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- Tlio Hillsdalo circuit ootirt had 36 ivorco cass dnring.the year 1879, - Kilwin Hadley, a prominent, la-ry"" f Adrián slipped and bruUo lus hip 'uesday. - A very smnll endienco turnod out to )par Colt'ax in L' 1 i 1 1 1 ou "Auiut.8 the Jontinont." - Jlrs. O. S. Kyp of' Coldwatnr has a amp cliimncy wliich has bouu iu contant use finoü Í800. - Caroline Luwis of Lowell asks ?5,00 of Andrfiw HibstrtU ut' Walker, ient comiLy. Too niucli lovo and too ttle discrotion. - Mra. Polond of Deerflold, .gnd 57, ook '00 gr&iim of morphina ud wen', over tho rivet." Fiuaucisl aud duïnstio ilifticuUies. -The Flint and Pfre MUrqjifttte raiload has sold l-10,00(),(íU() f'ert of stwidig pine lumber to ücorge W. lioby & o. of Ijiidington. - Win. Newton of Pontiac, will leave 'or Europe in a few days, taking with lini 300 fat ahci'p, avera;Hií f rom 175 ;o 1H0 pound-í apipen in wi'ight. - Tho Lansing Itfpublicnii, whioh for vo yeara has puï)lishod a ssmi-wpekly ssuü, is heroifter to be published tri - veekly on Tnesduys, Tliursdays and aturdays. - Eagan and MeGnire, the two Deroiters arrtsted at Rochpster with thrpa tolen corpses in thüir posscbsion, havo waived exatniuation and been comiuitied for trial. - The Adrinn Times is rnsponsiWe for ;his exact story : "Mr. Toni Harria of Adrián township has this season Bold í ;urkoys, each one of whicli weighod exctly 16 pounds." - Norman Iïampton of Jonesville, won't worry about the frost on his win:ow8 any more this winter, 'cause his ïouse burned down, leaving only a polcy for f öOO insurance to consolo kim. - Mrs. Lucy Kurney of Lansing, died on Monday aged 117 years, 11 months and 27 day. She was boru a slave, and ived in slavery 55 years. Of c.ourseshe emembers seeing George Washington. - Holders of $190,500 in Port Huron jonds - more than one-half of the city's [ebts - are quoted by the Tiraos as being lositively pledged in favor of refunding :he Bftme or giving the option of paying at any time. - Little Willie Rice, the boy who was crippled and made an orphan by tho Jack8Oii raiiroad disaster last fall, is still at Jackson, where he is well cared for, and occasionally used as an attraction at local entertainments, - The Marshall city attorney hns beeu instructed to draft an ordinance for the benefit oí'tramps. It will próvido them work in the way of breaking stone for the improveinent of the streets. From 15 to 25 are sheltered in the jail nightly. - Charles Howard, who was shot and killed in Port Huron last week, had $10,000 insurance on his life in the Michigan Mutual, bat had neglected to make his payment due ou the lst of October last, and of course tlie whole was ;hereby forfeited. - Dr. J. S. Power, who was reported in the Hudson Post ashaving diedof too muoh chloroform, whilebeingcarved by a university professor, arises to reraark ;hat he didn't take chloroform, didn't die, wasn'fc operated on, and can Btill eat rat.rv mina friUUlW UTtKCS. - Fred Kingsley, a braltemnn in the eraploy of the Michigan Central Itailroad whose parents reside in Spring Arbor, was knocked off the top of a refrigerador car at Nilea Ilill bridge Saturday morning, his body falling between the cars. He waa literally cut in two. - The state board of education has ordered that an average of 75 per cent, shall be required for obtaining a teacher's certifícate of the third grade, 80 for the gecond grade and 90 for the first grade. The spring examination in 1880 will bo held on Saturday, March 27. - The total annual cost of edncatíon for each child enrolled in Detroit is $!(.- 11; Grand Kapids, $14.87; East Saginaw, $16.15; Kalamazoo, $14.84; Ann Arbor, $16.0"; Saginaw City, $13.02; Lansing, $14.43; Adrián, $13.41; Muskegon, $15.08; Battle Creek, $10.26. - Governor Croswell has pardoned Harlow F. Cowles and Wm. W. Héctor f rom the Ionia house of correction. Cowles was sent froin Oakland county for burglary and bis timo would have expired in 1880, while Héctor was sont from St. Joseph county for rape, for five years. - Legal proceedings of an interesting character were inangurated before Justice Wbitins; of Marshall on Tuesday. Iiev. D. Callaert of the Catholio church of Marshall charges a citizen of Marshall with intent to commit boJily hariu to hira. Much interest is manifestad in the csse, which stands adjourned to January 7, 1880. - II. L. Wilber of Deerfield lost his house by fire and npplied to Farmers' Mutual Insurance Coiupany of Monroo, claiming $100 insuranco. On hearing before referees on Tuesday of last week, withdrew his claim on the ground that the reforoes dccided to admit all the testimony asto the origin of the fire. Keault - shoriff arrcsted him oharged with setting fire himself and took him to Mouroe. -u Charles Squires, a farmer living 1 1-2 miles southeast of Coopersville, is the ownor of a cow which is entitled to the blue ribbon. Tbe productive qualifications attributod to this maidenly bovine eeern almost incredulous, but Mr. Squires is a farmer whose work wonld not be questioned, and he declares Hiat the story is not overdrawn. Tho cow is but 4 1-2 years old at this time. At the age of 11 uionths she becatne the mother of twins. The spring before sho was three years old sho wont two better, and was delivered of four calves atona birtb. Jjast winter being an " off yoar " for stockraising, this energetic young cow decided to take raatters more mildly, and dropped ono notch, and tbeincreaso of oattle through individual efforts was but three young bullocks. One month ago she became the mother of a fine pair of calves whiehare doingwell, making in all olevon. The cow is reported to be in a quiet, rcilective mood, and it is useless to predict what her arrangements are for the future. Michigau against the world for stock raising -


Old News
Ann Arbor Argus