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Ypsilanti Department

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Miss Cora Buit is visiting at Kalamazoo. -Miss L. Lee of Normal Class '79, is visiting f'ricnrts liere. -Miss NeUie Vuil of Detroit, is the guest of Mrs. C. Champion. -Miss Blancho Cudworth bas been doing the holidays at Battle Creek. -Miss Muggie Young of l'ortsmouth, ULe., is the guest of Miss Miiinie son. -Honorable E. F. Uhl and íamily of Grand Rapids, Bpent eevaral dy at Mrs. E N. Folletts. - Thp M. E. Sundfty School gave a sleish ride tn its inembors Wcduisduy afternoon, going to Ann Arbor. In the prooeedings of tbfi Bullad concert lust week, it shonld have read crowded house inatoad of small attendance. -Miss Ida Vroman, who has benn at TCalamazoo the past season, has been sponding the holidays in this city with hor parenta. -The Ypsilanti ahoe factory has closcd up entirely, and the machinery will probably be moved soon. There probably nevel was a finer soborne to get $2,200 from Tpsilanti oapitaliats than that, and it succeeded. Cbristmaa evnning the hop for the benefit of the Ypsilanti Light Guarda, took place at L:ght Guarcl Hall. There was a' large attendance, and all onjnyed themselves. none more than the raeniberi of the company, for it was a success ünancially. -Ypsilanti Lodge No. 128 F. & A.M rlected the füllowing officers Raturday night : M. W. A. Yost ; S. W. O. E. Thompson ; J. W., S. Vaughn ; S., C W. Pattison ; T., J. Flowers ; S. D., A. A. Bedell; J. D., C. D. Wileoxson ; T., "Wm. Caust; Ist. Stewird, O. Yeager ; 2d Ptoward, George F ulier. - Washtenaw Lodge No. 17, A. O. TT. W. elected the following officers Friday night for the next term : M. W., Wm. H, Jewett ; G. F., W. George ; O., E. Kopp; K., C. Swrot; Recorder, G. A. Neat ; F., F. P Hunt ; Guide, B. Griffeth; I. W., T. Whitford ; O. W. J. Mae;ley ; Representativa to Grand Lodge, Wm.B. Seymour, - Uliristmas night the Baptist church gave a social at the residence of Mr. CanSeld, about three miles in the country. About 00 availed themselves of the opportunity, and onjoyed the ride as well as the elegant supper given them by the society. The society did undoubtedly make something, but we are unable to say how much. -During the good sleighing the Ypsilanti. boys have all had their f ast horses out, and Washington street has been merry. Bome of the Ann Arbor fast stock hns been seen here and got left, the same as thoy did last winter. Ann Arbor may have some good horses, but the past two winters they have not brought any here we oould not beat. - About the 8th of November officer Shemeld was notifled that Mrs. Loekwood had lost her muff, believing tha had b'e'en stopping thefe" lïaving heard that she was from near Marshall, he notified the offioers there, and last week reoeived a telegram stating she was there. TJpon arriving there he found the muff and the woman, and ered she had been here telling pitiful Btories of having been put off the train witli no money. She begged a considerable amount to go to Monroe, whre shesaidher husband was siok. When brought here she plead not gnilty, demanded a jury trial and employed counsel. As the jury began to assemble she became uneasy, and as she remarked to save time, she chariged her plea to gnilty, paying a fine and costs to the amount of nearly thirty dollars, and had considerable money left. The sirangest part is she is the individual owner of a good farm near Marshall, and has inoney at interest. She leaves her farm and is continually travelling, begging, always taking ladies for victima, appealing to their sytnpathy with her stories. She goes by the name of McCoferty. From another Correspondent. YrsiLANTi, Dec. 31, 1870. - A Cbristmas social at W. J. Canfiekl's by the Baptist young people notted$16 61. _Bev. Mr. Scott of Northville, formerly of Clevelaod, is the new pastor of the Baptist ohurch.


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