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MEDICINAL. -íTEJüicIifti; = TRADEMRK.The G Kn.TRA Vap .tés ': ■■■ i uil pnrtxmlors in our pamphlels, which-vre o cml irfe by inai! to everv ctïl'. Tho ■ i oM by ull Di I íl peí piícki.L'i', 01 six pnckagea lor í", or will be aentby muil on reeH THE URAY MEDICINE ( O . Ho 10 "■!■, hanlca' Blcck, Detroit Micli. SSoia jn Arm Arbür by all Drugyists, and by ■iriigííi?i? ererywhere Stearns' Drug Store 81 WOODWARD AVENUE, 2DETEOIT. We keep in stock ths largest varieiy of PfledicaJ Merchandize gaiherod under one roof in Amerioa. KS"Visito!-s aro eordially invited to viüifc our Store rlien in Detroit. riTXSICIAïfS, .SUKGEONS, STCDENTS, anlDKAT-KIJ,S are inviíed to examine our large a id complete as ortinnnt of and all kiDttred goods befcre maimg thcir sclcctious elscwhere, as we will make it to their advantage to obtain their supplics of FHEDEKICK STEARNS. To Nervous Snfferers-The Grent Enropean Itemedy - I)r. J. 15. SImpson's Sperific Medicine. It isa positivo cure for fpermatorrhea, Sfminal Weakncïs, Impotency, ;'i:il all diseasee rtsulting ,-„„„,. fro:n Sulf-Alr EFOBE. Mental Anxiety, aftek. lis in Bnck or , Ihat lene! to f OL i?SAsumption, iimnity mfpS JÊlsih3! anI an carly grave. X' Tho Speciüc v; 1 ii" is bein ' with woEcIeri'ul success, Pamphlets sent freitoall. Virrif: for them and (jet full partícula Price,Speciñc, 81.00 per] six packages ior $5.00. Addr sa all ordi B. MEDICINE CO., Nos. 104 and 10C Maiu Ktreet, Buffalo, N. Y. For sale in Ann .rbor by Eberbaoh & Kon, anp by till draggistsJeTeryvhere. gBm THE GREAT CAUSE J Euman Missry. Just publisted, in a Seaír.d Bnvelope. Pricc sïx cents. A T„ecture on the Nature, Trentmeüt, and Kadical cure of Seminal Weakness,or Spermiitorrhcea,ittduoed by Self-Abuse, Involuntary Kinissiuns, Impotency, Nervoua Debility, aud In menta to Marriafre genen acity, 4c- By BOB (x, author 'i Iho "Green Tlie world-renowned Aufehor, i;i th liy prOTea í.-.jí'i h i-tence that the awfn] con lly removed without medicine, and without . instrumenta .orcordinls; pointingout a -ureat oncecertain ar.d i-s ter vhat his condition may be, may cure him ■ '.f cheaply, privately, and radically. O51 This Lectura will prove a boon tö thousands andthousands. Sent, uader &oal, in a ploin envelope, to any address.on reneipt ol'aix cents, or two poetugü ttiunps. Addresa thePubli THE CÜLVERWELL MEDICAL CO., 41 AnnSt., Jiüiv Vork; Post Office Uu';, 4580. SISflHHIHHHBBEBBHUHflBEHES HALLS Cures Colds, Pneumonía, Bronchitis, Asííima, Ci'onp, Wltooping1 Conyh, aad all discases of the Breatning1 Organs. Itsoothes and heals the Membraim of the Liuigs, inílamed asid poisoned by the disenso, and prevenís tlie nightsweats and tightness ncross the chest whichnceonipanyit. C0NSU3IPTÍ0N is not an incurable malady. It is only necessary to have tlie riirht remedv. and HALL'S BALSAM is that renfedy! I)ON 'T DESPAIR OF RELIEF, for th is beniiïn specillc Tvill cure you, even thongh professional aid fai'ls. HEHRYg the Most Potvcrful Ilealing Agent evev Discovered. Benry's Carbolic Salee cures the trorse sores, Smry'a Carbol te Sal:-c nllayz the of bitrna. llcnry's Carbolic Salve cures all cruitions. llcnry's Carholic Salve heals pimples anti blotches. Ilenvy's Carbolic Salve tcül cure cuts and bntises. Ask for Ilenry's, and Tako No Other. W BEWARE OF COUNTEKFEITS. jEJ 'JXJWNSLEY'S : ::; :■ ■ '- -- - -■ -r --- - ■ ■ - - - - - --- CURES m ONE MINUTE. míimwm A SURD PEEVENTIVH OF Contagión Discases, Colds, Iloarseness, Diphíheria, aad Vhooping Cough. rieasant to the Xante. JOHN F. HENBY, CÍIRKAN & CO., SOLÉ FR0FR1B 24 C'oüCBP PI: New Vork. i - --_■■ - .- _- UJJ FOR SALE BY-L. S. LEECH. Tlie Universal Katli. i! „vMAMBATnSto '-" v.P,dv,-J.3 85 ín K'riSi-i' ? ï QnMniiUI AwarJ lJ?r l='f II Ï ;_ S Prlce í'..,kuí,1 " ' 0 Sndfo, aburar,. E. J. KNOVVLTOW, Ann Arbor, Mich. Fot sn!c ai the Drug Storo of L. S. 1 Hotel block ; aleo i ■ ' Street ; and alao by il manuacturer, K .T. i ton, No. 24 North State Street, Aun Albor, Miel to wliom all corresjioudcnce eLould bo adareseed ' ' LEGAL NOTiCES. Estáte of Hary Aun Cropaey. OTATE OF MICHIGAN, CÜUNTY P " ■ Probate ofAunArboi dayof Jannary, ín lil hundred andeigbty ■. Jiitoof Probatr. late ofidaryAnn i, admlnistratris of saldi aa sucJi adtnitiibtratriz. Tl" ■ that TuciKlay, tlio iry iiext, al tin the ' -i for examinini? and allowina that tbe helre at law of safd de" r persons interested in sa i - tate, are required court, then to be holden at the the city uf Ann Arbor, in said counti cause ïf any tin-r.! be. v.-liy the hould pot be allowed : And t is furtheroi that aid odminiatratrix gWe ooi Intero ■ ■ ■ acconnl lieraof, by c u order to bc puhlished inthi . onAivc.Hinty, two sucoesaive weeks pr.vious to saiddav of hearing. WILLIAM D. HAKRIMAN 'A truecopy.) v.'m. G. iit.iv, Piobate Begbter. Estáte of Walkers- minor. OTATE OF MICHIGAN, COUNTY J of Washtena-w, ss. At a Bession of the Prourt for the county of Washten Probate Oöteflih ihe city of Ann Arbor, on day, the twnty-firet dny of January, in the yeiir one thouaand eight hundrea and eighty Present, Wilüam I. Harrlman , Judge of Probate. In the matter of the estáte of K. Bnrt Walker 11 in B. Walker, minors. On readiDgapdiüiDg thepetition, chiiy virified, of Abbie ï. Walker, guardián, prayffig that she raay be Ucensed to si il the real estute Ltlocging to said minois. Tberenponitisovdered.thfitTuesday.the renuay of Fabruaty next, ut ten o'olock in the foi-SDoun, be asais-ntd tor the hearing of said petmon, and thüt the next of kin of said uiinora and all otlier persons interertei] in aaúj i Hre required tr appear at a session of a:úá court, then to be holden it the Probate o the city ot Arn Arbor, and ho cause, if any there b,hy the prayer of the petitioner shoiil.l not be grauted: And it is fnrther ordered that said pi-litimier glve noüce to the persons ini ! in siiid eBtiile, ol the pendency of said ?i, nnd the he.irinii thercot', by eansing n eopy of this order tobe published in the Asn Arbo ous, a now.-paper ijrip.tefl and circuí ated in baid county, threesuccesaive weeke previous tu said day oi hearing. WILLIAMD.HAERIMAN, f A true copy.) 1 udg„ ot Probate. Wm. G. Doiy, Probate Register. JJstate of Rebekah Walker. OTATE OF MICHIGAN, COUNTY O of Washtenaw, ss At a Bession of the Probate CmirtfortheCountj of Wnshtenaw, holden at the Ice, in the City of Ann Arbor, on Wedncsday, the twenty-first d;y oí' January, in the year one ' ht hundred and eighty. Pre lent, William D. Harriman, Judereof Probate. In the matter of theestate of Eebtkah Walter, deceased. On r;-;-.ding and flling tho pptifion.duly Terifled, ; ■ that he iniy thereal estáte whereof said dè■ ized. Tbereupon itis ordered, that Tnesrtny, the sevenday o( Febrnary next, at ten o'clook forenoon,bcas8isr".dfor the hearing of eaid petitioa, and that, the devisee leir atlaof said deceased, and Lntereated in BHid estáte, ore requiredtoapptnratasession of suid court, Uien to be bolrlen at the Probate office in the city of Ann Arbor, and sh . ,:ny thepe be, why the prayer of the petitioner should not be gv.-mted: And it is f nrther ordered that said peiiiv notice ti the persons interestod in aaid estáte, of the pendency of said petition, and the. hearius thereof, b-' caoaiug a copy of this ordti to bepubliahed in the Arboe Abi paper printed and circulated in said eounty,three su'jcessive weeks previous to sa:d day o! hearing. WILLIAM 1). HARRI] ( A true copy. ) Judae of Probate. .m. O. 1otï, Probate Register. Estáte of Geor#e Walker. OTATE OF MICHIGAN, COUNTY O oi Washtenaw, 88. At a session of the Probate Conrtfortheflo&ntyof ■.. tolden at the Probate Ofüee in the city oí Aun Arbor, on V.' day, the OTentyfirst day of Janunry, in the year one thousand eight hnndred and eiglity. Present, WüliamD.ÍIai riman, Judeof Probate. In the matter ol tho estáte of George Walker, deceased. On reading and filing tfce petition, duly vcritled. one of the admioistratoi the will annexed of said estáte, prayi. may be licensed to sell the real estáte whereof saiil I dicd seized. ïhereupon it iaordered, that Tucsday, the scveTiteenth dav of Febiuary next, at ten o'clock in the forenoon, be assijjned for the hearing of Baid petition, and tht the devisees, leñatees, and heira at ltw of aaid deceased, and all o(her persons interestt d in said etute, are required to appear at a session ot Said Oourl, then to be holden at the Probate in the City Of Ann Arbor, and show cause, it' anv there be, whythe prayer of the petitiouer shonld not be granted: And it iá furtber ordered tna( :iii:ier givenotice to the persons int. in feaid estáte, of tbe pendency ot said petitiuri, ■i ' hearing" thereof, hycauainqra copyo to be publis!. iper printed and cn-eulated i:i uccessive weeks previous to said day oí hearing. "WILLIAM D. HARRI1TAN, (A trnecopy.) ot l'rubate. Williaii tí, DoTY.Probate Register. ICstato of Kiüilus M. Riohardaon. OTATE OP MICHIGAN, COÜNTY kj of Washtenaw, ss. Notiee is hereby given. tbai by an order of the Probate Court fr tbeCounty of tenaw, made on tbe twolfth day of January, A. IX ÏS'O, six muntlis from that (hite wore allowed frir creüitora to present thelr clai i i ïie estateofEmilus M. [Uchnrdson, late of said county, !, and that all ereditors ofsaid deceased are ■ il their claims to said Probate Court, at the Probate Office In tbe City of Ann Arbor, for examination and allowance, 01 tbo twelfth day of July next, and that such e! ! heard bel said O ört on Mooday, the twelfth day of April, and on Monilay, ilie twelfth day of July next, at ten o'elock in tho forenoon of each of Baid tJays, Dated, Ann Arboï, Jaxwary 12, A. D. IPSO WILLIAM l). HABBIMAN, fc3w4 Jadíe of Probate. T IXSEY & SEABOLT'S Bakery, Grocery, AND FLOUR AND FEED STORE. . Wc keep constant])' on hand BREAD, CRACKERSCAKES, &c, Tor Wholesale and Iïetail Trad e. We shall also keep a supply of DELHI IFULO-CriR,, J. M. Swift & Co's Bpst Wliite Wlieat Flour, Kye Flour, lïucIiivheat'lTlour, Corn Meal, Teet1., Sus., &c, &c. At Wholesale and rct A general stock of GEQCEEIES AND PE07I510NS constantly on huid, wliieh will bc Bold on as reasonablc tertus is at any ether house in th paH for Buttcr, Eggs, and Country Produce generally. deliveredftto any part of the city without extra charge. KTNSEY & SEABOLT. Ann A f hor, Jan. 1, 1S79. PAINTS, OILS, ETC. ROEST ANO BEST STOOK OF : : ;,c. : ALL KINDS OP Painters' Materials, &c. AMEEICAN AND FKE2TCH WI1TDOW CliASS AU Hm, --X1 SOEG-'S. 26 and 28 East "Washington Street, ANN AEBOE. EVERYBODY SAYS THAT S. B. REVENAUGH IS THE Boss riiotograplier of Ann Arbor. Fourth Street, East of Court House, lst iloor. LEGAL NOTICES. Tfotloe of C'ha;irery Order. STATE OF MICHIGAN. THE I ourt lr the cotmty of . chaneerr. John J, Haüsey, complainant, 1 L Beasie Hanscy, defendant. j y, pa. Il satisfactorily 1 ■ tb order aud thai i cause her answet to t!ie complaiiiant biU oi plamt lo be BI mse anda a 1 -"'I "'' I'"1 ' ' BOlicitors twenty days alter rtuo service ot ont!ie Jol'.inihuit orhtr solicito! - order; and in default tbtreof tbal the tuleii iiscontcssed by thejaii] deft'udaul isfurther onlcred thiit wilTiin twenty days ft, a Lotice of this order uunt; ui Vi tne said publii leaetonw in eaoh werk f,,: that hu caun a onpy of this ordei twentj appeai e Uated, DecLiubcr 251h, 1870. I Circuit Coi:: County, Michigan: Solioitor :ind of Counsgi foi Complaioant. DEFAULT HAVING BEEX MADÍ, in the conditlou of a eertain mortis V, to Freder day ui May, A. D. 1875, and recorded in th( o{ the Ilesristei' of Derda lor the county ai tenaw and state of Michigan, on the twelfih day May, A. D. 1875, at 3 o'cloci i-. jt.. in lihoi morigagesonpageöi and the election of said mortgHpee t ha' wbole su bei sai(i moTtpige the pi :n said ing8 baviDg been institnted fnlw.orequity fo recover ; ; ,...t, ageorasi naVt ' i and thesumof tunhund nïy-six 84-100 on said morl ;;irs lis ■i ,-ii,l moit ;age wül bejoj ale jf or so nul uine ii iber ten n Otumi v Idition to tl ,, rüy) or Ann Arbor ; also another ; mencinK at a point in the tious namber twenty and tweuty-if '.. corner common tosaid seciión , ;■ the village ol Ann Arboi ed to Amlrew Nowland by Ans ning tfaeftce north to the center o running cast and v, est nr-rth of thence east so lar that the land ! ■ old road and the soulh and wee lid' Brownto said Nowland onetifth of an acre of land ; als - two. (Ivo and --x in the hi. .■! the Bouth cl House in snld city of Ann Arbor (thi place for holding the Circuit Oourt for the eoua1 htenaw) on s.nniMv, the Tvf. : day of Mabch, A. I-. 1880, at il a. m. oí,sáTd Said premises will he sold i accruing in; : Dd all costsund expenai e huv. J i . HMID.Sr., ftg CltAJIKl:, FBDBAUFÏ & COBBIN, Att'ys forBaid Moitgaree. Sheriff Sale. OTATE OF MICHIGAN. ,COU:T k3 of Washtenaw, as. James B. -■1 1 dward r Thayei and Emery N. :■ roe! t'ral of and under the sealof the Tircuit Courí I ■ I dkl 011 tlie eleven levy upon the following described real and yit: Allthati cel of Iand situute and beles i" theoonaty of Waahtenaw and ate of Michigan, kntm [ai ter of seeiion namber 11 in saíd twvnehip, being town throe senth of rsw . Alea tl!' 'o' : n said lovtnahip, towit; i!-, ginniu on tlu irnerof est half of the Boutheaat quarter oí nuinoer 11, runnini ■: tothenfü of the Biiid west half of the said sontl thencewcst on thesaid north line .-; far tl running: a line sooth parallel with the sald west half to a road on the senth line i irter, md thenceto ihe place ginning on saul ro.d. the hole -n-ilt enrtose twenty . laad ezcepting and reterving i'rom tl deseription the rijrfil oï v, Üeiroit, Hillsdale and Indiana Bailroad eompuD so tongas t!i , . m ant to snid 'rant, beiiig tban . ne acre "of 'nï . Also the following deacrlbed lnnd iu said township,! Beginningrat the southwest corne! eabt halt of the Bakl BOutbeaBt qua uorth oti diviaioo lino o stixty ruda ; thence east parallel I of said s. nu Least quarter forty roí thence bcuUi parallel witb said división line siatv roüs to tlie section : thi line forty roda to the plací tainin sary to . shail sell ai public ai th9 north door ol the Hou Anu Arbor in said county I eiiia, g the cii uil court in the ry, A. D. 1880, at twö e'elock 'm tlie r.uf'ii of that day. Dated, January 9th, A. D. 1880. ,■' JOSIAH S. CAST J. II. Lïon, Att'y for l'li. _- Three Eivura, Mieli. t Real Eslaíy for Sale. OTATE OF MICHIGAN, Cüu" IO of Washtenaw, ss. In the matter of the ' of Srlden Marvin, deceased. Noticeis ;. that in punnanee oi as order fjranted to tfcW dministrati roftl 9 Hod. Judge of t'rohato íor ti ÜIW, 011 tlll A. D. 1879, there will be snld at Publio ""e1íi1tito .est bidder, at the luie residence o! sa1 '- censcd, in the township of th6 cour f Washtenaw, in Baid State, un Tuesday the dayof Februftry, A. D. 1880, at ten o'clock irTT? forenoon of tliat (subject to uil eacumbranc . by znortgage or otberwise existí Dg at the til the death of said dece.tsed) the foliowirg de .'üd tate, to-wit : 1. The west one-third,ot tha fouth three-eiühths, of t',. -half, of tiisouthwest qunrter of eectioB twenty-ooe, (21) ■■■ tïw to-wnehi of Lodi, Washt naw wranty, iiicl 2. A strip of land one chain and fourtcin IiíIís wláe, and extendliig aexoss the northeast quier of i-ccüen twenty-one, ín town three 13) soutk of raDga five (5) eaat, in rounty, State of an. The west siJe of whieli is para: en rods cast of tho west side ot tnhl nnai - ter sectlon, and the east side is sixteen f1'ü cliains and fifty-seTen links west of the eaat half quurter line, containing tour and 02.10(1 acres more or less. COÜSTOCK E. H1LL, Dated, Deo. 17, 1870. Admicistiator Bheriff' Sale. STATE OF MICHIGAN, OOTJNTY of Washtcnaw, ss. Thomas Murphy vs. James Murpliy. 3ïy virtue of an execution issued out of andunderthe seal of tlic Circuit Cóuit for the county of Bay, In the above entitled cuue to me directed and delivereü, I did on the üütn day of Jnly, A. D., 1879, levy upo.n all the lïght tjüe :nd interest oí' James Muiphy in and to the F ídí described real eetate, towit: All thai I)iece or pr.rcel of land sitúate and being in th of A mi Arbor, county of Washtenaw and s! Michigan, described jis "A house and lot, nut aix, in Williaiii A. Benedict6 rlfit, as recordm wi the office of the Register of Deeds for VViwhlenah county, Michigan." Wiiich described lauda aJ s 1 shall sel] at public auetion to the l:i bidder at the north d( or of the Court House in th city oi Ann Arbor in said county (that bcing tha place of holding the circuit courts in the county where the premises areaituated) o;i the lst. day of March, A. D. 1880, ut two o'cluck in the ufiernoon of that day. Kated, Januory lGth, 1880. .TOSIAn S. CASE, Sheriff. SajcrAKD & Lyon, Atty's for Plnintiff, Baj City, Mich. ïfeaJ i: i.-.íc tot ,Saie. STATE OF MICHIGAN, 'COUNTY of Waahteaav, ss. In tho matter of the estáte of Sophia Wetzol. Notice is b er eb y given, that in pursnanceof au order granted u tlie nndtrsigneïj, Leoohard Grnner, guardián f the eBtate ofsaid Sophia Wetïel, by tlie Hou. Judgo of Probate for tho county of WashteoaTf, on the serentecnth dny of December. A. 1). 1870, there will besol.l ut imblue, to the highest bidder, at south door of the eourt house at Ann Arbor, iu the county of Washtenaiv iu bu! state, ou Saxcsdat, thk Foüb.! daï of Pkbboary, A. D. 1880, at 2 o'clock in the afternoon of that day (subject to all enounibrances by mortgage or otherwire t.xistin at the time ot tne sak'! llt.' rollowing dcecribed real estáte, to wit: The east half of the northweat quarter and theeast huif of the BOUtbwest quarter of section thirty-three (83) in town tl.ree soutli of raiifre ttve east, stateof Michigan; and also as appurtenant t" said land all iny nVht and tille to a certain Bpnnfr on the west ' of the northvrest quarter of ! ion and all my rigbt to coiidui't water from said spring and to lay and repair pies for that pui pose. Ann Arbor, Dec. 31, 1S79. LEONHAED OKDHEE, Guardian. Ustate.of Josepb Aranlil. STATE OF MIOHIGAN, COTJNTY oi Washtenaw sa. At ív scssion of the Probato Oourt l'or tlie County of Washtenaw, holden at the Probato Office in the city oí Aun Arbor, on Wednesday, the tienty-first day of January, in the yearone tliousaiu! eiJit huñdred and eighty. Pieaent, William i i. cbate, In the mutter of the estáte oi Joseph Araold, dece'i On reading and aiisg I he pe) ition, duly verifled, of William II. Arnold, praying that a certsin instrument now on tilo in thia cdiirt, purporting to be the lust will and testament o( said deoeased, may be admittcd to probate, and that he may bo appointed executor thereof. Thereupon it is ordered, thnt llonday, theiixteenttadayof Febrnary nest, at tcno'clock in the forenoon, be aasigned tor the hearing of sid petition, and that the de isees, legatees and heiraatlaw of aaid deoeaaed, and all other persons iuterested in saidestute.iire reqmredto nppear at a session of said Conrt, then to bo holden at the Probate Office in the city of A en Arbor, and show cause, f any there be, why the prayer of the petitioner Bhould not be nranted : And it is further ordered that said petitioner jgire notice to the persons interested in said estáte of the penilency of siiili petition umi the hearing thereof, by ciusin a ei py ot this order to bepublishedinthe ...- Auuon Argus.b newspaper piinted mul oiroulated in said eounty, threeaucce&UTe ireeks previous to said duv of bearing, WILLIAM D. HAKRIMAIÍ ( A true copy.) Judjje of Probite-, "Wm. ü. Doty, Probato Eegister,


Old News
Ann Arbor Argus