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-The Clark will case bas been appeaicl. - Auctioneer Bliss is rapidly closing oit the dry goods stock of Mr. John X. (iott. Sales aftemoon and evening. - Xotice has been given and day set apart for the hearing in the contest of the will of the late Iliram Arnold of Scio. VThe Barrett Dramatic Club, an orjranization composed of home talent, will present, some time in April, the pliiy "New Men and Old Acres." - A meeting was held in the M. E. church on Monday evening partaking ofatemperance characterand specially for children. Rev. Mr. Alafoaster addressed those present. - Caleb Eldridge of this city died March 19 of consumption aged 77 years. Deceased came to this city from Sag Harhor, Long Tsland, X. Y. Mr. E. was a resident of South Thayer. - Greenback canouses in 3d and 4t!i wards will be held as follows: "Ward Three at Court House, this evening at 7:30 p. M. Ward Four, this evening at Firemans Hall at 7:30 p. sr. -Prof. Ilarrington will read a paper upon Japan on Monday evening next, at the residence of Judge Cooley for the benefit of the Lndies Library. All are ïnvited. Admission ten cents. - Gus. "Williams in the celebrated comedy of "Our Germán Senator,"' is one of the stars in the professiov.- AVherever he goes crowds greet him. This evening at the opera house. -A brother of Wm. II. Hall, a med'cal senior who died at the residence of i Mr. Whiöark on Miller avenue, arr'ived last week and conveyed the remains to ftoctorville, Ohio, for interment. -Mr. A. L. Noble has purchased the south half of I). Bennetfs lot on División Street and a lot loeated in the rear of Mra. West's residence property of toe TTBSi estáte and adjoining the iirst pureltase. -The drug stock of Mr. L. S. Lerch Yas transferral to the possession of Mr. CD. Holmes on Tuesday. The new pioprietora former resident of Union City, Mich., lias been a salesman in the store the past year. - Mrs. Maria S. Burt, wife of James G. Burt, dpparted this life March 22, of general debility at the age of 63. ITer remains were removed to Terra Haute, Ind., -svhere deceased f ormerly lived.for bnrial. Mrs. Burt resided at 19 South State St. - An organization christened the "Ann Arbor Sketching Club," comprising fifteen membera was perfected on Monday evening with the following officers: President, Mrs. Peny; VicePresident, Mrs. M. ('. Tyler; Secretar}-, CH. Richmond; Treasurer, KateDouglass. Meeting on Monday afternoons of eaeh ireek. - Orlin Hiscock, twenty years a resident of York, was arraigned before Judge Harriman on Tuesday. on the ground of insanity and committed to Pontiac asylumn. Three times Mr. Hiscock has been discovered in attempts to take his life by hanging, the last time discovered just in season to prevent a consummation of the deed. He has a wife and two children. Drs. ïraneis M. Oakley of Mooreville, and Jbha Kapp of this city, certify to his insanity. - Property owners and residents of "West Iluron st. will be pleased to learn of contemplated improvements to be made by Mr. K. K. Ailes. who has long been one-third owner, and. who bas reently purchased the interests of Mr. Prïce and Mrs. Tripp in theoldfoundry Property just '.vest of the Toledo railay track. Mr. Ailes bas associated witti lian Alon.o (iratU)ii, many years in empkiy of the Ann Arbor Agricultural "Works. It is designed to tear lownthe ungainly, dilapidated buildng encroaching upon the sidewalk, and crectabrick addition in place of the wood, to join on the west the present brick building, beside other improvefflents. Tien finished, Messrs. Ailes and Gratton will open a foundry and ■áchitft shop for general purposes. -Rarely does it fall to the lot of one Personto suffer so long and so severely as has Mrs. John II. Davis, the wife of the court house janitor, to whom death must have been a weirome relief. Over tffo years ago she began to be alfectd internally. and physician after phydanwascalledintosolvethedifflculty, hut the disease baffled the skill of all during eighteen months, when it was discovered to be a cáncer in the womb. Help was decided to be inpossible, and tos. Davis appreciating the fact that oer days were numbered calmly awaitJlthe final summons which carne on Wednesday. Por elevenmonths she bas been conlined to the bed, carefully tched over by her husband who bas Provideil every thing possible for the aaelioration of her long-enduring sickaess- The last seven days of her life s"e ate nothing whatever, and as aconluence, united wil li protracted illness, oer body was reduced to a mere skeleton. he was nearly 39 years of age, leaving wochildrenbesidesahiisband. FunerJ services to be held this afternoon at fipllISt Baptist church Bev. Mr. Holt oilBattle Ceek conducting the services,


Old News
Ann Arbor Argus