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lisíate of Wfiliam D ilion. STATE OF MICHIGAN, COUNTY of Waebtennw, es. At a seaeion oí' the Probate Uourt tur the Couiity of Washteaaw, bolden at the Probate Office, in the city oí A mi Arbor, oii Wedn s!;iy, the feenth d;iy of Marefa, íji the yuir one thouaand eisrbt hundrt-d and eighty. Present, william D. Hairimnn, Judeof Probate. In the matter of the estáte oi' William Díllou, deceased. in reading and filina1 the petition duly verit'ied of Janett Miilage, praying tnat udimoistrution of satd estáte jh;iv he granted tojnhn W. Blakeslee ur some other auitabltí person, Tbereupon it is orderea, tb at Tnppdav, the sixth day of April liext, at ten o'clock in the torenoon, be asaijnied tor the heitrinj; of sald petition, and that tbehetraat luw ot saia deceaeed, and fill oí hei pt raons intereated iu yuid estute, aie requireá to tippeai at n aeaaion ot said couri. hen .. l.'iiat the Probate Üliice in the city of Anti Arbor. and show eause, ii' i:iy there bu, why the pi-ityer of the petitioner should not be granted : And it ia inrther orderef that said petitiuner give notice to tïie persons tntoreated in said petate, of the pendency of said petition and the hearing thereof, by ofiusinfr a eopy of this order to be pubii&hed in t)ie Ann Arbor Argos, a newspaper printed and oirculated in said oonnty, thrte ?uccesáive weeka previoua to a tid daj of hearing. WILLIAM D HARRIMAN, fA true nopy.) udge of Probate. Wm. Ö.Doty, Probate Résister, Estáte of Wllliam McCormiok. OTATE OF MICHIGAN, COUNTY yj ot V.'iishínHW. s. At ;i -■-- ioü oí' the Probatu Cuurt ínr the í.'ounty oí Washtenaw, holden ut the Probate Office in the city oí Ann Arbor, fin Thursday, theeleventh day of Mar-h, ia the jeta oue thousaitd eíghl hundred :md eighty. Present, WilljamD. Harnman.Jud ie of Probóle. In the matter uf tlie estáte oí Wiiliam McCorb d. in readin : and filing the petitïon, diily verified, of Norman iï. (tovert, üdrainistrator de Lopie nou with the wlll annexed, praymg that í;e in'vy be li 'osed to Bell the real eatute whercof said de■ 'l'Jiereupou ït is ordered, that Saturduy, the thiid day of April next, it tt-n o'ciock in the iuiuiioou, be aasigned for the heining o i said petition, and that thre devisees, iegatees, and hem at law oí said deceascd, and all otlier persone mtexested in aaid estáte are requiredto appear at a of Bitid Court, then to be holden at the Probate Office iu the city ofAnn Arbor, and show oanee, ïf itnytherti be, why the prayer of the petitioner shouid nut begraoted: And it Ís l'urther ordered that s;iid petitioner gire notice to the persons interested in said estáte, of the pexrSency oi ..! petition, and the hearing thereof, by causing a copy of thie order tb bipublished in the Asn Abbob Akgüs, i newspaper printed and circulated in aaíd eounty,three üueccasive weeks previous to saidday of hearing. WILLIAil D.HARRIMAN, (A true copy ) Judfje of Probate. Wai. (i. Dot t. Probate Begütex. Estáte of Ella F. Harwood. OTATE OF MICHIGAN, COUNTY ►O of Washtenuw, sa. At a sts&ion of th? Probate Cfiurt for the Oounty of Wasbtenaw, bolden u i;:e PaobateOifice in the city of Ann Arbor, on Mond;iv, the eighth duy of Marcb, in the ysar ons Uiousand tíisht hundred and eïahty. Present, WiUiam D.Harriman, Judge oí Probate. In the matter üi the estáte of EUa 3?. Harwood, deceased On rendinir ■■u-.C, filinpf Ibepetition.dulyvprifieci, o' Víctor H Lan e, one of th ; uf Kathan A. ,! i he coui ■ ■ and determine wlio are, or wcra the l--n--i ht ira of said deceastj persoa. eupon ït is ordered, that Wedneaday, the - ent ii day of April next, ut ten o'clock in nenoon, be issigned for the ïieariüp of Kiid pf atiun .and tht the heira út taw oJ bhïü deoeaeed, and all other personH interes ted in snid state, ure required to appear ut a session of said couri fcheu to be hulden at the Probate uüiee in the city ot Ann Arbor, and Uow cause, if auy there be, why the pfayerofthe petitïoaer ehouïd not be granted : Anditisfur,therorderedthat said pelitionor give i. itiee tu tne persona ;;i i i ted in s;iid estáte, ot the pendency oí tuid petition and tlie lieaiIng thereof, by causiog h copy of thla order to be published in the Ann Atïboh Ahotj, :i newspapt r printed and circulated in aaid oounfcy, threeei sive weeks previous toetud day ui' hearing . WILLIAM D. HARU1MAN, (A true copy.) -ïudge of Probate. Wm.G.Dotï, Probate Register. Sheriff Sale. OTATE OF MICHIGAN, COUNTY O oí Washteuaw, w. 1! ?nry Knapp va The ttailroad Comjíany. By Tirtue o f uu aii;is wjit o f execution ímk'(1 out oí and under i he of the Cïrfuit Court lor the eouuty ot Jaclf son, to me dire ti ñ and d livered, 1 did on the tveniy-sixth day oi February, A. D. 1830, smze and levy opon ihe foilowmg describí d property, to wit : Ihe ri?ht, title and interest of said Mkhigao Air , Uroncl Company in una to aü the right of ■ . itions, bariow-mtB, ravïl-pits, bpoii-Imaks, biidir, iridyv timbéis, mi1verts aüd cattle guará, ties, depot rou&ds, mepts. privileges, iilits and frorachisea sifnated and beinsr ín the town&bip o: Lyndon, Watíitena Coiinty, Slaleof Michigan, -wiiícli (Jescriben propertylslííill sell at public au, [ion to the bi ■' the Court House in tbe :ityof Aun Arbor, in aaid county, ontheTwenriKi ii das ov Ai'ril, A D. lfaSU, at two o'clock iu . doos of day. IXitcd, MiirchStli, 1880. JOSIAH S. CASE, Sheriff.


Old News
Ann Arbor Argus