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fc-JonWü y&al tblo evening. -Schools re-open on Mondny. _Croit conrt oonveneF on Tuesday. .-Monthly meeting of city fathcrs on ïloriday pvcning. _Dr. Cooker and wife spont Christnias with thoir r.on in Adrián. - Hooi: and ladder company prnve a hop on Xew Yeur's eve in arntory IihII. - Annual eleotion of Foreut Hi'.l Cemetriy otBoera on Tuesday afrernoon lirat. -The fust national bank dcclared yostfcTday a eemi-f.nnual dividend of six xt cont. _ J.vnitor of the High school. Attlmr J. Muuimfry has lost the (seooud ohiid with searlot fover. TTinh soiinol BtudentB prcponted ■V1 'o tJniversity Becrptary Bennett with a gold pen ftTid bolder.iftSt wenk. -Annual election of Co. A, at whioh threo ooiumiBüiiméd ofiSoew Rnd fiva mvraben of the board will bo elccted, Jlondny evening next. _For six yems consecutively. Mr. D. Cramer lias been eleoted representative to the Grand Lodge, by the üdd FelIowb society of this city. _Uew Years eve service was held in the Bethleheu? Lutheran church beginning at 7:30 r. M. Tfiursday there was preaohing at the usual hour. -In the case of People va. Newton Felch of lower town, oharged with asBult and battery upon Albrecht Gwinner, settled by defeodant paying costs. _A public itistallation of oflicers of Golden Rulo and Fraternity lodges of F. & A. M.," will take place at Masonic Hall, on Wednesday evening next. A banquet will be spread. _In tho case of People vs. Bernard Mast of Ann Arbor town, chargod with assault and battery upon the person of John Klinkalso of the town, pload guilty. Fine and costs fG.75. - Eobert Alexander Jones ws con■victfld Dec. 23 before Justice Frueauff of stealing a nino pound roast of beef of Geo. W. Cropsey, and is stopping with Sheriff Case therefor, thirty days. -The annual meeting for the olection of two trustees, to receive the treasurer's report, and the transaction of other business, will he held at tho Unitarian church on Monday afternoon at 2 o'clock. -Kegular meeting of the Pomological society of Washtenaw County will be held at the Covtrt House on Tuesday, Jan. 13 at 1:30 1 M. Important and a large amount of business will be transacted. - Juiige Karston of Bay City csnnot be present at the meeting of agricultural societies in this city Jan. 20, on account of the supreme court being in session ; Dut has written a pecper on agricultural fairs which will bo iW t the taeeting. - Tenders for live per cent sehool bonda were opened Wednesday evening. The same were awarded to the First National Bank of this city at $100 51-100 for each flOO, araounting to $35.70 prejniura on the whole amoiint, viz : $7,000. -Constable Loomis arrested Julius Weinberg of Eawsonvillo charged witli nelling liquor without a lioense and broug-ht him to this city whre he was releasedon his reoognieance to ap] rxamination before Jiistice Grangor near the Toledo and Ann Arbor depot, form a raass of rubbish dangorous to life snd health, the high chimney is liaK ble to UU at any time, and from within there ariseth a stonch thatisoverpowering. The oity fathers should order the whole removed. -Frederick Lindauor of Fropdora a8 arre.ted not long go for conoealinE; a sewing machine, proparty of Ira L. Grinuell of this city, and trial set down beforo Justice Frueauff on Stturday. Linclauer failing to appear his recognizance in f200 by John Scbaible Vttotj was forfeited. _At a meeting of the St. Thomas teroperance benevolent ioeiety Bonday, -the following officers were eleoted : President, B. T. O'JIara; vice president, John Flynn, Sen.; reoording Booretary, Y--=-i b. wj uu , wniirrsTvi John Qriffin; treasurer, Daniel Ross ; counselors, John Fogarty and John O'Mara; marshal, J. Carroll. -The scventli annual convention of the Association of Agrioultural societies of Michigan oï which Mr. Charles II. Kichmond of thie city is President, will be held in the court house in thia city ommencing Tuesday evening, Jm. 20, at 7 o'clock. This association aim to develop and perfect best methods for conducting agricultural fairs, as well as the general promotion of agricultural interests in our state. What a motley eonvoeation of fcipeds and quadrupeds will be aasernTaled in the city this month. Ou Jan. 20, 21. 22 and 23, there will be an exliibition of ponltry, pigeons, pet stock nnd doga. On Jan. '20, 21, dolegates froni agneultural societiea oL the state meet at the Court House. 27, editora and publishers, composing the Press Association of Michigan will aapemble, ai what placo ia not yot deeignated. The annual CUristraaa festival of St. Andrew's Episcopal Sunday School occurred on Jlonduy ovening in the churoh. The c'nildren marched in, singing the anthem intitled " Onwa'rd Christian Soldiere," followed by the excellent rentlition of a piece of mnsic by the quartette comprising Mra. Oen. Hunt, Mrs. Wyllys Hall, Messrs. Dupont and Burh After brief service distribution of presents followed i'rum a fhip prepared for the occasion. -Dr. J. M. Carter of Jackson Center, Shelby County, O., has located in Manchester. Martin Clark is apent for the Xorthwestern Mutual Benefit As?ociation for ■the west half of Washtenaw county. Life is insured at a sniall cost, in sunis I trom $2.500 to $5000. A good chance to provide for the i'uture wants of your family.


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Ann Arbor Argus