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Any Letters For The Wattses?

Any Letters For The Wattses? image
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A lanteru-jawed youug man slopped at thü posi-ollico l;it Saturday, and ye! led out : 'Anytliing for theWattsos?" Georre Poieet, uur poliie postmaster. replied, "Xu, diere s not." '"AnvihiHg Jaiw Watts?" 'Noliliui;-." "Aaytliiug for Ace Watts?" "No." "Auything for Bill Watts?" "No, sir." "Auythiug foi' Tom Watts?" "No, iioLlihig-." "Aiiything for 'Fooi Joc' Watts?" "No; nor for Dirk Walts, nor Jim Watts, nor Sweet Vntts, nor auy other Watts, dcncl, living, unhorn, nativo, íbreijiii, civili.ol or uncivilized, black, íVanchised or distraucUisod, naUu'alized, or olliorwiüc. No, tlicre is positively iiothinv for auy of 1 lio Wattes, either imlividually, Boverully, jointly, now aiid l'orcver, ouc and inseparable." 'i'lie boy lookod at tlie postinaster in astonisliment, and said : ■l'liüise look ü' tliere is anytliing" for Joku. Thomas Watts?" Ligli Ininjr travel? ïiearly a million times taster thau Umiuler. The speed ot' Hglitmng ia so gieat that it wou ld o 480 times around the earth in ono liiiimie, whereai tlio sound of thunder wciuM go scarcely 18 milos in the samo Bpace of timo. Tlumder will lake a Becond to travel 3S0 yards. Grape rrowing in the U. S. is rapkïly assumiug importauce. Froin the three largest grape-produoing sections of tho country wo learn tho erop i'or 187'J lo bc : Missouri, with 1,500 aere3 in cultivatioii, producing 500,000 gallons of wine; Öauduaky, O., and vicinity (including tho Luke Krie Islands) lias í'our thousand acres in cultivatioii, producing sixtceu million pouiuls of fruit, and the ruported quantitf of wine produced is givenas l.üi'ü.lOO gallons; California has (iO.OOO acres set with 45.000,000 vinos, and represente in money value fincMfdinv ilie land) $ i0.O00.000. Isaac bmith was, at 75, aiiil wonderfully Blrong aid courageous. Two highwavuiou attacked hiua, at Braddock, Pa., four years ago.' and lie fouglit them so vigoronsly that, to escii))e, they pounded him on the head wilh clubs mitil lio was insensible. Tho blows eau-nl para 1 y sis, í'rom which be haajust died. The Eellgíous fTorald, of Biobmoud, gflves rathor quefitionable consolátioíi. A Virginia Bubswiber writes as ibllows : '"You aro pubUshing the obituarios of the Georgia ana Alabama preachers, but seem to have no spacó Ibr ours." Tho editor replies: "Bear wilh us. Your turu will como soou, vc hopo." The Aurora, romarklng on Leo XIlI.'s lovo o f science, letters, and the arts, says i luit , noLwithstandinjí the strai tened oircumstaiices ot' the lloly Soc, Ilis Hnliness luis rocon ti y ex pended sevcral thousand francs in the purchusc ot' a serios ot' important documenta to be added to the Vatioan archives. -Adrián lias the railroad fever badlv.


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