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The Boy's Pride In His Father

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TheRockland Coarier is rcspousiblo for tho followiug : ■Thore wcre two uien yot into a flght in front of the store to-day," snid a north-cnd man al the supper table, "and I eau teil you it looked pretty bard for cme of Uiora. The biggest ono grabbed a oart-stake and drew it back. 1 thought suro lic waegoiug to knock tlke othcr's braius ou!, áud I juinpcd in betwcen tliein." The lanii'ly had liateiied with rapt attention, and as the bead pausod in bis narrative, the youiig hcir, whose respect for his father'g bravc-ry was imiueasurable, proudly reintirUed : "He couldu't kiiock any braius out of you, could he, fatherï" The head of tlie l'aniily gazo 1 long and earnestly at the heir, as if to detect ovideiice ot' a dswniug huinorist; but, as the youth continncd witli gieat innocence to muuch his fourth lart, he gusped and róauiued bis suppcr. The Paris Globe relates that au exColonel of the National Guard, Suint Leger, by name, d cd reeen! ly at taris, leaving a legacy of 60,000 franca to (lic country town of Commines lor the purpoM of fomuliag a school, with the condition that pricsta should be posiüvely cxcludcd trom it, and tliat d mai'blo tablet placed on tlio lacado ot' the seliool should record the tact that the testittorhad been buried without any religiouscei'èniony. 'l'lie Municipal Coiincil has refuscd to accept the legacy on üie plea of inmoral ty. The Colonel's lawful heirs lieartily applaud the action ei' thj ■u.thoritiea. , _ . .


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