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GROCERIES AND PROVISIONS. A NEW GROCERY AT16EAS1 HU RON STREET, GASPAR RINSEY Has opened a new stock of Grocerie i at the above location, coraprisinff everything in the line at bottom price - and purchascd exclusively for cash. From a long experience in the trade, ret.iil an( vbol's;i!o, he believes ne can sell gooas as cheup a the (jlu'apest. CALL AND SEE HIS PEICES AH Goods VF&rrnted First-CIass. Farmers produce wanted èfor which thelighe cash price will be paid. ÜS?" Kemember tlie piafe, 16 Eas Hurón Street, Ann Arbor. F IN.S1SY St SEABOLT'S Bakery, Crocery, AXÜ . FLOUR AND FEED STORE. We keep constuntly on hand BREAD, CRACKERS, CAKES, &o., l'or Wholesale and Ketail Trade. 'We sliall also keep a 6upily of DELHI FLOTJB, J. Sï. Swirt & o's Best White Wheat Flour, Iïye l'lonr, Iïnckwheat Flonr, Com Meal, Feed, &c, &c, te. At Wholesale and ret 1. A general stock of aUOCEBIES AND PEOVISIONS ■nr.stHtitly on hand, whicli will be .soM on ns roasnablc terms as at ny otlier bouse in tbe iiiy. ash paid fox Butter, Kggs, and Country Produce rnertlly. - (XKlsdeliTcred to any part of the city wltfao it extra charge. RINSEY & SEABOLT. Anu Arbor, Jan. 1, 1879. A OOLLAÜ SAVED IS A DOLIiAH EAIlJíED ! NEW GQODS ! And prices L0WEI1 THAN EVER. T llave purchased in Now York, for cab, atjrt r am now ii;u!y receiviofi one of the lnrsest and most sel:ct stocks of Oroeerics in WHshteiuiw County, collbisting of a iull and wol] sek-ctod UR1? f%ÍS TFAS . -. .. %JíT I bAdj A 11 of the kííw crop - includiir ';milowdrh, Impoi -als, Voiinff lly-fliis4 Ifysons, JupuiiN, OoIodk, Forkiofus4 Conousí Soucbong;s9 uud Twankays, Together with a full line of COFFEE8, consintlg of the foüowini; branda: MOOÖA, OLÜ rOV'T.TAVA.MAKACAlBO, LAGUAYIi.E,8ANOB and RIO, both roasted aud fround; a full nd weil selected ulock of SÜGASS, SYRUPS, AND MOLASSES, 'ogether with evorythine in the line cf Purp pict'6,Crtniic(l f ruit a , umi Vegetables. We li;ive a uil and complet liue of BOOTS &, SEOES, IIATS, CAPS, GLOVES nd Hosïery. Aleo, a choice aaaortment of LüdiK1 nd Gentieïnen'ü Unrlerwear Ctill und axnminp uods iind Frioea aud we will insure ait af iction, EDWAKD DlFY. 11 Maynard'e Block,-" cor. Main nnri Ann (roet.1Arm Arbor, lich. ByJIi'jrhest caüli piïce ptiid for uil farm roduca.-SS THEATRICAL. 3VL W"II::El!aJ5I (Succcssor to J. N. GatlandjONLY PRACTICAL Sn THSATEIOAL v wH an Hasquerade IBbo s r j: u m e n, ;V '.' ■r".f N MICHIGAN. . Bêt Manufacturer and UBBÊB Dealer in Theatrical Goods and Wardrobes. Personal attention givcn to the procWicdon of AMATEÜK PLAYS AND MASQUEEADES. Orders by mail or tclegraph wül rcceive prompt attention. 120 üriswold Street, DETROIT, Mich. PAINTS, O1LS, ETC. 'jlHli LAUGES'J1NII BEST STOOK OF PAINTS, QILS, ", ALL KINDS OF Painters' Materials, &c. AMEEICAN AND FEENCH CLASS au Blaaa. 26 and 28 Ea3t Washington Street, ANN AEBOE. EVEEYBODY SAYS THAT S. B. REVENAUGH IS.T1IE Boss Photographer of Ann ' Arbor. Fourth Street, East of Court House, lst flooc. MEDICINAL THE REflDY FAWILYSOAP MAKERr LEWIS' LYE 98 PER CENT. PURE. (Futented.) FINKLY rOWDERED. IIIGÍTLY PKRPÜMED. The fttrnttftcftt ftni parest Ly mado. Wlll mako 12 pounds of the best Pcrf nmud Huid Soap Ín 20 minutes witïsout bnllin?. The best wajter-softener miío. ïho best rtisíiifeelíLiit. Tha tpÜQWtag aro Komo of tho ndrnnffures obtained by Lüwis' 98 Por Csnt. Powdered Luyo: 0ÏÏ First. Tt te pactad in an iron can with JnV& hIíp or rciuovablo lid. easily taken off flHA and the conit-.uts exposerl, therel lES. eaviuK the troublo, amíoyance, and '■ft - - danffer (from flyiuR1 partióles), aa BgJEy v.ith otlier Lyes, which, being1 M- boIH in the í'.ans, inust be _M&K !"i'f;n v,-if.!i a hanmier to get ■■O A the Lyo out. ■'' A # Soöpiid. It beinpr a fine ■ ffi a#IMvlcr, yon can mnovetke -f YpV lia B-nd pour out all the couBl tente, boiug ahvaya reaüy for XBSB Thlrd. Á téaspoonf ul pr more can bo 1 wT llBOti. as iQ water-aoftening, BOTubbinfr, JgS etc.amd tho lid returned to tho can, and ■gffSi thereby eave the balance of contenta. VV With. oíherLyes all iuut be diBolvnd ■g '■■t once and used in a short tuno, or the MoL. Btrontrth ia gone. Mm&aj&L Fonrrli. Alinolntr purlty. Freo from all adultttrations Flfth. Tho beet Soap can be made in f rom ten to twenty minutes with this Lye. Sixlb. No faiíuro ír iokbí1í1o In makiniy Soap ■with thia Lye whun tlie simple üiructionti i ven. aro followea. Seventh. One can of this Powdered Lve ia equal to twenty pouuds of Sal Soda or Washing boda. Eígrfcth. One canof thin Lyewlll eaponlfyone EDund moro of erease than any other Coucontratod yej Ball Potaa% or Bapoiiiüer. Niurb. This Lyo íh 28 ier cent. etron{?er than any other Lye or 3' Tentli. One to two tiaspoonfuls will eoftén a tub of the hardest water. Eleventh. One teapoonful will thorouglily cletm&e Siuks Drains, or CloKeta. Invaluabla for killlng Roachee, Mice, R;its, eto. Thö best arüclü for wuhiHg Trew, KANÜFACTüKEö ONLT ET S.T.L8WÍ3&MenziesCo. PKILATÜSI.PKIA. RA1LR0ADS. MICHltíAN CENTRAL AÍLKOAD. NOVEMBE8 10, 1879. ____ aOIHq WEhT. ■ ■ I g S1 . L . 2 a STATIONS. 3 . 'í! g . g& r L S A í 'L A ÏÏ. A. M 1'. M. p. :u. '-M. p.M. Detroit, leave, 7 00 e 35 5 55 ■ i,, 8 I g r,0 O. T. Junction, 7 15 [0 (m 6 10 4 (,(i . ■-.■ 0 k, Wayns Juuoüun 7 52 lo 28 0 42 4 i-; H B7 ui 4" i'psüanti, S 20 l(i 48 05 5 OS 22 ll 07 Cíeddes, 8 30! 7 20 ' A.nnArboT, 8 40 11 Oí) 7 M 5 22 '■' :;" 11 ''-1 Delhi, 8S1 7 4 ' n.?xter, 9 0-1 7 .... 5 38 9 53 Chelsea, 9 22 8 11 5 J2 lu 15! Sraas 1-ake, si 50 8 84 o 12 10 38 l'. M ! A.M Jívckson, Id 20 12 jg ) jo ,; 5; . Albion, 11 04 12 60 7 40 II Marohall, 11 50, 1 80 -' o S 08 12 25 1 55 Bnttle Creek, 12 19 1 55 Vt 8 372M 2 20 Ualusburg, 12 52 1 9 10: 1 20 a. ■■. Kalumazoo, 1 15 ! 2 37 S 00 9 30 1 Lüwtou, 1 53 a :;:; 2 ÍS Deeatur, 2 o j 50 2 81 Jowagiao, 2 ;; 1 o 12 2 57 Niles, 3 051 1 07 6 55 3 30 4 38 iuehnnan, 3 19! i 7 07 3 45 'hrue Oaks, 3 49: 1 7 32 lew Buffalo, 4 i:( 4 53 7 15 4 27 Michigan City, 4 :0 5 20 8 10 4 65 6 55 jake, 5 13 6 02 6 53 5 45 6 45 Kcnsington, 6 00 G 50 9 (0 6 40 8 ÍS Chicago, arrive, I 6 50 i 7 40 10 80! 7 00 OOIKG EAST. Á V !s . a LL JLjíiMp I A.M. ''. M. P. M. lp. M Chicago, leave, 7 00 9 00 t 00 i 5 ÍS I 9 lo Kensiugton, 7 Mi 9 M 4 50 6 05: 10 00 Lake, 8 88 10 80 5 42 6 50 U) 4; Michigan City, 0 20 U 18 6 S 7 40 n 30 New Buü'hIo, 9 49 11 32 6 68 11 52 Three OakB, 10 03 7 ÍS j Buchanan, 10 32 7 tí 'J. 1 Niles, 10 45 12 15 8 16 9 00 12 IS Duwagiac, 1 1 18 8 ! ■ I 10 Decatiir, 11 89 9 0.r 1 .i0 Lliwtun, 11 57 1 9 22 .1. M.i 1 57 Kalaraazoo, 12 33; 1 40 10 00 6 50 10 28 2 2S Qaleaburfr, 12 53 ! .1 7 Osj 1 Battle Creek, 1 28 2 15 M X 7 40 11 10' 3 18 8 I Marshall, 2 25 3 00 L 8 03 11 37 3 46 4.M. AUiion, 2 52 821a.m. 8 3J I] ■: I :■ Jackson, 3 45 4 05 7 ■ ;:, 5 ((] Grass Lake, 4 101 - 7 38' 9 Sil 6 2;, Chelsea, -I 10 8 02 10 07 ' Doxter, 5 001 8 16 I 19 0 05 Delhi, ó líi s 26 . .1 Ann Arbor, 5 22 5 07 8 i," 10 35 3 05 6 25 Geddes, 5 2:1 8 í2 : Ypsilanti. 5 88! 5 28 i) 00 10 4S 2 20 fi 41 WayneJúnc, 6 (I2j 5 45 9 231108 2 41 7 05 Ö. T. June, 6 35 6 151 9 56 11 S5 3 M Detroit, Ar., I (i 50 R 30110 '0 11 finí .1 US1 s ,,( StindayH excepted. JSaturday and Munday exepted. tDaily. H. B. LEDYARD, Oen'l Managrf, Detroit. H. C. Wentworth, G. P. & T. Ast., Chicago. CANADA SOIJTÏIETC1V lï'V r.lKIS, The Ouly American Routo ThrJlgh Canuda Traína lcavo M. C. R. K. Dopot, Detroit, city time, as follovs: Atlantic Express, daily, 4 00 a. m., Wagner car to Boston. Fast Day Express, daily, 12 noon, Wagner car to New York and Boston. Llghtning Express, daily except Sunilsy, 11 10 p. ni., wiiffner car to Buflido and RoeneBter. Toledo trains lcuvo 7 50 a. tn, except Suuday; 3 10 p. ni. daily ; H 50 p. 111. except Bunday, For Fayette 6 88 p. ín. except Suuday. tí For inforinntion and tickets apply to II. W Ilayes, agent M. C. R. R., Ann Arbor. M. (;. EOACH, Pasa. Agent, Detroit. FRANK E. SNOW, Gen. Pass. and Ticket Atft Detroit. pREAT WHSTERIV RAILWilïVJT Depots fuut, of Third aucl lirusli streets.; Detroit time. Detroit time. Leave. ArriVe. Atlantic Expiesa, J4.00 a. in. Iii lïxpress, 8.35 a. m. 6,80 p. m. New York and Boston Kxpress, 7.00p.m. t9.45n.m. Detroit Expresa, 12.45 p. m. Sttumboat Express, 7.00 a. m IDaily. Daily exceptSnnday. tKxcnpt Monday. &L■ Kor information and tickets apply to H. W. Huyes, Agent M. C. R. II., Anu Ailior. W. H. MUTH, ni. una ar, Western Pass'r Ag't. General Pnss'r Agent Toledo and Ann Arbor Railroad. Taking effect Sunday November 2.1, 1879. goimí Nonrii. noiNO South. Mix. Exp. Mail . MixA. Mli.M. e. M. 1. M.P.M. P.M. 10 40 8 30 5 00 TOLKDO il :)0 8 10 3 55 10 43832 5 02 North Toledo 928 808 352 10 57 8 41 ñ 10 Detroit Junction 9 19 7 58 3 35 1110 8 50 5 19 Hawtliorn 9 10 7 48 S 20 1124 9 00 5 28 Samarla 9 oo 7 su sos 1132 9 05 5 34 Reola 8 SS ÍS8 2 6S 1146 0 15 5 43 Lulu 8 47 7 24 2 41 1154 9 20 5 49 Monroe Junction 8 42 7 18 2 31 12 10 9 82 5 59 Duudee S Sft 7 07 2 JS 12 22 9 38 e 05 Macon 8 30 7 01 2 03 9 45 0 12 Azalia 8 24; 6 55 164 105 8 50 6 27 Nol 8 11; 0 41 180 119 10 07 B34 Urania 8 05 li 34 119 130Í1O14 6 40 Milan 7 6S 6 28 107 148ilO2 650 Ypalianti Juno. Vis 6 18 12 50 2 10,10 40 7 Ofil ANN ARBOti I 7 3fi: r, OH 12 .'10 The 7.35 a. m. expresa south niakes close connecions at Monroe Junction for Adrián and M(tnroe and for pointfl on the Lake Shore ; at Toledo with Columbus Sc Toledo and the Wabash. All trains run by Columbus time - 7 minutes faster than Aun Arbor time. J. M. ASHLEY, Jr., Suporintendent.


Old News
Ann Arbor Argus