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Soak isïnglass in a little warm water, says tlie Scientific American, for seventy-foar hour-s ; then evapórate nearly"all Ihe water by gentle heat; dissoíve the residuo in a littie dilute alcohol, and strain the whole through a piece of open linen. The straincd maas shouhl be a BtiflC jelly when cold. Now stretch a piece of silk or sarsenet on a wooden frame, and flx it tight with tiicks or nnck throad. Melt the jelly, and apply it io the sük tliinly uiníevenly with a badger huir brush. A second coating must be applied wlien the first bas dried. Wben both are dry, apply over the wholo surfaco two or three coathigs of balsam of Peru. Piaster thus made is very pliable, and never breaks. "When a man is about stai-ting for home after the church sociable, and ■finas bis gone- an umbrella that has been in the t'amily until it has beeomo an heirloom, sir- bis iirst impulse is to tear around and use lano-uago, crusb bis bat over his throbbin brows, and rusb out into the niiifit and ruin. Ilis Jiext impulse is to soothe his tempest-tossed bosom by sejeoting the very newest and best parachute he can lajrhïs bands on, and go. ing home with forgiveness in his heart, niiTl the umbrella over his head, liko a CUristiau. _ The Port Jervls Gazotte compliments the Ehnii-a Free Press on usmg "the best wrappiiig-pftper of many of onr exchanges." JU is piensan t to bo able to couscientióusly praise a coutemporary. "VVhy am I marte a sandwich?" sald young Öaobson plaintively, hs a lady sat down either side of him in the horse car. '-Because we are botter bred than you are," said one of the damsels sweetly, aud Snobson mustard up courage to squeeze out to the platform. The good oM professor of ft certain departmeni in the academy at West Point is sometimos absent-mindéd. Having occasion to use the word centenarian, lie used the word centurión. The cadets were afterward overheard talkiug as ibllows : "Say, Billy, did you notice the mislake frofessor made to-d.ay?" "Yes. By the way, Tommie, what is acenturion?" "Why, it's ono of thc'se thhigs you soc on almauaos with a bow aud arrowV Fashionand physic - "IIow ailmcnts beoome the rage of the season." Duchen- "Neuralgia! Wh&t, that okl thing ngain tllis seasou? Is tliero notblng ïiow?-"' Fasjiionablo praotitioner- "Well, yourGrace, thoro is a novelty, but ifc is hardly 'm' yot. Wre cali it Neuritis titurna. Chavmingly prétty name!" Dncliess- "Prescribe forme. I will talco It on myself to bring it 'in.'"- [London Funny Folks. Ncvcr strike an average when it ii down.


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