
McCARTY.- In Augusta, December 6th, of consumption, William McCarty, aged 51 years.
WHITAKER. - At his residence in Lima, Dec 12th 1879, Chas. Whitaker aged 61 years. Mr. Whitaker was one of the pioneers of Washtenaw County ; his father and Kmüy liaving settled here in the fall of 1836, 'j'hus mj(,tht-r lint b broken Hil bound the present Kenanitton with pleasant rerollecüous of tbc cnrly settlers cf Washtenaw County. Charles Whitaker was born in Benton, Yates Co. N. Y. N'üt. 1üth 1818, and lias bctn a resident of this o.-iuntj 4:1 years. He was married Dec. 20th, 1843 to Laura Beach who survives him, Mr. Whitaker S'jrvcd Iiíb towDship Ö years as supervisor, and aevrilftin as jugtloe of (lie penca, serving in all liUv.es oí (rut with fidelity. He tt:s k ra.tn of h(ro:iK procliviiíesof mind, and A practica] common seaae. As a neiliborbe VHS klod and ob]i'4ii, us u husband bt; wafl loymg and aíbctlonate; as a parent he wus tender and ut. He leaves a hirpe circle of ñiends and tjom who will ever remember hiin ktmlly, as i itrlcken nnd bereaved wife, threo sons and dly inouin bis loss. Ilew.is buried Sunday Dec, 14th, by the masonic fraterníty, of which he had long been an honored líuiir A large concourse of people amemblsd on this occasion to pay their last offices of kindness to the deceased. ,
Old News
Ann Arbor Argus
William McCarty
Charles Whitaker
Laura Beach Whitaker