Curing Hydrophobia By Force Of Will

It will nol do to sav that hydrcmhobi is always a disease of the imagihationj but tlmt it is sometlmes such, and that it may be controlled and cureil by tfco intiuence of tlio mind over the boüf. wonld appear to bc prorcd by the UA lowiog intcreslrng case relatcd in &Y- ccnt articte in the Cornhül Magazinv Androw Gfoese, the e)ectnoian, hrtö been bitten seve.wïly by a ent, whiofe oa the same day died from hvtirophobia. He seema resollïtely to have dismissed from bis mind the fears whfch mtjst naturally havo buen sttgrested by thwcirenmstances. Hart ho yieldod to theru. as most men would, he might not improijivbly have snocunibed withln n íc.tí d,v,-s or weeks to an attaek oí miad-created-hydropbobia - so to de-scrïbe thn fatal ailment which ere now h:ii besn knovrn to kiil persirti.1 wlio had been bitten by animáis perfectly freo fronl rabies. ïhrec monlhs passed,during nbich Grosse enjoyed his nsnat hraith. At the end of that time, hoiv ever, he feit one morning a severo p;in in bis arm, accompanifril bygreat tliirst. I for w:tir, but "attheina says, "mat i us oi.-„t t raíste tke tnrabier to ray lips a stron' pa.srn shot acroas my tnroat; iinmedirely the terrible convictitn carne to my mirul that I -was abont to fall a viotim to hyúrophobia, the consequenee o{ the b-ite I had received from the cat. The agony of mind I endurecí for mi; hoar is indescribable; thecontemplationv ot snch a horrible death - death from hydrophobia - was almost insupportablé; the torruents of heil itself could not have v.iiat I sufiered. ïhe pain, ivhich had first oom-menced in my hand, passed np to tho' elbov, mul from thence to the shoul-der, threatening to extend. I feit all human akl was useless, and I believed that I must die. At length I began to reitect on my condition. I said to myself, ' Either I shall die, or 1 shall not; if I do, it will only be a fate which many iiave sufl'èi-ed, and many more must suöbr, and I mast bear it" like a man; if, on the other hand. thcre is; any hope of my life, my only chance i in sutü mon in er rxij utmost resolution, óéfying the attaek, and exerting ove-ry' effori of iny mind.' Aceordiily. fee.ling tliat physleal as weH as mental exertion was necessary, I took my gun, shouldered it, and went out for the purpose of shooting, my arm achiiig' the while intolerably. I met with m' sport, but I Walked the whole afternoon, exerting at every step I went a strong mental eft'ort against the disoase. When I returned to the house I was decidedly botter; I was able to eat some dinnor, and drank water as usual. The next morning the aching pain had gone dowh to my elbow, the followhxg' it went down to the wrist. and tlie third day it left mo altogether. Imentioned the cireumstanee to Dr. Kinglake, and he said he certainly con-' sidered I had had an attaek of hydro-phobia, which would possibly 'have proved fatal liad I not struggled" againstit by a streng effort of mind."
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