
Ciielsea, Dec. 17. - The chiokun pox is abio&d among the childron oí' tuis village. - Eev. Thomas Jones is here assisting in the protraotüd meetings, and doing good woi-k. - The now buildings ereoted by C. 8. Laird and P. D. Cnmingsaro now ready i'or occi'.ipancy. - Tho Mason and Morgan theatrioal conibin.-ition closed three nights entertainments hero last night and gavo good satisfciction. - Charles Whitaker of Lima was buried at nis residence by the Maaouic lraternity last Sunday, Kov. D.tvid Casler officiating. A hu-ge nutnber 01 frienda und relativos were preaaut. ■ - Congressman McGowan has succecded in procuring a letter carrier service for Juckson. - Bro. Bayliss, the reverend adulterer, of Shiawa&soecounty, has beuu sentenaed to state prinon for two years and six months. - Jonesville pcopleare petitiouing for the pardon of Oscar F. Riohmoiid, the station agent who wasconvicted of graiu crookeduess.
Old News
Ann Arbor Argus