On The Deep

'I'; i wa ; lo loare Elk Rápida attan o'clpck ia the moming. I wi ), but I pa up i at feiyligttj lo look at tlie weather. My '.vas that some of the (ithors oí Hu' party might be sea-sick. I found severa! o p at that carly hour to survey the vreather. Their anxiety ras not for ïhemselves, bul for me and the rest. Tlüs unselfishness ia d and never forgotten. [ ;s wc; all wcnl out iemore weather. We did not ■ ridó of a bundrcd '■] propeller wil hout havi moral :. tvoiild turn iné. Wo asked the landlbrd, tho . 1 lie pOítei .■mi Un bell-boy, and they i :i day as was n in that section. An honr beíore the : the liiíc caps began to roll 1111 on í'.sc bay, but we dida't r and passed I ílpn ' IJic trii d toindulge n laughter n bare idea of white caps intimidating ody, but it was liie most solcmn laú, Ijter I ever lioard. I siioiildii't nave gone aboai-d but for niy desire to help the othera get ofl i. It was a vorv good liolel, and I could have stayed Hiere and skated out when the ice formed. After we were under weigli I dkeovered that all tho i" aboard just to aeeom'o me. For somo reason or other the wmd b"g;:.!i to blow as we left the dock, rhere Beemed no occasion for it, but site blew right aloüg regardless oí expense. The boat soon becante uneasy ; so did the ; i. We íill ' il to"become pensive about the same time. Memories of other days til the Captain reniarked this wasn't a fanndredth part of what we'd L"!, outin thelake. By some concert oí action, which I could aot fathom, the twenty-one of ns produced lemons, rniint, camphor and some other itea al the same time. We didn't feoj a i i;, searsick, of course, but we kind o' wanted to be doin; something to pass bm ;;, time. Eore we reached the lake Ihe Kentuekyjudge slowly aróse, braced his '1 out for one of the cabinsupports, and solemnly remarked: "Gentlemen, I didn 1 sleep muchlaat nig'ht on account of ray asthnaa, and I ['11 ;;■ to bed for an hour or Iwo. If any of yon g-get s-sea-sick you cau c-call me!" ííe crawled a'.vay, palé as a ghost, and the rest of us took another chew at oiir lenioiis. Lemons are awful healthy, and that's why wo had 'em aboard. The Chicago preacher was tlie seconr] man to withdraw. His chin shook, his eyea rolled, and he looked terribly as he saki: "Ig-guess ril takc a-advantage of irtunity to f-iinish my s-sermon." Tlicre were iive of us left in the ; when the boat booiaed out of the 5ay into the raging lake. The wind ■i-ui the tor human provender. The boat behaved spléndidly Sho first went up and then down. Then she swung her nose right and lei't and switched her stern around as if il was a tfiil to hit some one with. Mad bccanse shc eould:i"t come it, she rolled to right and left like an old lop:. Two gentlofrom Kentueky handed us their ' to be excused while they retired to talk over a business matter involving the transfer of two hundred thousand niules, and the other three sal down and tried to sco who could repoal the most paragraphs from the Constitution of tlio United States. " Know all men," began the Harrapd Professor as hc rolled hifi eyes to hcavcn - "know all men tliat ." He stoiiped right Hiere and took n lurch over a chair and jaramed his head ngainst a locker. I thought the boat had strack a rock, and was trying to remember tlie two or three milTion criiaes 1 liare boen f when she took a toll the other way and brougbt the Professor over on onr side of the cabin. It annoyed me to sec him cor.io end over end, his plug hal; jammed down over Sischin shnking ie rate of Jour hundred revölutions per minute. A man can be a gentleman on L 'i as anywhere else. When the boat steadied a little L pried his hat oíF his head and im to jto aft and troll for pickerei over the stern of the boaí. I r.ever n man in all nay Ufe more ready to anger's advice He b: n in 'ach haiid, and the expre e would have ■ painting to hang in a slau house to soítcn the hearts of buteners. The lawyor from Toledo n'v.i mysell now held the cabin alono. We dïdn't always stick together. Sometímes he held ore siáo and I the other, and again wc crawled over cach other in the 'cennt down for more lemons. I am perfectly satisfled that the boat coukt hare got aleng without half the fnss, but she wouldn't.do it. She was ful 1 of experijnentH. Sho tried to li"' long she ponld stand on end. and how far she f-iüid roH over. and how near sho could stick her nosetotho bot 10)11. : The brutality of the Captain was otragoous. líe opened tho caliin door ched over a chair and. oü in a bard-knot and asked ü we 't want :i checker-board to away time. Hi ain os wc jammed undei the tablo and aski i on deck am3 ;ee the islands. Onco more, as the lawyer hung to tho doorknob and I hnag to his coat-tails, that unfeeling i ed in and oü'uredu3 thu run of the engine-room. Lemons, my friend, are n frand. a delu iion. ron't have the least m wind or wave. When it became'evid the boat must go down we triéd to bc i The lawj er kicked ■ itehel ' the Ing ha! after it and threw hia forty dollar Bshing-rod overboard. While we san",-, " Ho! U'.h Ridley" k: ■wret chorus, I laslied him to a posi ■ lashed our ■ n ith a second, and thca v. ' went in to stare fate in tho face. The lawyer shouted for the : to stop and lel I ndcd notion. Then 1 yelled out for lier to the bottom and be hanged, and iclared the qnestion adopted. I feit sick from the heels of my boots to the top of my hüt. The bare tnought ting down to a champagne su wiüi the Marquis of Lornc utterly over■ me. I remonibered tho watermelons I had. eaten and the grapos I and 1 gradu;üly grew ! how 1 n shed ' that somebody would tic me in a knot and ,;;: If I liad ownci ü;o wholc country Pil havo ber for a cent and tlrown lawycr in to boot. The last 1 remoraber was hoping that as the boat went down ! could get hold of the Captain i and hit him once behind the, ear, and when 1 opened my eyes again wc '.vero ' etoskey. They carried and pulled and draggod ua ashore, and ns we lay around on the lvmiber like ro mnny ghosts, the Captain h:ul the mcanncss to cali out to a friend In reply: " Never had a smoother trip down In my life! I just wish wo could havo a !H of :i m .". some day, so as to sce how tbe boal would behavé!" We all reached for our revolvers at onc jnovement, but alas! we had not "t'n enough to uini and pnlltrïgger.
Old News
Ann Arbor Argus