J. C. Watts

PREPARE FOR THE ÏÏOLIDAYS ! CHRISTMAS AND NEW TE ARS ARE COMING. J. WATTS, The Leading Jeweïer, Has jast reccived an iramenw stock of Holiday Prpscnfs, consisttag of Yerytblng kent in a Firat-Cl Jewelry House. The public are cordially inTited to cali and see the splendid stock of WATGHES, CLOCKS, DIAMONDS, EINaS, -A-IsTX) HÑTE JE"WBI,BT, ' AIso Solld SUver and Silver Platccl AVare, Flated Enives, Opera Gl ■■, Spcctaclcs, Ac, &c, Ac. these ROndahftve been purcliaacclbefore tlio advance, and my conneclion -with Kastern niannfav turor enaljles me to sell my goods oheaper than any house in the city- thero is no hnmbug bont it. Cali nnd examine my gtnek before purehasing, it wül save tou money. You can rely on trettin loodi kt my store just aa represented. " Watch Repfiiring-, Knarraving:. nnd JcweJry ücpairine extcsMá ncatly and proniptly by expericuccd uoiUmtü. B. F. WATTS, Supt.
Old News
Ann Arbor Argus