
From the Rockport, Ind., Banner: There is no medicine in the world vrhich lms gained such fama as St. Jacob's Oil. Tliia is. however.not in the least astoiiishing, wlien we consider its trui 7 woncleiful oin'ative powers. Mr. Eodonburg, of Grandview, oalled at our office last week, and related the following circumstanco : I siiffered with Rheiimatism for over six years ; consulted uiany physicians and triod hiindreds of remedies, but without avail. Having seen Sr. Jacob's Ojl advertised in your paper, and heard of some most astonishin? cures, I sent to Rockport for a bottle ai tho Oil, and used it according to diroetions. The relief I feit was almost "electric." I got better at once, and now there is not a truco of Rhoumatism left in my bodyThe rush stil] continĂșes and crowds come from all directions to secure tlie great bargains that are offered at Mack & Schmids and whicn have oreated an oxcitement unparaleled in the anuals of tho dry goods trade in this city.
Old News
Ann Arbor Argus