Real Estate Transfers
Dorathy Sohleicher to Frederiok Sohleiohér. Arm Arbor city property. Consideration f 1. Celia A. Hart to Thos. Seolya. Ann Arbor city property. Consideration Enóch G. Oook to Frank Spafard. 80 acres in Manchester. Consideraron 3000. McMahon & IngalU to Snsan VV arner. Ann Arbor city property. Consideration 300. Edward Phillips to Paulino J. Hmitti. 40 acres in Ann Arbor town. Consideration f2500. Josoph Tripp to John P. Dale. Ypsilanti oity proporty. Consideratiuon flöOO. Clarenoe M. Harria to Jereraian IJeyo. ity of Ypsilauti property. Considoraion $950. Joscph Spcitinger to John Seckinger. Land iu BridgL-water. Consideration $400. QTJIT-CLAIMJohn Hopzle to John J. Walter. 120 acrps in Sharon. Conaiduration $25. Susan Warner to Eugene K. Warner Ann Arbor city proporty. Consideration $700. ____
Real Estate Transfers
Real Estate - Ann Arbor
Real Estate - Washtenaw County
Old News
Ann Arbor Argus
Dorothy Schleicher
Frederick Schleicher
Celia A. Hart
Rev. Thomas Seelye
Enoch G. Cook
Frank Spafard
Susan Warner
Edward Phillips
Pauline J. Smith
Joseph Tripp
John P. Dale
Clarence M. Harris
Jeremiah Deyo
Joseph Seckinger
John Seckinger
John Hoezle
John J. Walter
Eugene E. Warner