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Klectioii Notice. To the BlectobsOï the Codnïï op Washtenaw: You are bereby notifled that ut the Election to beheM ín thii Sinu' tui tho tírst Monrtay of April nei Ibe followiüg AmeudmeDt to ihe Coani'.utinn f thia State ia I irittcd to th peopte ol the State foi tlieir adopiion 01 n.ectioii, vtz.: An Ai: e:n! i toïüeoiioii 1, Ai'ticle 9, rejative HulAn oí the Goveroor. providedfor bj Joist ioo tío. '■''■'■ lawsoí 187!). Dal d, Auo Arbor, 1 -b 19, ISSO. .1OSIAÜ S. CASIÍ, Sheriff. LP) p' -;; ,% fAo " li.Ie route of Iravel fimu Michigan tq all poiata id : . Nebraska, Colorado, Texas, Mioui liroba, to. MichiRan Ceolral train uakesure bihS close connecttona ;tt Chicago Mitlt 1i!-m;:' i ins on h l VVeatt rn I Fv8 be as lo U i I ;!:■-., i will fini it to iheir int eapond wnli Ueiuy C. Wentworth, General Pi. i the Ijioe, al ( !■ i i formal ion re] .- ive to routos, limo ui Liuíds. uiaps and lowest ■atós. Do not Ritrobasö youp ticfe(a Dor oootrael four freigbt umil you UJro lirard ironi llie Miclii[aaCcntiai LEGAL NOTICES. fttortgage Bale. rEFAULT HAV1NG BEEN HAD Ly in the cosditions oí a aartain uiortgnge be? iiiír date líie twenty-iiist day oí September, A. 1866, made and executed by '1 bomas Gore and Mí. Lis wileof tbe county of . indStute of Michigan, tu Sally a'i,. Praj oí s per , county afores id, and recorded in the oft of the Register of ashtensw roun I un the2idday of September, A.D. lSi [rck alm. of Bidil day, In Ulier I1M of mo: gages on page 570, which aUí mortaee was du i. 'A i.' tli r. adminístrale ni l'rav, deceaned, Prityof Ionia county, Michifran, on tlie 17th d ei Jannafy. A. D. 1871, and recorded in the oB) I iiil county .)N.the5 ibrnary.A. l ISSO :,,t 11 '.,' o'olock a. of said ,lay. ín li' ■ No. ö of asMgnmentf mortgages m paee 486. and tbat said Georgo Pr ou tli. ; 13th day otSeptember. A. T 1876, assig) ono-tlunt purt of uaid niorti: ge interest Exlgat s. (lee r, guardián of Ak. e O. Geer f merly Addie O. rock, which .ii as . nment ■ recorded il the office of the Register of Deed! BaiU ei. ui, iv of We ' 'i-mui uu ihe ISth day .I.uiuary, A. D. 1HT7. at 1 o ia lihoi 5 usficnmpnls of morí : i ,j;, ami t yv -'int cl'iiini 'f u, he ).t the date of M.iw noti Had niiieiy-eig dollars and liity eiaht renis, nw mi proceedlngra u inftiluti .1 m recover the same any part thereof : MoMceú ïberefore Ëereby kí en, thal by vir'ue of Ilie wcr of aula in s ireahal] stil on Svji bday,4 [ dít oïMii i o'ilock n thci i said day, in the liigiuet bidder at t south front door ot the rourt 1hujü in tbe city Aim Arbor. ruimt y of Va.-iu-naiv aforesnid, (tl heiiiK the building wliercin tne circuit court j awcennryUbeld.i hII thit i-ertBjn tri ú deseribtfd hs fulloi Tl ithwl ijuarter oí the northwi ion irimlit r ten (10) in townsl Bgeuurabtsr ix 16; ei ■i Michigan. Uuted, February 12, lxi PRAY and EDUAKS.CEER, Assiffnemof Mortgafl _ .Tony N. Gott, All'y for Aasiguees of MorlgïBj lleal Estáte fox Sale, OTATE OF MICHIGAN, COTHíi Kj of Wafthtí iüiw, m, 1 ii the matter of the .: tatuuf U. Burt Wailér and Hvin B. Walker,! oor. Notice is hereity givea, that ín pursuaoM an order grantetl to uudersigued guardián Probate for conuty ol WashtPiniw, on the eerenteenth day February, A. 1'. 1S80, thfre will be sojd at pul TeDdue, to the hiehest biddet at theia-te midoij of Koger W. Walker, deceased, i thé ownübis, in the coiintv of Wnshtenaw; in s;,idst: Olí L'íil).V V. TUK SlXTH DA Y OF A PUIL, A. D. li at ten o'clock in the loreuoon of thal riay (sub)l to aü eDCurabrs aa - by ruortarape or ot rwiae ' is t ing ie tlir time of the sale and ."ïao en'-jeci. tol . áower right of Abbie T. Walker, widow of Rot W.Wulki [, theieiii.) the íbliowÍDf scribfíd rea] estáte, to wil : Ál tbe igtat, title i , I said minora i n the followiDg descr real estáte, to "wit ; The nonti wf-st quarter om -. quarter, alftothe west half of the t ni east quarter rf sectiou fourteen (14, ateo the uat east quarter of the northwest quarter of scct twenty-Tliiv, , aJ] in town one south range nuin! four east (Dester), V . . [ouotyf Miehli Dated, i'ebriutry 17. ls-(). ABBIE T. WALKKR, Gtmrdiat oí Maiïetta V. Seaman. ■ OTATE OF MICHIGAN, COUNi, KJ oí' WahteiiHW, bs. Ata session of the F bate Uonrt tor t'ne eounty of Washteuaw, hok at the Probnte Office in 'hemtyol Aun Arbor, 'i hursdaj Lh day of M.wch, in the j' one thousand eighi hundre.-! and eighty. .' r Present, Williain !.. tlnrrtnuin, .Tdsei In the matter oí the state oí Maiietta V.! uiun, dece ■ . . On readliig and fliiir th petition, dnly veril ' of Joh il W. Wheelcr. yraying that adminiatxaj of said :tid 'T;itp my be granted io liimsel sonie othr snitable x' :upon it is ordered, that Tuesday, ■ .;. oí .April ïiext, at ten o'clock in loreaoon, be assiyiied íor tlic hearing ui máá tion, and that the ht-irs at law t Etaid deceag and all other peraons intercHted in aaia ew are required t- appeax ut a session of oourt, then to Le holden ' the Probate offit tile city of Ann Arbor, and aho onuse, if tht'ie bo, rny the prayer of the sli nol be ianted : And it is furtuer ordeied " s;iid petitioTipr givO notiee to the persons, teiested in said estáte, oí the pendency oí pet i tion , nd the hearinsi thereof, by c&uaing h i of thia order to be publishd in tht1 ann Aruoi i% newapaper printed and circulated ia Ciunty, Threeuceesive weekp previouc iu dav ot hearing. 1 "WILLIA3I D. HAKK (%- f A tniecopy.) ludgf ( Wh. G. Dott, Probate Register. . , Estáte of Christopher McGxflnnog STATE OF MICHIGAN, COL? o!' WasbteDa, sa. Notice is hereby g i by snorder of the Probate Court for the Cotu . ] Wjtshtenaw, made on the tenth day of fttarcl that date were al': for (-.-■'.; i. ■ .;,st i tate-of Christopher McGrUim i - -, ' m . l, and tliat all creditors of31 2,40C 9 i to present thv'ir olaiai . .liionf he the Probate OfBeê iJ ■ -". AJWK T A rbor. for exami o&tion and llowa befare the te o tb 'I ly ■ ■■"' sne!) elaims wïll he Ueard ■ _-j Ék Thuraday.thetentiíd l t Junij? ' "C. t ï i ■ r ■ . Lea o't in Hip foren,. Jd dftys. Dattíd, Aun Arbnr. Maifh 10, a! O. 1880. " B WíLLIAM D. iíaí:;:íM-an. k I4w-i juiJue or rrona Estáte of Jam'OTATE OF MICfíll m If pr O of Wasbtenaw, as. ' At n aétJ V fe Court for the County of V, . m ni Probate Üiiice in the city oí Ann ■ J L1J d;3, the thirtef mh (lnv ni Un ■ ! y thousand eiht hundred und eii?hty. Present, WlUitun l. HarrinÍKu, Jmígé MÜid ' In the matter of the estatE oí" James 'i'-t dectused. n enamore Ciamer exeeator of the last will oí of .-uiti deepased eomes into cour representa thttt he is now ïrep;irt'd lo rendí Üu:il ;u:coimt as sneh exeeuto' . Tbereupon ït ia ordered, thut 'ay fourh eth day of April next, at ten o'cloí the forenooB, be aaaiguedtofeamioingand s iriff sncb accoimt, and that tie.deyisees, lég. öira al luw oi m, act) ;t! persons i nterested i:: I , are reqiiii appear ftt a sessiou of raid Court, then !■ 'róbate Ülfiee in ilie city oíAnn Ár said county, and show cause ir anytherebt,' said account ahould aoí be allowed : Am further ordeyed that said íxeeutor give r ■■ i 11 teres ted i. lid estáte, of th deucy of said ai ron:; ■ :■; q n i bere pausiua a copy oí' this ord-'c-.-i-öe publislied i Ann A.RBOS Aro0 . prlated an culatingia saidcounty, three sntceaslve week vious tosaid day oí' hearing. WILLIAM D. HARRIM f A 1 rué eopyO .1 udge of Prc Wm.G, Dotv, Probate Register. Kstate of SamAtl Youngs. OTATE OF MICHIGAN, COI'} KD oí Washfren&'w, ss. Notice is hereby j; that by bo order of t Ti e Probate Court for the ty of Washteiiuw, made ou the Üfteenth dl i'aich, A. D.-18SU, stx months f" rom that d te allowed for predi tors to present thrir clai the estáte of Samuel Youngs, late oí' I, and that ;ill credxtors of eald ded :n their claims to said Pi Court, at the Probate Ottiae in the city of Am bor, i'i'i' ■ ■ allo wan oe, on or ' the fifteeoih day of September uext, acd Clrtinis wil] be beard beiore said Oourt,0 Ihe fifteeath day of Junp, andon Wedu fi f teen tb day of Sjl i &t tea o'di !!)■■ fon-noon of f.-ich of saïd days. Dated,Arn Arbor, Síarch 15, A. D , 1880. W1LLI SM D: H KRI.M Aï 12w4 , Judire of Prob. ABSOLU'ÏI.Y CITRES COEtSSüEllJïliOEl, jlstiïl!lïl9 SSSOt cliitis, and all diseascs of tt Tliroat9IiUUgs ud CliesU The OILY LUN& R ETas performed maiiy wonderftü Cures. I iufi'cr from 4.STHMA, CATAKRH. BEONCHl CONSUMPTXON, Ir ;my LiiDg inflrmitiee, sand for teatimonii iurtivat;u, "ï;ike Caieof Yüursclf." 1)R. ONLY'S LUNG FA1 ' : i,y ill Pruggists, or sent on receipt oi 83.00. Ad' u esa THE ONLT LUNG PAÏ Atwbolesa'eby Tai-rand, WilHams & Co, HlDchnian v Sons, ;uid .Sivift .V Dodds, Detfl pARM FOK SAI-E OU1 16O ACEBS, Or will dn ii! it lf partiea wisb in 80 aeie lot abovü farm is in ood state of oultii I -o liarns, granary, two orchard ,1 v-beat on the round. For I ■ mu inqnireof the subscriber on thi lalf :i niile north of the ton n hal) mSlmron, ,iunt, Miih. Notbeing ublo to wo "?jgt "" f""'' hHyEY BLAOKJ MICHIGAN TRUTHTELLÏ the People'a Papar. Devotea to Home and usic, 4c. Wid ind progressive. Candld edltonala, cnsp vily Btorie. Detroit, Mieh. J1.00 a ya: montha 26 conti. Agtuts ïwnted.


Old News
Ann Arbor Argus