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TTIIX'S OPERA HOUSE. One Niglit. Friday, March 2fitli. COME .AICTID Xi-A-TJG-ÏI ! The American st:r Coiniqur, SER. GÜS WILLIAMS, In lus biterion and vciy sncceasful eomedy, !I7K .lljHAN NIKNAT'Olt I A liiimonm cverylire upon the posslliilitiit of politicul lile. Crovdcd witn fun and Langhter. The Meinest of Merry Stara! An Kntirdy New Comiany 1 Aa Enlirtly Ktw Comedj ! Mr. Wölims talent is. of n ppculiar kind; be is an incontestable masterof th a a of inxkini; people laugh. TKje suppurt in Our (iermau teeuator is lar more than good.- Boston Trardler. ETerywIiere "Tlie Gemían Serator" is pronouncad the laU st, brightest and gientest succes oi the ]jrost:nt at-ason. ICf Bnpported by a cnnipuny of Rf re Merit, under the ilinrction ot Mr. Juhu ltickuby. AdmiMlen 75, 60 and 25 cents. No extra charve for reseryed seatS) sov on bale at Wntta'a Jewt'lry Store. Commissioners' Notice. STATE OF MiCHIOAN.County of Washtenaw, ss The undorsigned havina; been appointod ly the Probate Court lor said countj, eommissionera to receive, examine and adjust all claima and dBmanda of all persons against the estáte oí John ( oo, Late of aaid county, deeased, tiereby giv notice tliut mix moatha from daie are allowed, by order ofsaid Probate Court, for creditors to present their claims aarainst the estáte of snid deceasêd, aud tfaai they wïlï meet at the late rehidenee of iaid deoi uaed iu the township ui' York in aaid county on Friday, %he eighteelitb day of .Tune, and on Öaturdar, tbe aifrbteentb day of S ptember next, fit ten o'clock a. m. of each of said lays, to receive, examIneand adjuBt said claims. Dated, Murch 18, 18S0. IIEXRY ÏTCK, PETER D. ROG ER8, 13 vi Cummusioners. Commissionertt' Tfotice. OTATE OF MICHIGAN, COTTNTY Ooi Wii8htenaw,ss. The undereignedhaving been appoitited by the Probate Court for Baid f'ounty, Comraissioners to receive. examine and adjust all claims and demanda of all persons against the eatate of Joshua Forbes, late of Baid county, deceaaed, hcreby give oiice that six monthsirom date ar -' alloweii, by order of said Tiobate Court, lor ereditord to present their claims agninst the estáte ol siiid dece:ií-:ed, and that they vrtil meet al tlie late residenue of thedeceasad tn the township of Saliue,in said county, on Wednesday, the bixti-enth day of June, and on Thursday, the sixteenth day of Septembcrnext, at ten o'clock A.M., ot encli ot s:i"id cluys, to :eQeive, examine and adjust Daid cl linis. Dated, Maixh liith 1880. MYRON WEBP, JACOB SÏUKM, 13w4 Commissioaers. Estáte of William W. Kísrs. QTATE OF MICHIGAN, COUNTY k5 of Wnslitena, ss. Notice i hereby given, ttiat by m order of the Probate Couit for the coun, maac u,. me nrtceutii aay oí Mnrcb, Ï. D. 1880, ix month from tliat aateweic nllowed for ereciitors to present their claims aíninst the estáte of Williüm W.Iíit'gs, liiteof said eounty, (lece.ised, and that all creutore üt' eaid doceased are rtguired to present their cluima to said l'robat iCourt, at the ïrul ate Office In the city ot Aun Arbor. for samloation and aHowance, on or before tlif Bfteenlb day of September nexi, and that such el iims will be henrd beíore said court, on Tuesday, llie tllteenth day if June, and on WedDfd:iy, the fiiteenth day of September next, at ten o'clock in the íorenoon of each of said days. Unted, Ann Arbor, M:irph 15, A. D., 1880. WILLIAM D. HARRIMAN, ír.Tl Jud-e of l'robate. Commissioners' Xotlce. OTATE OF M1CIIIUAN, GOUNTY O f Washtenaw, ss. The undertigned having been appmnted bytho Probate Court tor said Countv Commiseionera to reeeive, examine, aud adjust all claims nnd demands of all persons agiiinsi the stilte of Ella i?. Ilarwood, late of aai! couüly deceased, hereby íJÍve uotiee tbat six inuntha iroin date are allowed, by order oí snid Piábate fourt, ior croditora to present tlieir claims against the estiite of said deceased, aud that they will meet at the otlice of Thomas Nimle iu tbe city of Ypsilanti, in said county, on 't'uesday, the twenty-seeond day ol June, aud on Wednesday, tbe tweuty-second 4ay t September noxt, at ten o'clock a. m., ol eacb of said days, to icceive, examine, and adjuat said claims. DiUed, March 22, A. D. 1880. MOltTON F. CASE,) PETER COQX, Commiasioners. 13wt NATIIAN WKBB, ) Estáte of Willlam Grandy. OTATE ÜP MICHIGAN, COUNTY 5 of Washtnaw, M. Notice ishereby ven that byanonler oí' the Probate Court for tbel'ounty oí Washtenaw, mede on tbe twenty-w-cond day of March, A. i). lvSI. si month Irum tluil date were allowed Cor erêditors to present tliciv claims against tlie óslale ul William Grandy, late ofsaidcounty deceased and that al] er ditorsof said deceasetl aré required to present their claims to aald Probate Court, al the Probate Office lo the city of Aun Arbor, for examination and allowance, on or before the twenty-second day ol Beptembei next, and that sochclainiBWillbeneard belon Baid Court.on Tuesdny.the twenty-seoond day of Judo, and on Wednesday, the twenty-seeoní day of Heptember next, at ten o'olock In the lorenoun of eiidi ol' saiil days. Dated, Aun Arbor. Maroh 33, A. D. 1!W. "WILLIAM D.HARRIMAN, 1Hw4 Judffe of Probate. Mortgage Sale. DEFAULT HA VING BEEN MADE in tlie eondltlons of a ceriain mortxage beurïii" date tbelirst day of June, in the j enr of our Lord one thousaod elght bundred and stventy-six, mode and execnted by ChauDeey H. Milieu and Uarah &I. Millen of the city of Ann Arbor, county of Wasbtenaw and state of Michigan, to Amanda tüceof the same place, and recorded in Ihe ornee of the Ktgister of Deeai of Waantenaw rounty afbresaid on the tenth day of Juno, A.D. 8il, at 51 o'clook r. M. of said day, in liber 62 of inorterütea on page 5S5. And the amount olaimed to be duè at the date of this notice is ihirteeu liuiidrèd dollars, and no proceediüRS In law or equiiy ! been instituted to recover the sanie or any part thereof: Notice is ihercforu hereby givcn, that by virlue of the power of salo in raid moitgage contatned I slia.l nll ou Hatukday, the Twhi.fiu DAYOF Jf.NK, 1880, at 2 o'cloek in the afternoon of said day to the liiglut bidder at the souih door of the Court House in Ihe city ofAun Ariwr, county of Washtenaw iiforepuid, (thnt being the building wbereio tlic oirouit oourt forWiwhtenaw county is held,; all that certain iiicce or parcel f land sitúate In the city of Ann Arbor, m the coudtyof Washtenaw and state of Michigan, and dracribed as iollow, to -wit : Lot number nine (9) in block number seven (7) south of Huron street range nnmher thirtcen (13) east, according to ft reoorded plat of C. U. Millen's purebase of the southea t imrt of the Land Compimy'a addition to the city oí Ann Arbor as reoofded in the Register s Oífice of Washtenaw county, Michigan. Uated, Murcb 25, 1880. AMANDA RICE, Mortgiigee. . Johs N. Gott, Attorney i'or Mortgagee.


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Ann Arbor Argus