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I IIUL'S OPEB1 HOUSE. ONU NHJllX ONT. Y, MONDAY, l'EBEUAEY 2kl, Ui tlio talented and popular artisti, Mr, autl Mr, J. "W. FLORENCE! la thcir Grest Original Creatlon í Hon. !;.udwell 1 Mrs. Gen. Gllflory, In B, . Woolf great pl;iy, tne MSGHTY DOLL4R Pupportcd by their SEW YORK COMPUtY. Adniission 50 ceuts, 75 cents, and ti. ra cbargo for reaetyed Bcnts.on sale at Watts'ewelry Storu, oommencing Februury 2('. _________ I83O. Harper?s Bazar. It,I,lSÏRVrED. This popular periodlcal is pre-eminentlya Journal tor ihe houseiiold. Evcry number furnishes tlie latest infirmation in reguld 'o Fashiona in dress and ornaimnt, the newest snd most approvefl pattern, with Sesoriptive articles derived from authcntic and original sou ces; while its S.orios, Poems, and Eswys on Social and Domestic Topics, givo viiricti to. its coluïnU8. The Volumes of tlie Bzar begin v.-ith (he flrst Nuinbcrfor Jamuuyof eiieli year. "Wïirnno time Is will be tmdeTstood that e subscriber wishes to co.mucnco with the nuiiuer next lifter the receipt of order. Harj)er's Periodicals, HARPER'S MAOAZINK, One Year, !4 O HAEPKE'S BAZAR, " " .' 4 L l 10 00 Auy TWO alioYeuainea.OneYour, HAUPEK'S YOUKÜ PEOPLK, One Yea' 1 50 PostagelFree to all subscrilers in tin United States or Canada. The Annnal Volumes of Haeper's Eizak, In neut eloth binding, willbe Bent by mafj postage nairt or by expruss, f ne. of expense (piwideU the rrei"iit doe not exceed one per vAimeJ, tor K7.00êach. A Complete Set, compiising re folumu s.-nl on receipt ot caah at the ratetf Ï5,2o per volume, frtighl al expense of purcliaser. Clotk Cases for eneh volume, Buitable ir binding, will benent by mail, postpaid, on recejt of $1.00 eaeh. Kemittanccs shouldhe matlebyPost-OifceMoney Order or Drait, to uvoid chance of loss. A'noivapers are nol to copy Mis advertitlfent without the exj,ren orde' ..ƒ HiBPEK & BbOTHRS. Address HAKl'l 11 & liliOTUKli. w V DETROIT, HILLSDALE AND SOUTH VVF.8TEKN KA1LKOAÏ To take effect Nov. 16, 1879. QOING WEST. GOTS EAST. tTiV iöWa7Frei"ht. Mail . I stations. ;,iil. TjYt. A. M.P.M. „ Ypsilanti.... 7:110 6:40 "' - Toledo June. 7:25 G:O!t Bankors '10 1:30 Baline.. 8:U0 6:15 Hillsdule . . . . 20 1:50 UridsewHter . 8:8i 6 88 , ALimcheuter.. '.25 5:00 Manchester.. 9:25 6:62 , Bridgewnter '.17 5:30 p. M. ! Saline 17 6:15 Hillsdale 12:15 3:48 I Toledo .Tnnc. 1Ü5 6:35 Bunkers 1:00 2:45 Ypoilanü 1C10 7:00 Trains run by Chicago time. W. F. PAKKER, 8nt Ypianti. pARJVl POR SALE. Forty rieres, cultivable every acre, anHocntcd about two miles northeast ot' the city in An Arbor townsliip. Water running thiough it he year round, withln nix roda of barn. Good hlse añil barn. Orchard of 100 trees. Foraale orxchunge tor city property. Apply to P.M. BURMNCAME, 82Thömion St. Ana Arbor, Feb. 10, 1880. 7-tí (Successortn J. N.Gatland) ÜNLY PRA0"ICAL "'' ' THEATR.OAL rJÉ and Masq:erade " P'3 IN MI(:IIrANX.. MbHT Manufactura and Theatrical Goods and "Warirobes. Personal attent ion gtven to the product; on of AMATEUR PLAYS AND MASQUER1DÜS. Orders by mail or telsgraph will receive promr attcniíon. 120 Griswolu Strest, DETROIT, Biel. pARM FOR SALE OF ISO JIGÜES, Or will divide it if parties wisli in 89 aeio lots. The abuve farm is in eood state of oultivatióa, god house, two barns, nlce gTODEtry, two orchards. and thirty aores of wheüton the ground. For fkrther iui'orniation Lnqnire of the ubseriber on tlir farm, half a inUenorth ofth town li lII inSharo, Wasbteoaw County, Mioh. NotbeiBg able to Tork, the farm can be bnii;ht ut a barquín. 4-13t llAltVKY BLACKMAN. lístate of tloseili Arnoll. STATE OP MIGIIIÖJiN, COÜNTY of Notioe la nreby gtren.that by morder of the Probate Court for the Qjunty of Waahtenaw, made on the seventeehth 4aj of Febniary A.D.1880, i months frora that ate ware allowèdfororeditoii to present thelr clntuis against the estale of Joseph Arunld, late of satd oounty, dcceascil and tbat all creditors of sai I di aaed are required to preient their claims to said Probate Court at the Probate Office in the City of Ann Arbor' for examination and m er before the eyenteenth day of August utiil.and that such claims will be heard before salí Court on Mondav the seventeenth day of May, and on Juesday the Beventeeuth day of August nxt, at ten o'clóck in the foreBoon of eacb of said days. 8w4 Jadas of Probate. Election Notlce. To the Electorsof tuf. County ok WAsnTEu.vw: You are hcreby notifled that at the Election to beheld ín this State on the flrat Monday of April next the folkwiní Amendment to the Constitution of this State is to be sulimitted to the people ol tlio State for their adoption or rejeotion. viz.: AnAmendmeni toSeetion 1, Articlc 9. relativo to tb Salary of the (iovernor, providedfor Dy Joint Rcsolution No. 8S, laws of 1870. Lated, Ann Arbor, Feb Álf0.cAsE)Shcrm LEGAL NOTÏOES. Estáte of Oscar l. Stevens. STATE OK MIGHIOAN, COUNTY oí WasbtBuw,a8. 'Ai asetwionof the Pfobate Oourt forthe Cmiuty of Waahtenaw, holden ut the Probate oiiice in tbtcityof Ann Arbor, ou Wedneadi , the eighteenth dity oí HYbrmuT, in the year oiie thousand eiffht bundred and i ntjWllliara . tfarnmuin, Juduuof Probate. In the dwttei ui' the estáte of üwar D. Stevens, deoettótd. Newton Sholdftn nnd Atih A. Stevens, eiecutors of the Lust wtli and I of M dewased, oome into couri aud repitBent tha) li"1? fcW now prepared lo rondel their nal twcount as tsuoh exXlitM-iMipon il is ordered, thaí Taeaday, tbeslxteeuth day of M ■ ■■ 't: '" the foreuoon, forexamiiiingand illowLuíf sach account, an3 thnt the deviwees, Ie und heirs at law of said deceased, umi iül other persons tuteresUd in öaid estáte, re required to ttppear at a aesslon of Baicl Court, then to "- hokten m iheProbtfte Office in the city of Aon Arbor ia Ftaid county.and show cause tf any theTebe, why the siiid accaunt íhould not be añowed : And It ra further ordierad tbat -= l. 1 1 1 uxeontOTi give notlBe to tli e perrons interested in said ostate, ut" the pendency of said account and the hearing tbereor, by causlng a copy üf tnii order lo be pwbltahed in the Ann' liiiBoB Aueus, a Qewspaper prlntod nnd circulatingin said county, threeauccefclve weeks fOvious to raid day of hearing. WILLIAM D. HARKtMAK, (A truecopy.) Jttige of Probate. Wm.U. Uoty, Probate Register. Estáte of Joghua Forbes. OTATE OF MICHIGAN, COUNTY Ö of Washtennw. as. At a fsion of the Probate Oonrl forttie County "f Washtenaw, bolden ;it the eOfiiee, in the city of Ann Arbor, on Wdnen.1 ,, ol i ebruary, in tlio ytar one tbouaand eight hundred and eighty. nt, WÜIUni 1'. tiiuriman, ludgeof Probate. In tïie muiter of the estáte of Joshua Forbei, JfCfeas"il On ruadtngand ftling the petitlon duly verineo of Byion w. F'orlres, prayiug thut aJministrntlon of satd estáte may be grantad to Maria i'orbe or iomeothersuiiiibleperson. . .. ., Thereupon it ia unltrtd, (hut Vonaay, the nt.f Mnrcli next, ut ten o'clock in the .n, 'bc assifrned tor the hearing of saiil netition.and that tbehelrsatlaw of naid deceased, and all othei pewonn inLerestsJ in aiM estáte, aie reqnired to appeur at n sussion of said conrt, then to do holdfin at the ProbateOtttoe in the city of Ann in„„ ...i .:.. ..-.i„, f any there be, why the pr'.yer of the petitioner Rfiouta noi t?e grautrdi And it in turthei orflered that miá petitioner gire !...;ic" to the pentona intereted m aald ratate, of the pendenoy uf said petition and the heiirinff thereof , by cauaing a cupy if :his order to bo published in th Arbob Argus, n newspajer printed and circulated ín ikl oounty, three sucoussiïe weeks prevkms to nid Jayof hearing. W1LLIAM L) HARUI11AN, f A trae eopy.) Judge of Probate. Wm. G. Doty. Probate Reiri-ter. Brtate of Cyrns T. Strvens. OTATE OP MICHIGAN, GOUNTY Ö t Wnshtermw as. At a -eiii'jri of the Probato Court i'or the County of Wahce.naw, holden at the Pvobale Office 111 the city of Aun Arhnr, 011 Satui,e fourteenth day of b'ebr iary, in the year o:ic bhousand 'riíí'nt himdre.i and eigbty. Present, Vv'illiaral). Ilarri nun, Judgy of Probate, In the matter of the eata e ui Cyius T. Stevciis, deceaned. Oa ï-eaJing and flling the po'ition, rtuly veiiiied, of t'larcüice J. Ieck, prayi.ig that n eérUin Instrumentuowon file in tliia cuurl, piirpnrtniif to be the last will and testumeut of said decraised, maj be admitted to probate, and that Charlea H. Thompson tnay bo appoiuted oxecutor thcreof. Tliereopou ït is onlerol, that Mund:y, the fifteentb day ol March net, at ten o'clock in the toienoon, De asaiguedlortlie heatiug oí said petition, and that the devisee, legatees and heirsatlaw of said deoeased, and all other persons interested in said ealate, are reqmreJ to appear at a sesaiou ; oí said Couit, thcn to bi holdeu at the Probate i.ithe city of Atiii Arbor, and sliow cause, if auy theri! be, 'wliy tho piayer of the petitioner should not be (tranted : Au.1 it is turther ordered that said petitioner give notice to the persona interested ia said estáte of the pendency of said . ari'l the hearing thereof, by causinf,' a copy ol thití order to bepublished inthe Anm Abbob AnacB.a newspaper priiitn i and ciroulated in said county, threesuccessive weeks pruvkmo t m.ildy ofhearmg. WILLIAM D. nAHR1MAN, (Atmecopy.) Judge of Probate. "Wm. (i. Uoiy, Probate Begixter, Estáte of Sarah W. Keckwith. STATE OF MICHIGAN, COUNTY of At a session of the Probate Court for the County of Washtenaw, hulden at the Probate Otiice in the city ofAnn Arbor. on Monday the sixteenth day of Februsry, la the year one'thousand eight hundred and elghty. P-esent Williain D. llarriinau, Judge of Probate. In the mattterof the estáte oí Sarah W. Beekwlth, deceased. H Louise Sackett, exeratnx of the last will and testament of said deoeased, comes into court and representa thatshe ïsnow prepared to ronder her Knal account as such exectltrix. Thereupon it ia ordered. that Wednesday, the seventcenthday of Mareh ncxt, at ten o'i-lockin the n, be asaigned tor euwdning and allowing BUeh account, nnd that the devisees, legatees and heirsatlawof saiil deceased, and all otlier persons interestcl in said estáte, are requlred tuappearai a seseion of said court, tlien to be holden at the Probate Otüce in tho city of Ann Arbor in said county and show cause, il' any thcre Ve, why the said account should not be allowed. And it is furthcr ordered that sai(l excemrix give notice to the persons uterested in said estáte ol tbe pendency of said account and tho hearing thereof, by causing a copy of this order to le puolisbed n tlio ,-.. j iAKOüS.a neHaDam r pruitad and oinui. laling in sala i ee suceessive weeks prerilaidday of hearing. VVILLIAM D. IIARUIMAN, ( true copy.) Judgeof Probate. Wil. li.ftu'r, Probate Registor. Kenl Eslate lor Sale. OTATE OF MICHIGAN, COUNTY k5 of Washtenaw, ss. In the matter of the Estáte ot Ueorge Walker, deceased. Notice is hereby giyen that in pnrsuance of au order gianted to the underaigued admluistiator with the til anaexed of tbe state of said deoeased, ly the Hon.. Judge of i'robate for the County of WasMenuw, on the Beventeenth dayof Pebruary, A. I). 1880, there will lie sold at public venclue, to the btgbt bidder, at the litte nsideuce ot Roger V. W.tlker, dece:ised, in the townshipof Dexter, in the county of Wnshtenaw, in said Si:ite, on '1'uesday. the Sixth dat of At'RlT-, A. I. ÍSS'), at ten o'clook inihe forenoon of thut day (subject to all eneunibraucos by mortgagt or olherwisocxistingiit the time of the death of said deceaacd) the foUowlni deaoribed ienl estáte, to wit : All the rl?ht, title and interest of said deoeased In the followtng deserlbed real estáte, to wit : in and to the southweat quarter of the southeast (marter and the northwest qnarter of the northeast quarter of sectton i'ourteen (14), and the northeost quarter of the nonhwest quarter ot sectiou twcnty-three in the lownship of Uexter, Wasliteuaw county, Mioüigan. Adininistrator witli the will annexed of said ebtiite. Heul Otate l'or Sale. STATE OP MICHIGAN, COUNTY of Wanhtenaw, ss. In he matter of the eatate of I'.ebekali Walker, deceased. fiotiee is hereby elven that in pnrsuance of an order granted to the underWned exe -ulur ol tbe estáte oí said deceased, bythoHon. Jud;e of Probate for the county of Washtenaw, on thé srveiiteenth day of February, X D 1880, there will be solil at public veuuuo, 10 the higheat bidder, at tbe late residence of Koger W Walker, deceased, in the towiiship of Pexter, in the county of Waihtcnaw, in said State, on TüEsDAY, 'in L SlXIHDAY OU April, A. D. 1S80, at ton o'clocl; in the foreuoon of that lay (subject to all enenmbranoes by mortgage or ötherwiae existin" at the time of the death of said deceased) the following described real eBtate, to wit : The nurihwest quaiter of the soutlieast quarler of section fourteen, anda onehalf interest in the Southwest nuarter of the southcast quarter of suid section 6 urteen, and the northwest quarter of the nortlieaet quarter of said seetion fouiteen. Also a half interest In the northeast quarter of the northwest quarter of section twenty-three. All in the townsliip of Doxtor, Washteiiaw euunty, Michigan. Dated, February 17, lS8aoRGEc_pAGEi Executor of the last will and testament of said deceased. Real lístate for Sale. STATE OF MICHIUAN, COUNTY of Washtenfiw, ss. In the matter of the estate of 11. Curt Walker and Elvin JB. Walker, mioors. JJotioe is hereby given, that in purenanoe of an order granted to the underaifrned guardián of 9 Ud minors by the Hon. Judge of Probate for the county of Washtenaw, on the seventeonth day of f-V'hririrv ï . i -"o. therc will ha apld Dublie V. ■'. ''" 1H-I..-M. at the hite resldence of KoKer W. Walker, deceased, in the townehip of i in the county of Washtenaw, in s&id State, on Tl-usday, the Sixth DAT of, A. 1. 1880, atteno'cloil; in tlie foronoon of that day (subject to all encumbrances by mortgage or otherwise existin" at the time of the sale and also eubject to the dower rightof AbbieT. Wülk.r, widow of Roger W Wülker deceased, thereiu,) the following described real eslatí', lo wir : All the right, title and interest of said minors in the following descriheü real estáte, towtt: The noUhwest quarter of the ■ st quarter, als the west half of the suutheasl qimrter of section fonrteen (14J, also the northeasl quarter of the northWBBt qtmrter of section twenty-three, M in town one south 'range nuniber foureast (Dester), Washtenaw county, Michigan. Dated, February 17, 1880. ABBIE T. WALKER, Guardian. Estáte of .Tolm Coi. QTATE OF MICHIGAN, COUNTY Ö of Waehtenaw, bs. At a session of the Probate Court for tlie county of Washtenaw, holden at the Frobute Office in the city of Ann Arbor, on 'f hursday, the nineteenth day of February, in the yenr one'thousimd eight hundred and elghty. Present, William D. Horrlman, Judeeof l'robate. In the matter ot the estáte of Job n Coe, decenaed. Onreadnis-andñlinf thepetition, duly verifled, of Eachel Coe, praying that Hirara P.Thompaon ie other Buitable person m;iy be appointed adrainistrator of the estáte of s;iid leceaaed. Thereupon it is ordered.that ilouday, the ntteenth day of March next, at ten o'eloek in the forenoim be anigsed for the hearing of suid petition nd that the heir.s at law ot said deceased, and uil other porsons interestod in auid estáte. are reqnired to appear at a session of said eourt tht-n to be holder. at the Probate onice in the cuy of Ann Arbor, and show cause, f any therebe.wny the prayer of the petitioner should in .1 be raoted: And it is further ordered that said petitioner give notice to tho persons inteiested in said estáte, oi the pendency of aaid petition, ondtheheaTina thereof, by causinrr acopy of bhis order to be published in the Ann Abbob Ara newspaper printed and circulated in said county, th ree suecessive weeks previous to said day of hearing. WILLIAM D UAKRIMAN) fAtruecopy.) ludge of Probate. Wm. G. Doty, Probate Register. WAiVI'KD- LADtlCS, 0BNT8- Sole Agents in ev.-ry tuwn. Pamphlets, etc., furnished. C. D. W., Box 020, Detroit, Slich.


Old News
Ann Arbor Argus