Ypsilanti Department

- Tho Normal Bchool closog on the 2!th lor a vaoation until after the holidays. - The Episcopal churoh social at tho residcnco of Samuel Post Friday night was a success though not largely attended. - Tluron lodge Knights of Honorheld a festival at their lodge rooms in Masonio blook on Tueaday evening. There was fi Iurge attendanco and an enjoyable evening passed. - Miss Gertie Ferrier met witb a serions accident ast week; in glipping from the sidewalk ebe broke her ankle. It will probably confine her to the house for the gieater part of the winter. --Mr. E. Gordnn of this city died on Bnnday p. m. He was insured in the A. ü. U. Vu. and MntuaJ Benefit society of Def roit. Tho forraer society took charge of the funeral held Tr.esday afternoon. , - A hszaar for the benefit of the tïst ohuroh was held at tlie reaidenco of W. Bnrt. Eiver St., Monday evening.- Mr. B's. residence being finely adapted to snoh gatheringa brought out a large and, we hear, profitable attendance. - Ann Arbor haring onstod aoine of its " social evil" ir.habitantg, it aeenis in order to be near tbeir p.lrua mater they have taken up a residenoe in thia city. We now await developmenta to see if ïpsilanti will Hcuopt the uuluasts from A. A. - C. H. II. Wheeler who was severely injiired by tlio explosión of a coal stove baa once mora made hia appearance at the D. H. & S. W. office. Though not as yet able to resume the discharge of bia dnties, bis face and hands show he was badly burned. -The young peoples' hop at Samson's ball was largely attended Priday evening and waseonsidered a euccess. They all enjoyed theruselves to the niusic of Emerick's orchestra. Miss Hattie Webster and Mr. Dean of Detroit were in attendancp. Miss Webster being the guest of Miss Jennie Quirk for a few da j's. - Wolverine Tent No. 77, Knights of the Mncoabeers of the World, organized last April and becoming nearly defunct, appears to have taken nevr lease of life. Members met Monday uight and by somo extra work succeededin getting a nuinber ot' new members who will take the degrees Thurday night. They hope to increase the membership to ono hundred before spring. - Mr. Sfcernian of Augusta sustained a serious runaway Saturday night his team starting near the corner of Cross & Huron Streeta, and running nearly opposite the resiflence of C. S. Wortley where they came in contact with a lamp post. There the occupants of' the carriage were thrown ou, Mr. Sherman being considerably injured and Mr. Miller also BÜgbtly, ïha oarriage was a complete wreek. - The Ypsilanti Bible society held its annual meeting at the Presbyterian ohuroh Sunday evcning, and elected the following uiücers for the ensuing year : President, F. K. Roxford ; Secretsry, H. ; I '-T,-., nr, O. M. Oouiotock. - Prof. McLouth made xorae very iuteresting remarks on the publioation of the good Book, giving a brief history of the difficultiea attendingits first translation and pubücation. - Grau's English Opera Company came to want here. Playingtwo nightg to small houses they were unable to pay their bilis iintil some citizens paid part andthemanagerof theMount Clemen's Opera house the balance taking the chi'cks on their baggage for eecurity. They started for the latter place where they havo an engagement, F. S. Swaine of this city accompanying (hem, taking the part of the Acluii ral in Pinafore, for one ui - At the annual convocation of Exr Chapter No. 23, Bojrnl AroB Masons, beid at Masonio Hall, Dec. 5, 1879 the following officers were elected for the year ensuing : M. K. II. P., C. F. E. Bellowg. E. K., A. Crane. E. 8., D.W. Thompson. C. II., M. P. Holmes. P. S., D. a. Fragor. E. A. C„ A. F. Bnrbank. M. 3d V., G. F. Sohaffer. M. 2d V., George Flower. M. lst. V., Charles Wilcoxen. Treasurer, John Flower.- Secretary, JohnW. Spoor. Seminol, G. Kishler. - The Ypsilanti shoo faotory hasgone where "Tha woodbine twineth." We are sorry to see it for it would have been an advantago to the city of considerable valúa had it been sucoessf'ul. The cause apparently is a lack of f unds. The parties who subscribed never having paid the $;j,000 which was subscribcd, $2,200 onlybeing paid. It is perhapg as wg!1 for if they with $2,200 could not survivo for over six months, the remaining eight htmdred would not have sustained them any lpngth of time. Thure is strong talk of organizing a stock company boro and continuing the business; if o we prediot for them suecess. - A considerable excitement nrovails hero in regard to the Tramp Queition" there heing largo number here for lodging every night, some nighta ns high as forty and seldom lesa th.in íifteen at an expense to the city of 60 cents each. The offioers now by the inrtruotion of the city Attoiney, take all thtit ask for lodginar before a Justico of the poace, and if after examination they are found worthy, they are released ; if not, complaintis enterod against them for yagrancy, and thcn forwurded to lonia wborc thy are madetoearn their board at least. Our peopln aro divided on the qncstion, ome objecting to this barah disposition ; othor3 favor eending all over there. üpon investigationlfindtfa expense of feeding and lodging tramps sinco the 9th ofjr.no, and clmrgeable to the city, to be $220,50. It has cost the oounty and statu in seven days onding the 13th, $28S to send twenty-four to Ionia.
Old News
Ann Arbor Argus