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GROCERIES AND PP.OVISIONS. rRlwlRÖORY! AT 16 EAS1 HURÓN STREET. CASPAR RI&SEY Has opened a new stock of Groceries at the above location, everythinj? in the line it bot lom pricc - and purchesed exclusively for i From tv long experienci1 in the tra.le, rotail find wholesule, lie beliuvee ue tan mU üoüus aa ciiei p h the cheupst. CALL AND SEE HIS PEICES ! AU (Joods Warranlod Firait-CUs l Farmers pvoftuce wtmted for wliicb Lhe higbosl casli prlee wüJ be paid. IT1 Remember the plaoe, 1G East Iluron Street, Ann Arbor. MEDICfNAL. EEST IS CHEAPESTt LEMRS GONDEMSED V: H : ■"■■ ■ ■:,.... STRICTLY PURE! Wa will fjive $1000.00 any Alum or othev adulteraHon founil in tiiis i'Oivimii. _ygf?ï& Indorscd by tlie Brooklyn Board tfc-.Vk of Health, ani by the best chemkla MK ! 1 tho United States. Mt IC i STEOSSER than ■KMMR :iy Ycast Fowikr i:l p, ■ . 1 ■...■. BnWA It KEVER.PAII.S fn ■BA 'llaiR&e liRl-t brtad wücu VIA d Í13 flil'l'i'.t.C'Cl. SMe 12 I' : :jliEDtycvery .: ; - ]i.iu.;cece;' wlio Uaa givun It a Í;.'O tl'i il. gflUÊt ItisanoiïtirolyNEWINVEN,M TlOïi, without auy ol the bad quiUlBn tles of soda or sulcratus, yeatit or ■ 1 otlier baking powdcrs. sLsa It has la i i eU a tcijclency - SÜWfcta f.nstaiii and nourijm tlia "■ "'" system. Goocl lood maíces gooi health; andhonlth is lraprovod or hupaircd 11 proportlon astlio iood we eat Is nutritlous or otüenvise. Lewis' üaüinu Pov.'dub ahvayi mahes go;tl food. One can ot tMs Is worth two of any other baklng compound. lï malees bread whiter nl richer. Jlore t'ian halL tlie complolnta of b:ui üour from tlie uso of common bakln powdws, whlcU of ten make tlie best of tlour tuin out darle bread. Tlie mot delicate persons can eat food prepared wltn it -wliliout tiijury. Ncarly evcry otlicr bakins; powder Is adultérate;! and Is absolutely lulurlous. Th:sli uaüe ïroin Kt-lined Grapc Cream of ri'a.rlar, oud is PEUCECTLY PUKli It makes the BEST, Ilghtest, and most UiUiritloilS DííEAD, BfSCUIT, CAKE, CRULLERS, BUCKWHEAT, !ND!AN, AKD FLANWEL CAKES. A Singlo tri .1 wül prove tlie uupcrlorlty oí 11.10 Powdcr. MANtTFACTUlïfil) OKT.T BT GE3.T.LEWI3&MENZIE8C9. PKILABELPHIA. RAILROADS. HICÜIUAS CENTRAL IMILKOAD. NOVEMBEE 16, 1S79. '1OIHG WHíT. STATIONS. 3 MÁ fi g.P. . s I ja g a ági. M. A. M V.M. p. m ' 1 M Oetroit.leave, 7 00 9 35 5 55 4 a, 8 1 g 50 G-.T.Junotion, 7 15 10 un, 10 4 ?.o' 8 25 lo Id Vnyne 1 uuction 7 52 ÏQ 28 6 42 4 481 8 -")7 ii 4-1 ípsil.inti, 8 ai 10 W 7 M S M 9 22 ti 07 aeddes, 8 :n 1 20 ' I innArbur, 8 40ll.i.j 7 Sfi 8 22 9 88 1124 I'elhi, 8 53 ?i - . Dexter, 9 04 7 üfl 5 ;:s 9 59 Olielsen, 9 22 8 11 :, 1 15 CírnBsLake, 9 50 8 35 G 121O 38 r.u a.m laokSOB, 10 20 12 15. 9 I 6 5S 11 M 12 66, 11 04 12 JO q 7 40 il 59 ; .; Marshull, 1 60 1 30 -" ? 8 OS 12 26 1 55 p. M. J j . . m . BattleCreek, 12 im 1 55 8 3} 12 50 20 Gtalenbarg, 12 52 : g 10 I 20 A. V ivalamuzoo, 1 1.-, 2 3T S no 9 :0 1 38 8 02 Lawton, 1 53: 5 83 2 13, Decirtur, 2 10 S 5 2 81 1-towngiae, 2 35 S 12 'i 57 Sile, 3 05 4 07 ( 53 3 80 4 38 Hachannn, 3 19 1 7 07 3 45] l'hreeOliks. i 49 7 32 Buffalo, 4 03 4 58 7 45 4 27 tfiobigun City, 4 30 201 8 16 4 56 6 55 L-ake, 5 la 6 M 5 ÍS 6 45 iíüneinjjton, (i 00' 1; 511 !) 10 8 H) 8 18 igo, arrive, 6 50 7 40 I" . T W Rfl QOING EAKÏ. ? _ J_i L _ j_ V.M. Iá. M.p. !I. r.M. p. M 'hieago, leaver 7 !!t iï Ooj 4 00 L g iu Sensinglon, 7 5 9 50 4 51) i; (18 KI nu Lake, 8 38 10 SO 5 42 6 50 10 1;; líchigiia City, 1) 20 11 13 6 0 7 40 !l ;u N'ew Butf.iln, II 4'J 11 S2 B 6 11 62 Three LUku, 10 Kd 1 18 iuchanan, 10 32 7 40 '. - 1 lee, lfl 45 : 12 15i 8 10 9 00 2 ÍS iwaiac, U li s 6 -, 1 i ifi 'ecutur, 11 89 9 05 I ! i 40 jHWtüil, U '■! 9 22 a. si. ' 1 57 KallunM', 12 33 1 40 10 Oü 0 50 10 28 2.2S uloBbur, 12 ii . 7 os 1 iattle Uret-k, 1 28' 2 1) M M 7 40 II 10 3 li liirshaU, 2 25! 3 01) p 8 OS .1 37 T46 Vlbion, 2 52 3 21 a. m. ! 8 35, i '"!) 4 12 ackson, 3 ti 4 OS 7 15 9 81) li 45 5 00 Orass Lake, 4 10 7 :8 '.) S0 o 23 heken, 4 4u 8 tó 10 {17 : )cxter, S i,1') 8 16 10 19 r 03 Jelhi, SM s ?r : Vrni Albor, 5 22 5 07 8 (.i 10 ;íj 2 05 6 'i ñ 29 8 :_ Ypsilanti, 5 38 5 ':i 9 IX' 10 4S 2 20 G 11 riiyne June, 6 02 5 W 9 23 11 os 2 41 Tu., U. T. June, 6 35 u 19 55 H 85 3 20 7 45 tetroit, Ar., Líij}"_6. (1 1; lll 51 I 351 8 o" 8undaya exoepted. -ítíaLuiday aud ouuday exepted. IDaily. H. B. LUDYARD, Gen'l Manager, Detroit. H. C. Wentwoeth, O. V. & T. Agt., Chicago. Toledo and Atin Arbor Raüroad. Taking effect Suaday February 22, 18bO. GOING N'OiíTIf. GOJNG SOUTH. Exp. lix. Mnil ;: M:.;. Exp. STATIONS. i A.M. I'. V. P. M. A.M. P. M H.M. Km 12 ir. i) lo 'TOLEDO 1000 30S 8 10 BU 12 03 0 1 North Toledo 9 57 8 00 8 07 ■i-i: 820 Detroit Junctlon 8 60 247 768 8M 12 :i i i: 80 Hawthorn 9 -II iSS 7 48 8 37 13 48 6 40 Samarla 9 S3 2 20 7 39 860 1 10 ;.V, Lulu 8 19 158 7 24 8 SS 11) 7 uu MonroeJiinction 9 14 161 7 18 !) 06 1 85 7 10 Dundet B 03 i :5 7 10 9 lfij 1 5í 7 22l Azalia s M I 15 3 ... 9 30 2 27 7 3) Milán 8 42 12 BU 6 41 ü 87 5 41 7 42 (íora 8 8 12 36 8 34 9 45 2 5-. 7-17 Urania 8 30 12 45 6 21) 9 51 3 J.7 75S Pittsfleld Juuc. 8 2"12O(i 6 18 10 1013 41 XI" ANNABBOB K 0lil 40 IB All trains run by Colurabus lime - 7 minutes faster thau Aun Arbor time. J. Sí. iSHLEY.Jn., Superintendent,


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Ann Arbor Argus