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For Young Bee Keepers

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TIkü'o are thrce kinds of bees in a coloiiy, queeiH, tirones and workors; uno ijiicv'ii, severa 1 thüiisand workcrs, and u pii't oí' tito ycir. sevenil liuudrod dronos, saya tliè Farmer' s Advocate. Tlie quoen is largor than either woeker or. drone, and li-ia short winga and a loiig tancriug body ; lier los aro louter thaii of workers' and have Bo baskots on thoiu to cari pallen, jiie is the tnoilicr of the eolony, and lias but oue duty to perfonu in 1 lic economof i lic hive and that 'n to lay eLi's. and she is capable of laying IVoui 1,000 to 4,000 jjer day in the hight oï the lioucy soaaon, and she will Uiy 100,000 in a single scaaoit. The (ineen will live abont ilireu years. Twoqneen8 have been t'ouud iu stroilg oo Ion ie i siile by sido. Tne woi kers are the smul lest of the ihrce kinds, aml nuniber trom 10,ÜOO to 20,ouo, and strong colouies have BOUietimes as high as 50,000 boes. The age of ihe wuï'kors in the busy soason is bata few weeks, but Lhose ïeared late in ihe iall live severa! luoulha. No workei' uudoi' uiy uircunisUuicos uves moro tbun six or eiht inontlis. Tho di'ones are the male boes, and uumber froiu 00 lo 2,000, according to the slrenlh of Olie colony and the quautity oi' drone eoinb in tho hive. Tiiey are lrge bnrly iellows wiüi wings as long as Iheii' bodies, and niake a loud buzziug uoise vvlion tliey fl.y. Tiiey liave liever been knowti to sling any one foi the very yood reason that Ihey have no stli'ig. They never do any work foi' thcir probosois is too short to ji'atlvcr honoy, and they have no baskets ou their loga to oarry pollen. Tne age ot' the dronc dependa 011 tlio couditiou oí theeolony, thosupply of houey, etc. Wheuover tlie Louuy ceased or bocomoa short the dronos aipe killed, so the Ufo oí a droue may be a day, a week, or sevcral nionihs, aceordiug to uiroiimsuuiuos. 11 drones aro found in any lave long after other hives have killed the ira, it is au iiidicaiion that the hive is quecnlesá. In rare cases a hive will reíaia somo dronea until spring. The ohangoa tlmi ocour from theegg to the perfect boe are - the -worker pusse about tbroe and a half days in tl. e egg. lt is Lhen halchoii- a small white worm, grub or uiaggot, and is ealled larva, a Lfltin woil that ïnuans niask, becausu the perl'eüt insect is concealed or maskud iii ihat state. It roiiiaiiis thus tor about live days, wheu the cell i. sealed over by the bees, uid the larva spins arouinl iuelf a sil kei) uovering ealled cocoon. This is the third stage, and it is uovv ealled a uympli, pupa or ohryHaíis. It remains ia üiis state till"the 21st day i'roin the time the egg was laid, when it becomes a perfect bee or imago. The droiio passes three d'iys in tlw egg, six or se ven in the larva, and comes out a bee on the 21tli day. The queeu passes three days in the egg, live in the larva state, and comes out a perfect queeu ou the lötii day. Thero were two men in a Hississïppi regiment, commanded by Col. Stith, of iinhiinora. ünc ot' these men contended that the Soriptures were ofdU viiio origui, and tlio otlier said they woro ui' liiiman iiiventioii, and asked hsi opponent, in one ot' llie argumenta whicii they were eonliiuially having, if he believed tlie story of Jouah and the wliale, to whieh the otlier t-epliod, "Yes." '-Uo you alst) believe that the three Ilebrews pasaed thruugli tlio liery funuice without feeliiig the lieat?" yersisted the iniidel. "Vos," cunie tho aiiswer agaiu. "Uj yon believe," camo sharply, "that Sainson slew all thosc thousaiida of Fliilistines with ihe jaw-bone of an ass?" Jt was jast tho battle oí' Shiloh, and lbo believei' in the inspiración of the liiblo had just had soine toiih experienee ia the dilllculty of fighting only oilive to one. "Well," heanswerod. hesitatingly, to the home thrust, "I- 1 - always rogardeil that story as a mere camp rumor!"


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