Estáte ot Geore líronnor. OTATE ÜF MICHIGAN, OüUNTY ÍO oí' Washtesaw, ss. At a session of the Probate Coui't fur the County of Washtenaw, holden at the Probate Office, in the oity of Ana Aibor, on Saturday, the thirty-lirst day of January, in the year OJoe thouaand eight hundred and eighty. Present, William U. H arriman, Ju Jge of Probate. In fche matter of the estáte oí Ueore Bronaor, decea&ed. On readiiig and GUïng the petitlon, duly veriiied, ot CatharineBronner, praying that she inay be appointed admioistratrix of saia estáte. Thereupou it ia. orde-red, that Tonday, the iirst day of Maich nest, at ten o'clock in th i'orenoon, be asaigned ior the hearing of Baid petition, aDd that the heira at ïaw of said deeeaaed, and aU other persoai ini nested in said estáte, are required to appear at a aeseioxi of said eourt, then to be holden at the Probate Oüice in the city of Au!) Arbor, aiid show cause, if uny tbere be, why the praye ■ oi the petil loher s hou ld not begranted : And it la fuithez ordered that taid petltioner g-ive Dotioe to the pereont tntemt dm said estáte ot the pendenoy of said petltion and the hearing thereof, by caüBiog ii eopy of thia ordr to Liepubiishod iu the Ann ebob Aegu, a newapaper printed and oirculated in ittid oounty, three aucuessive weeks previous to said day of hearing. WX1.LIAM 1). 0AHRISIAN, (A trueoopy.) Judge üi Pxobute. Wai. Q. Dott, Probate Kegiater.
Old News
Ann Arbor Argus