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H I SIN ESS DIK ECTOli. MiiS s H. .l'Ml'i. Kaahionable l)remaU-r. Roowaover Mack i Scbjuid's dry oods store. All vori promptly and satiafao.orlly _x:'CUt(ïd t piI,AK-NlK TimEB, ttorn y at Law V and Solicitar Ín Chaucery. YpMlnntl. Míe. ■p. n. TV'"ít, ATTORNEY AT l.AW, U Chcl3ea,.Mich. DOVAI.n Í1ALM)I, SI. !., Phy-ieian and Si.rg'on. Ortice and rraidenw. 71 Union )tect. Aun Arbor. Office liours frvnl 8 to 'J A. M. i id 1 to o ï. s VfKS.SOIMIIA VT-I.I,A!VD, O., 11 nician un') Sureeon. Otflee at reoidenee, U Ktíi slr'et. Will aílcnd to 11 professional ealln prompüy, day ni niitht. WH. JACfCSO, Dentist. OüVr oornc-r Main and Wnahin ton Btreetí, over B:cti & dbel'sstoie, Ann Art'or, Mich. Anesthetics ;idminijierediídisired. Fi N. COOPGR, 'T. I- Accouchaur and jt Gfnaecologist. Office corn er Main and Hurón streets. Aun Arbor. CSCHAKBKR1-E, Teacher of the l'Un... forte Pupil attaid the desired skill m plmo-playing by a ystematic omuse of instrncion For terms, ftpply at restdence, No. 1Í We Jliett r street, .nn Albor. Prompt atteution paid to piauit tuning. VjKAi:KU. FIirKAFFF & COBBÍ1Í, Attorneys at Ia-vv E. K. FIUfEAUFF, Justice o! the Peure. All business promptly attended to. Office Nö. v gut Washington si reet, Ltinseyand Beabolt's lilock. HEXRY R. HILL, Attorney at Law, Uealoi iu Kcal Esfatc and Insurance Agent. Office, No. 3 Opera House Bluck, AXN AKBOR. pREDEBICK KBAIISE, AUCTIOITEEE, Will fittend to all sales, on short nntiee, at reatsonïbli' nhnrgea. For furtlier partieulara e:ill :it th Abluí Office. i riUKOPEAX IIOTEI-, Ypsilanti, Mich. New Uouse, First-Claw Til.le, Clean Beds, Low Prices. Vr. H. Lewis, Proprieto J. H. NICKELS, DEiLEK IN FRESH AND SALT MEATS Hamt, Sausages, Lard, etc, STATE STREET, OPPOPTT1' KO l:T 1 1 WEST CORNER OF DN1VEESITY CAMPUS. Orders promptly tillcd. Farmers baniog menta ÉOfcell give him a cali. TEE ANN ARBOR SAVIÏTGS BAÏÏK ANN AIÏKOR, MICHIGAN. Capital pni.i in - - - 50,000.00 Capital security - - - 100.000.00 Traimcls a general Banking RmJüsm; huya ano ella Exchanges on New York, Detroit and Chicago; Klk Siguí ürafta od all the principal cilies of Europ;also,iells 1'as.RHge Tickets to Liverpool, London and Glaírov, vía t lie Anchor Line of Steamships, whosí mies are lower thlto most other firstcles liues. Thia liaiik, airead y ha-ring a large busi ness, invite mercliant and others to o."n accounts with thein, with the assu ranee of most liberal dcaliug cousíseat wiih süfe buuking. Iu Ihefeavlngj Department interest is paid seminoua!lv,on Ihe Brstdays of January and July.on llauiusthat wers deposited lliree ruonths previou ío thiwe days, Unís aflordiag tbe people of iliis dty indcounly a perfeotly safe depository for tlii'ir fuuls, ttgether with a fair return ia iuterst for the urne. Money to toan on Approvd Sectirities. Directoks- Christian Muek, W. W. Wlnes, W. n.IIirriman. DattieJ fflacock, Ii. A. BeaJ, Wiu. Deubel, and Willard I!. Smith. 0FF10ESS : CHRISTIAN MACK, W. W. WINE8, [,'■ Vice Presideut. CHAB. E. 1IISU0CK, Cashier. EMAftüEL MANNf Draggisf and Pharmacist. 6 SOUTH MAIN STKEET, AÑN AKBOK, haa on hand a well selected stock of PÜEE DKÜGS. MEDIOIXKS, CHEMICALS, CHOICE PERFUMES, Miei Arücles.RTloulSet ISnices. Trushes, c, wbich be offers foraaie at priceü io snit the times. KRT I]lTioiaus' Pie-scriptions carefuily prepared t lU hours. EBERBACH & SON, Druggists and Pharmacists, 12 South Maia St., Huve on hand a large and well selected stock of DRUGS, MEDICINES, CHEMICALS, DYE STUFFS, Artista and Wax Flower Materials, Toilet Art r k:s, Trusses, Ktc. PURE WINES AND LIQUORS. Bpecial attfiition pAid to the furniahin of PhyTOaos, Chemlsts, .SeUQQls,etc, with Philosophical 13 Chemical Apfaratus, lïohfmian ChemicalGlaasr 'ae, Porcelain Ware, Pure ReaËrenta, etc. . Physiciaas' prescriuiions earei'ully prepared at Abstracts of Titles. AU pjirtiea who are desirous of ascertaining the OQiition of the title to their lands, or parties who wish lo loan money on real estáte will do well to eu ut the Registert office and consult a Compared Soí qL Abstraot Books. Bid books are oo lar advanced that tho fiegister Bu furniah on short notice a Perfect Statement as to the Title L any namel of land ín Wnahtenaw County as BSowu by tho original records. C. H. MANLY, Register


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Ann Arbor Argus