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BUSINESS DIRECTORY. CEiARGWCE TINKKR, Attorney atLaw and Solicito r in Chanoery. Ypsilaoti, Mih. DB. TWrOR, ATTORNEY AT LAW, Cbelsea, Midi. DONJIM) IWACLFAW, ?i . ., PÍ and Surgeon. office and residence, 71 Kuron =itra.t, Ann Arbor. Office hoera froui 8 to 9 a. m and fnin 1 to 8 -. m. MRS.SOPHÏA VOLLAND, ïlf. ., Phy si ei ;t n and Sa rgcon. Office at rosidi Ann atreet. WïB atlend to aU proíesbional calis pn-mptly, da y au d Uight, WI3. .1 tCKMÍTV, TVntist. Office Ha ín and Washington streeta, over Jíneíi & AbelVéstme, '-mi Arbor,Mich. Anesthoiicts adiaiDïstprea if riosircl. EK. OOOPEK, D., Acccmcheur an-1 Gynaocoloiüt. Office coru er Maio and Huron st reets, Aiui Arbor. CSCHAKr.RÜ Teacherof the Piano forte. Pupila attatn the desired ski II iti pïano-playing ly a systematic oouise of íostrnotinn. Kor terras", apply at M ádeacej No, West ÏAfterty street, Ann Arbor. Prompt attention paid to piano-turuTip. GRAMKK, FRÜEAXTFF A COEBIX, Attorneys n.t Law, E. K. FRTTEAttFf, .Tustiee 01 the Peaöft. All business promptly aiteuded to. Ollice No. 8 East Washington street, Riuseyand Seabolt's bluck. HENEY B. HILL, -A. ttoiney at Ln w 9 Dealer in Real Kstute and lusurauce Agent. Office, No. 3 Opera House Bleek, ASX ARBOR. PSEREKICK KRAUSIÏ, ATJCTIO35TEEE,, Win attend to all sales, on eliort notiee, nt reaponable charges. Fur further particular cali at the Abgus Office püBOPEAN HOTEL, Ypsilanti, Micli. New House, First-CJftss Table, Clean Beds, Low Trices. W. ir. LEWra, Pioprletór J. H. NICKELS, DBAIiEB ÍN FRESH AKD SALT MEATS, Hams, Wbiiwjmii, Lard, etc., STATE STREKT. Ol'POSITi: NORTTIWKST COiiNEB OF UN1VERSITY OA1PÜ8. OnU'rs pnMiiplly lültxl. ]'ainers having méate to bbU give liiin ti cali. TËËANN ARBOR SAVI1TGS BA2TZ ANK AK15OK, MICHIGAN. Capital pid in . r0,000.00 Capital security - 100.000.00 Transacts a general Banking Basiness; buya and sells Exchanges on New York, Detroit and Chicago ; sella Sight Drafts on all the priueipal citio-s of Kurope; also, sells Passage Tickets to Liverpool, London and Glasgow, via the Anchor Line of Steamships, whose rates are lower than most other claes ïines. Tli is Bank, airead y haring a large business, invite merehants and others to open accounts with ihein. with the assurance of most liberal dealing consisent with safe banking-. Tn theSuvings Dopartnient interest is paid aemiannually, on the first daya of Junuary and July, on al] sama ÜaA wen1 deposited tb ree nionths prevtou to ihose days, tfaua ailording the people of this city and county a petfeetly safe depc-sitory for thcir funds, together with a fair return in iat.erst for the same. Moncy to toan on Approred Secnrlties. Dibrctobs - Chrlqj&U) M;ick, V. W. Wloea, W. D.Hftrriman. Daniel Hfscock, E. A. Beal, Wni, Deubel, and VVillard P. Bmith. OFFIGKBS : CHHISTrAN MACIC, W. W, AVI NI ■'S, President, Viro President. CHAS. E. HIÜCOCK, Cabhier. EMANUEL FflANN, Druggist and Pharmacist, S SOUTH MAIN STREET, ANN AMSOR, has on hand a well i-eiected stock of PURE DRUGS. MEDICINES, CHEMICAL CHOICE PERFUMES, Tolft Artieles.Shnnlder Bracos. Trusses, &f., wbiob hi' offers fox sale at prices to Btiit the times. BÍ3T Physicians' Piescriptions carefuïïy prepared at all hours. EBERBACH & SON, Druggists and PharmacistSj 12 South Main St., Have on hand a large and well selectcd stock of DEUGS, MEDICINES, CHEMICALS, DYE STUEFS, Artists and Wax Flower Materials, Toilet Articls, Trusgefi, Etc. PURE WINES AND UQUORS, Ryecia1 attention paid to the farnishlnff of VyBlcians, CliMiiits, 8chools.eto., with Pliilosophical ani bemical Apparatus, Iiihemln ChemicalGlassware, Porcelain Ware, Pure Reavento, ('tc. Pbysiciaus' prescript-tons rarufully prepared at 11 hou.


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