Real Estate Transfers

John M. Gakle to Fred J. Peldkarap. 80 acres ia Saline. Price f 4,400. Win. Burke to Lucy A. Bennett. Ann Arbor city property. Price $:!ü0. Georgo Denuer to Fred Mayer. Land n Lorti. Consideration $262. Murtlia A. tiuirk to Laura Sherwood. Manchester village lot. Price $100. Fayette Ii. Lawrenoa to Jeremiah rlarrington. Laud in Augusta. Consideration f440. Judith and Percy Green to George Witmayer. 100 acres in Sharou. Cousideratiou iföüOO. Arthur Gretn to Judith and Percy Green. 100 acres in Sharon. Cousideration $.-.000. P. A. Burkhard to Wni. II. Glenn. - Land iu Lyndon. Consideration $762,50. Elizabeth Gwinnor to John Hoelzle. 16 acres in Lodi. Consideration $100. J. C.Taylor to O. R. Clark. Chelaea village lot" Consideration $500. Isaac Tuylor toí). B. Taylor. Chelsea villaje lot. Consideration $300. John Sanborn to Ellen S. Carr. 40 acres in Manchester. Consideratiou 11200. A. W. Hardy to Michael and James Hanseloian. 100 acres ia Augusta. - Consideration $2400. Catherine Brigga to Cbas. H. Borgman. Ypsilanti city property. Considoratioa $800. John W. Eeeve to Edwin Ball. 20 acres in Webster. Cousideration $1000. Chas. T. Wilmot to ElijahE. Kellog. Land in Ann Arbor towu. Price f729. Chas. G. Wheeler to Kelsey ifc Gooding. 92 acres in York. Consideration $2,500. Alexander M. Oollum to Franklin Stouts. 40 acres in Manchester. Consideration $2000. Goorge Widraayer to Edward W. Cushman. CO acres in Manchester. - Consideration $3000. Oscar L. Bobinson to John Martin Gakly. 85 aerea in Lodi. Consideration $6,000. Geo. J. Mann to Gottlieb C. Mann.- 138 acres in Freedöm. Consideration $3,500. Newcomb Brown to James Benhfim, Jr. 42 acres in Bridgewater. Consideration $2.500. _ , ■Vm. C. Nicbols to John N. JNichols. Ann Arbor city property. ConsidaratioTi L300. Jane Vannatta to Esther Ann Danielson. Dexter villago lot. Consideraron $200. Mary A. Grenville to Wm. Bu.ike.- Ann Arbor city property. Price ó,000. Chus. G. Wheeior to Wieeier Kelsry. 10 acres in York. ion $650. John Graff by hoirs to John Graff. - 83 aerea inBridgewater. Coasideration $2.980.66. QUIT-CLAItf. Andrew Muohlig and othrs to D. Cramer, Assignee. 2 acres in York.- Consideration $150. Ellen L. Stevenson to Jas. J. Parahall. Ann Arbor city property. Considera tion 130. Lucy W. S. Morgan io llobert Camp.tiell. Ann Arbor city property. Consideration $17. Edwin Mead to L. T. Watkins. Manchester village property. Consideration $3000. Chas. G. Wheeler to Whceler & Kelsey. Land in York. ConsideratiouSlOÜO. JiiTnos S. Reynolds to Moses Bartlett. Maiüjhester village property. Consideration f 500. Alexander McColium to Alfred A. McCollum. 80 acres in Manchester. - Consideratiou $500.
Real Estate Transfers
Real Estate - Ann Arbor
Real Estate - Washtenaw County
Old News
Ann Arbor Argus
John M. Gakle
Fred J. Feldkamp
William Burke
Lucy A. Bennett
George Denner
Fred Mayer
Martha A. Quirk
Laura Sherwood
Fayette R. Lawrence
Jeremiah Harrington
Judith Green
Percy Green
George Witmayer
Arthur Green
F. A. Burkhard
William H. Glenn
Elizabeth Gwinner
John Hoelzle
J. C. Taylor
O. R. Clark
Isaac Taylor
John Sanborn
Ellen S. Carr
A. W. Hardy
Michael Hanselman
James Hanselman
Catherine Briggs
Charles H. Borgman
John W. Reeve
Edwin Ball
Charles T. Wilmot
Elijah E. Kellogg
Charles G. Wheeler
Alexander M. Collum
Franklin Stouts
George Widmayer
Edward W. Cushman
Oscar L. Robinson
John Martin Gakly
George J. Mann
Gottlieb C. Mann
Newcomb Brown
James Benham Jr.
William C. Nichols
John N. Nichols
Jane Vannatta
Esther Ann Danielson
Mary A. Grenville
Wheeler Kelsey
John Graff
Andrew Muehlig
Densmore Cramer
Ellen L. Stevenson
James J. Parshall
Lucy W. S. Morgan
Robert Campbell
Edwin Mead
L. D. Watkins
James S. Reynolds
Moses Bartlett
Alexander McCollum
Alfred A. McCollum