalo Express. The boy with the gold watch wanta to know what time it is twice as often as does the boy with the silver chronometer. - jV. Y. Star. A ciiiTic, in noticing a discourse on "The Saytngs íuid Doings of Sreftt Men," remarks: " It is sad to observo how much they said q,nd how little they diH." Bykon once said of a lady iïfioso tongue suggested perpetual motion to every visitor that she had been dangerouslyill, but was now dangerously well agiün. In some parts of Texas, says the St. Louis CHobc-Dcmoerat, the streams are so dry that th.e fish have to wear dusters to keep their clothes from being spoiled. A celebrated Gorman chemist, to whom was addressed the question, "What s man?" promptly replied, "A pinch of phosphorua and a bucketful of water." "Piusoner, were you not afraid to take that money from your employer's till - -yon, a mere child in years?" "Oh, yes, sir; I was afraid I'd be eotched." "I have a lovo-lotter," said the servant-girl to het mistress. "Will ye rade it to me? And here is some cotton wud ve stuff in yer ears whoile ye rade it?" The London Spectator believes that a strong-minded woman can bear anythiníí better thftn sharp eritieism, more especially if the eritieism is fiavored with a tonoh oï humorous scorn. The Nw York Court of Appeals has just rendered a decisión which will bo of interest toownersof tenercenthouses and lead thcm to promote in case of fire, more earefully than heretofore, meana of escape. Joseph Milly, of New York, rented a house of Patrick Mullodge. The house eaught fire and, there being no lire-escape, Mrs. Milly and her child were suffocated. Milly sued for $5,000 dftmages. He recovered $1,571, and, aftcr severa! appeals, the Court of Appeals aflirmed the judgment. The Sanitary Engineer offers a reward of $500 for the best plan of a model school-house. Our small boy will contest for that prize. His working model is not yet ready, but we may state that his idea of a model schoolhouse is one in which the teacher never licks; where recess comes five times of a morning, vacation every other week, and examination never; where all studies are elective, and chewing gum is insisted upon; where there is co-education of the sexes, provided the girls are pretty, and where there is no puni-k"v;nt for a fellpw savo -■ v o Wm to sit bv tne girl to wliom lie was caught passing notes. - Albany Journal. We will wager something that you (meaning the reader) cannot teil the meaning of the word Canada, or from what it is derived. If you give it up here it is. John Leeds Bosman, in his history of Maryland, says that when the Spaniards first landed on the C'anadian coast they looked around for a while, and finding no indieations of gold or silver, cried out, Acá Nada, meaning "there is nothing here." The Indians, hearing this phrase so much, employed it to desígnate the Spaniards af ter they were gone. When the French arrived, being white, the Indians took them for the same kind of people, and cried out, Acá Nada, Acá Nada. The French supposed this to be the name of the country, and, dropping the a, called it Canada. Mr. Bosman says there is the best of authority for believing this to be the true derivation of the name. - Ghicaqo Ocean. This niorning a resident of the Tanneries named Robert Duffin, fifty two years of age, died from the bite of an insect received last Sunday. The fortúnate man then felt a sharp sting in one of his arms, but whether it carne from a fly or not he was unable to detect. He rolled up his sleeve and perceived that the bite was a poisonous one, and soon sent for a doctor, who did not, howevcr, apparently apprehend any serious result. The arm, however, began to swell, and the eífect of the poison seerued to be feit on the system, whereupon the physioian was sent for again. He cutout the part where the insect had stung theunfortunateman, but the operation carne too late, and he dicd, as already stated, this morning. A somewhat similar case, it will be remembered, resulting in the death of a young man bitten by a fly, whilo out drivino-, occurred in "this city about two years ago.-


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