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Roast, Goose No. 1. - A góoso shoulil bo roasted in tiie samo ínnuncr as a turkev. It, is botter to make the stuffinjí of ninslicd potatobs, seasoned w'uli j salt, pepper and onious to the taste. Applo sanco is good to serve witli it. Allow üt'toeu minutes to'a pound for ;i gosling and tweiuy or more for un older oiic. Goosc should be cool.ed raro. Itoast Goose No. 2. - ïwo omicfis onion and luilt' :s much gi'een sage chopped íiiie ; and one cüfloe-cup oí' bread oruuibs, a liLtlu pcppor and salt, tlie yolkaof two egga. Do noi quite ] fill lio goose, but loavo ruuin to swell. lioast lroni oiio liour aiul a lialf to two liours, ind serve with gruvy aud apple sauce. Colds in tlie ÍTeads. - Thesearo plenty. Every one (neaíly) U blessed in 1 tíiis ínannci1. Uut an easy cure, if dono earlv, is to dissolvo a tablospoonful of pulvci'izod bomx in a pint of hot water, wlien topid, snull' sume up tho nostrüs two or three times a day ; i or use the dry powdeied bórax like snuft', takiug a piuch as oíten as is required. Oatinoal Pudding. - Mix two ozs. of fine Scotch oatmoal in a quarter of a pound of milk; add to it a pint of boiling milk; sweeten to taste', nul stir over thü flro for ion minutes.; then put in two ounpos of sii'tcd brend oi'umba; stir nutil tho mixture is stiff; then add onc oz. of slired suet, and one or two well beateu eggs; add a liitlo lemon flavoriug.orgratodniitrneg. l'ut the pudding into a butterod dish aud bako slowly for au hour. IIow to Mako a Pot of Good Tea. - Into au earthen or plated n.oial ressel, warmed for use, pit t a teaspoon even full foï each cup required. l'our half a pint of boiling soft water to overy moasure of leaf, and lutit stand covored ten minutes whore the vessel will remin ita heat without boiling. If soft water is not at hand, drup in a Btnall quantity of soda or baking po wder, as it is impossible to niake good tea out of hard water. ToKeep Tïains AfterCuring.- "Wrap in brovvu paper, aud place in a tight ; bag so as to bc secure frona ilies ; or if preferred, cut liains in slices sultable for cooking, trim off tho rind, and pack as oom pac tl y as poesible in a b tone jar; over tho. top pour inelted lanlsoas to complctely exclude the air. Wlicn ham is wanted lor uso sernpc off tho lard, remove a layor of meal, and ahvays be particular "to molt the lard and return it immediately to tliejar. i'repai-ed olthor of tho abovo ways, ham will koop Üirough the season. Scallopod Muttou. - Cut cold boiled or roast mutton into biis, romoviiig : all skin and gristle. If you havo no gravy, make it by stewing tho scraps aud bones in a littlo water. Uien season with pepper, s:dt, and tornato oatsup, ; and strain it over the mcat. Koii some I potatoos, and masli them whilo hot uutil tlioy are free froni lumps, then beat with a l'ork uutil whitcand light ; add a lump of butter, some milk, and ! lastly a boaten egg. Mix well, thon place the mcat aud gravy il) a pudding dish ; aproad the i'nasbed potato - which should tío iuite soft- sniootlily on top, brush it evenly with a beatón egg and bake it in a quick oven uatil it 18 a beautiful golden brown. Tiiis makos au osuoUout Unikfast dish and can be prepared - re.uly for baking - the night belbre. Epecittl oare shouid be takon to Jiave plenty of gmvy, as it is absorbed iu cooking, and the dih will aot l' 0 ialalabie if too Urv. '


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