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- Strawbcny piuuts uro ia bloam at Kiulniiond. - Clias. Francia A lms pays tases on 1747,800 worth uf property. Oongreitman Frye, of Maine, is a brother-in-law of Gov. Gurcelou. Xho eix JJer ceut interest law in New York went into effect Jan. 1. -Estáte of Asn Packer late of Philadelphia ír vahiod at $13,000,000. - Gov. CornU of N. Y., was inaugurated Jan. 1, with lasa poaip than usunl. - Count Joitnnes, one of the eooentric characteru of Nuw York City died laat week. National indebtednes9 Jan 1, 1880 : $2,011,798,504. Reduced in December: $4,251,217. -Col. Tem Scott beg-n the railroad business as station agent at Holidaysburgh, Pean. -Edison holds eleotric light company'a stook of the value, at present prices, of 15,000,000. -The late sugar rcfiner, Alexander Stuart of New York, leaves $7,000,000 to bis brother Robert L. The Perslan faciine is inoreasing, and famine s repotted in the Russian district betweon tbeVolga and the Lon. - Mrs. Wuiteinore, aged 26, feil headforsmoat into =. oiatern at Elizaboth, N. J., and was drowned beforo she could be rescued. Yanderbilt was a little more extravagant thau ourgelf ia Cliristmas presents. Our parohawa Lall inside of $20,000; his reaohed f25,000. Senator Houston of Alabama, who died last wee1.:, held many public positions in his time, and no inau in the statu was moro popular. Secretory of war Kamsay kindly gavo Gen. Sheridan a three rnouths turlough, to spand the winter with Grant ia tha West ludies. -Gen. Koger A. Pryor has a relio of two bullets that evidently met in the air oyer aome battla field, and. hnpi ening to atrika Jich other, bücame firinly weldeu toelher. - lírs. Henry A. Smith of Hartford, Ct., was told Deo. 30 that Uer liitle boy had broken throiigh tfco ico, E.rd, rushing f rom the house to the ice, she and her cbild were both drownod. _A horsa ia Eoobester, N. Y., was the other aay frightened to death by the ssoaping steam cí a locomotive. It did DOt attempt to run but troto Wed in a remarkable mauner and preseutly feil dead. -The I.eidville ChronicU saya a mon vagraat and drunttard, now in the ohai-i-ganjj of that oity undcr t'ao assurned name of Btormont, y. s formerly a United Statea senator froui an easturn etate. - A. Washington especial States that Admiral Araren aay3 iheio&ra o.-ily tvo isthmus routes v.-orlli looking at. Oue u the Panama anc'. t'ao otbor the Nioariiguft, ancl the enly thtng ko baooosidered betwecn thom really is to esiu'olish tho relntiv9 ayproxiuiate oost of the execution of each. Washingtouian gosiipera are busy over the of Binina Wharton who ■bat John II. líorgaa. son of Alabama's senator on the gtreet, be; tüíit ; hur law partner of Morg&n, and sued the son laat sumra&r for eaductioa. ïhe caaa oost her her posi'iou in oua of the departmonts. üha gave bail in $1,000 to appear for trial.


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