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Concerning Cyclones

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Every otie shonld kiiow what a ryclone is, bnt tlië genera] Meas Of tlio subject are ratbêr vasiw. TaUo i Biiall bu ti er-pot, n3 set il down on yonr largest map oi' ihe world at about -[ degreea North Latitudo, auywhere !n the Atlauiic botwcii two contiiiciits, gay cast ot the West ïmltes. ïhen, ■vith a pi eco of' whalcbone twioti as long as from tl.o luiicr-ot lo (lio líorili Pole, bent hito n parábola, wiih one end at the I'olc. liiu other al the balter-pot, mark 011L thua ilie cyuloiio. Tiie aiox oi the bent whaleboiio will be sóinowlmro in tlio Western ünitcd States. Iiiiarino yötir butler-pot lo be rcvolving in iís own centre in tlio r'iroctiou of tlie hands of a watch, at the rato of a Linndred miles an bour. lis northwestern etlgo will be tliu tlangerous Rtoini-riin, blowing a hnrri. canc, lashing tlio soas, and tiiiv ihe ï-aih ; tho oüieredge will 'be breezy, but not so stonny, as theycoitliiiii lesa moist air. The cciürc will be llic low barometer and calin aroa, bocauae here the air has loss weight. and ia ilowin U)wail. NoW iwnc yotir but'er-pot slowly aloug the ]u-iibola, st'i'l supposÍHj; iL lo bc Inrning. By ihc lime yon reach thc centre t' tiie United 8tat08,cxcbange the potfor a saucer, wilh the sainu üupposed condiüons, oiily by tilia time, if winli-y, a siiüw-slonn will take the place of tho rain. Keep it moving circularly, and northwarda also along the parábola, and aboul lludson's líav chflllge to a breaklast-plaiO, and in Grecnlaud to a dimier-piaie, and abont ilie dog-ree North, beforo tin; glonn reacties tho size of a buggy-wheel, it breaks up. Tlius you sec t!ie space over which the stonns travel enlargos as it passes Ñorth, tlie winds blow around itsrim, fuul the calmeen tremo vos wiili it. Mai'iiiers uow carry what Lscalled a lioni-card, a transparant pieco oï flat cows'-honi, witli a circle ou il, iiiside wliich are several smalJercircJes, wiili ! arrows pointing as a waleh's hands travel. AVhonever the barometer chancos, aml clouds scud by, tliis liorncard is placed on the chartat tlieship's position. Kuowing the wind's diruction and the weight of the air, the horn-cards tells whereabouts in the cyelone the ship i, and from this is reasoned how to aailtoavoid the cycloue ; or, ii' imnvoidable, how to iikuiago in it. Not niany doadea ííiío, ehips wero di'iven tliousanda of miles from their courae by not liaving oí' this knowledgc. ISrovailays, ineteoroloical information is as ïieccssary to tlie aávigalor as hls sextant. In iSouth Latitudes stonns pass in the saino way toward the SouL'i l'ole, by way %t'a westorii bend, only the oironlar inotion is roveiv-ed, and tlie WMllUwosiei'U is the sloriuy edo. . mis - ♦--■■- Bishop Quintan!, of Tonnessen, a brotlier of two prominent business nieu of Xcw York, Iiaa two boys uamed for tliose iwo brotliere. Sroue - Tue Dishou's house. Persons - Tiio ! Bishop and liis boys. George (loquitur) - ''Ves, i'ather, I nu goiug to boa clergyman." Bishop - "Kd, are you going to be a clergyman, too?" lvlward - "No, futhcr; 1 hink I had beller ba a New York uieroiiuuL - la lako care of Goorgo.V v


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