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MEDICINAL. MfoffDEBTüTY. GUAV'.S SPJ2CIFIC MKDICINE. TRADLMARK.The Gl.(1tt K,,.TRADE IM lit-iiK-dy, ■ '■■ imíailiiigotire í; tí í' í-r Seminal -grfli ■- ' '■ '] v . ' j y teucy,)ind nlldiax easestbui tolloiv jT""' '!v v i h sequence c: ímiopb i.iti;,J;KS(,f Memory, After Takin. ünlveral Lasaltude. Pain in theBacÉ.DImncss of biou, Prematura OLÍ Af Ipad to Lnsanit}-, ConBiunptiun "lid u Treinntnie (■r:io. j ull particnlan in our jmphlets, wbioh we ctesire to .send tn-v by mail to every i:ík. The veciftc Medicine is sold by nii Dnigvistpul !li paikrv,..i,iK pekHne lor (5,or will !b aeui by mail un recpipl of the líiwey hy ntldi THE UKAY i Ki.-rci N y. cu N" 10 M' ii t, Detroit Mien. B-Pold ni Ano Aibor by ull Druggiíts, arnl by dfttggista BTerywbere ■!■ !■ ■■ ■ I I ■ ' Cores Celds, Pneumonía, Bronchitis, As tb ma, Croup, Whooping Congh, nnd a!l diseases oí the Breatning Organs. Itseothes and heals the Membraue oí" the Lungs, infíitined and poisoned by the (lisoase, and prevente the niffhtswftats and tig-htness at-ross the cliest vhiei ncronipiuiy it. CONSUMPTION is noi ai incurable maíady. It is only necessary to inne the i-izht rejnedv, and HAÍL'S BALS AM is that remedr! DON'T ÜESPAIR OF RELIEF, ior íliis benisrn speeiíic will cure you, even tliüügh profe&sioual aid faïls. ESIRY'S íc ?o JPoicerful Healing Agent ever lHscovcred. Henrit's Carbolic Salvo cures the worst ons, Itfiiry's Carbol ic Salve allays the pain of bui' tt .s. Ilenri's Carbolic Salve cures all cruptiorts. Hettry's Carbolic Salve heals pinrples a, h il btotci t 'A' . liitry's Carbolic Salve tvill cure cuts and bruises. Ask for Henry's, and Take No Other BEWARE OF COüNTERFEITS. _2 TOWNSLEYS '2SBB8BÊ3SêÊESBÊBBOBBIBBEm2 fïïlï i]HOHHÏU CURES ÏJT OA'E MINUTE. m wm mm A SURE FJtBVENTIVB OJ? Coisiagioiis Diseases, Cofds, Hoarseuess, Dijjhtheria, and Whooping Congh. l'leasant to the Taste. JOHN F. HENKY, CÜKRAX & CO., 24 f'oiïearo I'laei', New York. FOK SALE BY L. S. LEECH. ToKervous Suflereïs- Tlie Groat . Kuropean Remuedy - Dr. J. B. Stmpson'a Spedüc Mediclite. It is a positive cure tur hpennatorrhea, Seminal Weakness, Xmpotency, and all distases rultins,' floni Helf-Abus . am bfoue. MeDtal Anxiety, auteb. JÉKfGSS Losa of Meniüry, #U"?k JM '■- i Back r ' MS' jtïisido. Hiid üuMï C. W1!? í'í'l Uiat leaJ í-o [X S 'jSj-áfi sumptioi) , insaoity Ap) S? )ƒ JS--,:K1 ",' andan early smive. Pf V 4m$- 'r Öiwciae ffe-" 'V ciue is being usedin - witii wouJerlul suecfcss. Paiuplilets sent ireeto uil. Wiïte lor ihem .ihU get fuli particulaTB. Prioe.Speei r package, ar bix packagcs tor $ó.UU. AiMic a ■■ 1 "u'is to .). 15. SIM PiíON MEDICINE CO., Nos. 104 and 106 Main Street, Buliiilo, N.Y. For Hule in Ann Arbor t;y ELerbaeli & bon, unp by all cbfitggistseTerywlieiFe. _= THE GR KAT CAUSE LL& ISmnasx Misory. dishedj i,i.a Sealed Envelopé, Price siso cents. A L.í'ci ure on the Nature, Treatineut, mul Radical euro oí Seminal Weakness, or típernmtorrbcea, induced liy Self-Abuse, Iuvoluntarv EiuisBions, ïmpoteacy, Nervoua DebiÜty, and [mpediments to Mamare íreneially; Cousumption, Epiepsy, and í('i i ; Me a tal muí Pliyaioal Loca] 4c- Ey ROBEKÏ J. CÜLVKRWELL, M. b., author of tïio "G ; Ac. The world-renowned ouihor, in thw admirable Lectur. clearly provea from hia owb experiesee ;hat the awful eODseqiieDCCS Oi Self-Abuse ra:iy be H ctually removed Vrithout medicine, and without lungexouBSHrgicai operations, bougies, iastruiuents or cordial; pointing1 out a mude of eiireat once eer tui!) and effa ttial by wbich every sufferer, 14-maUer whM las eoiiriition may b", may cure ü niself cheaply, piivately, and radically. rhis r,"CLUie will prove a boon to thousanda ind thou . Bent, ander seal, i a plain envelope, to any adIress. om receipi of slx ceutg,or two poatagestamps. Addreaa tíie Publishers, TIIËCÜLYEKWEKL MEDICAL CO., 41 Ann St., New York ; Po3t Üïüce Bux, 4586. Tiie Universal Xijxthu tri fcoTïSJ? & SendforcZvfv. E. J. KNOWLTON, Ann Arbor, Mich. For sale at the Drug Síoro of L. S. Lercb, Cookra Hotel block : ■ i rbach&Son, South Main Street ; and alao by the luauufacturiT, E. J. KnowltuD,No 24 Kort h State Sireet, Anü Arbor, Mich. to wfiiuii i orresiioudeuofchuuld be Ekddröflfted. PAINTS, OILS, ETC. rpiIE LARGEST A!D BESÏ STOCK OF :; ALL KINDS OP Painters' Materials, &c. AMEEICAN AND EEENCH WX2TDOW GLA.SS All Sizc. 20 and 28 East Washington Stroot, ANN AEBOE. . The rush stil] continúes and erowda come fnmi ail direcüons to secure the greal bargains that are ofifered al Maek $ Scli 1 11 ; Is and whicli have created au excitement onparalelled in the aniuvls oí the dry goode tratle in tliis city.


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