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The Fellahs Of Egypt

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' As they vero uudnr tlie L'haraohs, the Ptölêijies, llu; Hoiníuis, uní tho C:iliphs, se iii the maiii are tliey nou-, tho most [liüciii, the most paciiic, the inO9t liyiL'-íuvii: ;, aild withill lli(! morriest nbe ii tho worlil. In 1I10 bitter ivs;i:í tlie opprcssion oí" forty ciMiiurics ;ml morí! has t'ailod lo dump theii'-imluul biioyunoy of spirit, and uowkOW llore t'.inii muid tlie iuii.1 lints anü seiaingly abjüct povorty of a Icüaii vilio liuos 'ulio human heart viudiófcte Ís stron riifUt to bo glad." The inen u-e tciüpenitc and lionest, but thc Wtaen Irivi! ou lost llio robust virtii o f the I! ido,, eej el, and ns a cla8, wliio [)!iysiuilly the finest, are Siiiil lo be Lho iVailest of' llich' sex iu tlie Xilo Viíloy. It 3 tlie lashiou to Avnlc uní eak ot' Ihi.s lasl míoúoii ot' the Lvhedi'e's subjecía as boing iutolorablv d, ruunil doivn by the itiou, a.nd genei'ally vi. l -inxl luyoiid any piu-ailol eisui ■ re. Xliis íxaye-ation lias, no doubt, its ovigin iiaiuly in the superticiul iuipivb.-i'.'i., of 8trajiy;er, who. cipiaiug fresh troinSliroie - wlicre, in a diilerent civilzatioii, a lotally diflui'cut standard ■(' puasiuit lite prevailti - discover iu Uu scant clotliing, the simple food and the primitiva liuts of thesu Egyptian -vuts evideuces of altogother special iui6ery and administrative abuso. Un no inícrenoos coukl wcll be more MlacioiH. Apart trom the fact that üeseextuiMial tea tures accord witl) the uiinalo, and have bccu typed siiKü before the pyrainids were i built, it niiy be allirme.t that tlic general comlliou of the iellahceil vvill compare avorably with that of almost any ther peasaniry in tlia east. Ifeconomcal lucís prove any t hing at all, the vnrt incie.ise in Ihc agricultural aiul oLler exporta ot' the past dozen years, aul nearly correspon 1 i ny return outla; on European inanufactured gooda, demónstrate a measure oí' material iinpro'eiiient among the producing cfasstó wliich inay be vainly sought t'oralsewhure out of Europe. Tliat thelaxiUioii is heavy, but not oppres8ive,lsadniittcd ; and tliat uutil lately the rttethodu of its collcctiou have b"-'! ot'len brutal, inay also be conceded. 15ut apart froiu tiie traditional cruelty of tax-galhcriug all the cast over, hc Ejfyptian pensant has been notedili all time, from Oheopsto Isinail, tor the unwillingucsd lo pay taxos at all it is, iu fact, a point of lionor to üoar auy amouuc of "," if by so doing the impost, or any part ofit, can be evaded. The fellah, indeed, who will not do so is despised by even his wiíe ai a pol troon, and if, alter a or score ot' blows, he disgoi'ges the coin whieh endurar.f-e of ñfty inight, perhaps, liave savcd, the conjugal estímate ol' his spirit is shared generally by his fellows. Ifeace a iliiliculiy of no trilling hnportanco in the way of the ne,v üaancia! administra! iou. Those who know Egypt best beliove that nothing short ot' "stick logic" will, as a rule, persuado a fellah to pay his dúos, bo they üvei' so etxuitable. - [Kijypt As lt Ís. The Chínese are many huudred years behiiid time iu physiology. Tliey culutioii oí' tlie bluod, aud locaie tlie miiid iu the abdomen. Tliey tcach that ihu spleen is (he chiet" oi-!';iii iu tlie body, us it grinds tlie f'ood by nibbing against tlie stumacli, presides over the miiseles, and regúlales (he heat.- The livor cojitrols the tendons and nails. The heart beautities llie complexión, moves the ears and tongiie. - The kidneys goveru the bonos and liair. The diaphram keeps foul air frona rising iiito the ihroat. The gallbluddot is tho scat oí courage; henee tliey flght for its possession when i brave animal is slain, iinagining that ho who eats tlie gnll-bladder Of a remarkablo animal oblains the poculiar.tics of thaL beast.


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