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LEGAL NOTICES. cmI Estáte ; Hale. STATE OF MICHIGAN, COUNT3T of Washteuaw ■ . I n tbe n Estáte 01 til "!■■■ ,!'!■■ ;■..■ tice is hereby Unit in puniuttuce ui au order gtantod t.j tiieu sigued udminUtrator with thi will ur.m x. ,1 d) i!, t5 tb Hon. Jadge of i'rut ibe County ol Wualitnutw, un 'ilie diivof Behruary, A. !. 1880, Hiere will be se UI ;ii public vcndue, to tbe taishegí bulder at the . in the in iln cnuiiy ai Washti m said State, on Tbjcbpas the Bis April, a. Ij. igso, at ten o'clock iu the foienoon of liuidiiy (Rubject to all enraaibrauoea by inortKaKe or otherwise existli g at tlie lime o{ Ihe leatli oí said dRceauid) the followina: desflrit.e-1 lel úntale, towil : Al! ihe ritrlit, tille and interest oí said r, t0 uit: in and to tl ie s juliiu , si (iiiai ter of the gonts.-iisi quarter und the northwest quurter ot' the iat qnartcrof uection fourteen (14), and the nOrihea! quarterol the uorthwssl cjuurtei ofseotion twenty-three in the towuohip of Uuxter, WauLtonaw eounty, Michigan, iíuted, Fuúruai'3 17,1880. RKORGT5 C. TACE, AdniinistnUur wi'li the will aanezed ol -suitl enlute. Real lJs(;ií' lor Siile. OTATE (tf MICHIGAN, COTJNTY I ol Wuahteuaw, na. 1 1) n.e uiat i i of Reb&kah Walker, deccas d. No'i.c la i,vviv uunceofau order granted i" the ■ :.,■, i. Í"H. Ití.I-í, ol !'l(!;i:( I í lie COUIity of ■ii the m reñí .■ of Februaiy, A. 1. IHSti, theru -. ill -- .-,,: the ii h(t birlrtí r. - v. v I Rlt, A. I). I i' n o' ; of that day (sub ■ r otherwise ■■ i-tlie línip of tlie Jeath oí' s:id deeenseii) tbci following described rtal estale, to w( : The uortb,■ i -t i, f íoutheuM qimrter of section fourteen. ni -! a oue h.ilí interest in tbe Bouíbwest quartcr of the smitheaat quarter of said seclion i( i - h-.n, :n,i! irter of the aortheust quarter of aid secíiuii loortteo. A!so :i 1;.1' interesl in the Bortheasi qimrler of ti i e northwest quarter of seotion twenty-th ree. Ail ia the town. abipof Dexter, Wnxlitf naw cuunty. JUchigan. DateJ, Februarj 17, I8S0 rEORGE C. PAGE, ■ Exccutorof thelual -nill ;iik testament ! oí said tU i ' Estat-e of George Bronner. OTATE OF líXCHittAN, COUNTY kj ní VTaphtenav, bb. Notiee ia bereby given, t-.hat byan order uf the Probate Conri íorthe Countyof imw, made on the day oí March, A. D. 1880, six monfche from that date wertallowed t'or Ored i tora to pieseat tlit ir claims agttinst tbe mtatp of leovize Bronner, late of saidcounty, deceased, und thíit til creditoTS oí saíd deeeaatd ara required to present thtir claims to Baid Probate Court, ttt cui; í'ritbfite "ffice m the city of Aun Arbor, for examination antl altowanee, on or befare tlie ürst lay of September next, and that such claima wili te heard betore said '"'oiirt, on Toeaday, the flrst day of June, and m Wedoesday, tli first day oí tíeptember next, at ten o'clock in the foienuon of earh of Bald days. Dated, Aun Arbor. March 1, A. T. 1S80. WILLIAM 1) EAUilIMAN, 10w4 Judge ot' Frob;ie.


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