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- Demócrata and republicana of Grand Rápida coalesce to beat the nationale. - Certniu persons are considering the propriety of sinking $40,000 in a hotel project at Big Hapids. - The stone Work of JMonroe's new court house is flnished and the cornice is being put in position. -The Bad Ax people thinkthey have a salt mine, and say when the railroad gets there they are going to malee salí . -The new Regent Van Riper is broug'nt mto further prominence a's a congressional aspirant froni Benien cjunty. - Splendid sleighing at L'Anse, midway beUveen Marquetteand Iloughton, and ice on Keweenawbay twenty inches thiek, and solid. -The recent drop of 20 cents per barrel in priceof saltatSaginaw,is charged to the desire of eer tain manuf acturers to realize prompt ly. -Frank Langley of St. Joseph has sued B. F. King of the same place ter $10,000 damages because King'sdog ate Langley's right hand about half off. - Rev. Mr. Sutherland has been dismissed from the congregational pastorate at Sangutuck, charges of drankenness haxing been proven against him. -There is in one of the schools of Battle Creek a little girl who swears so badly and is othenvise so ill-behaved that she is kept by herself apart from the other scholars. -The Grand Rapids electric light and power company has been formed, with a capital of 100,000 and has petitioned the council for permission to lay its conductora in the streets. -The exodus from Dowagiac to Dakota continúes, about a score of citizens going or already gone. The parties have forwarded some flfty horses, also a large number of farming implements. - ï. D. Stimson of Big Rapids has closed au $35,000 bargain for pine land, he being the purchaser and and S. X. Wilcox of Chicago the Beller. The land is located on the upper Aluskegon river. - (iov. Masón pardoned 21 convicta, Woodbridge 12, Gordon 11, Barry 37, Felch 13, Greenley 22. Ransom 31, McClelland 11, Parsons 35, Bingham 187, Wisner 80, Blair 163, Crapo li', Baldwin.82, Bagley 128, Croswell 70. - A Bay City girl caused a warrant to be issued for a yoiing man upon a charge oí bastardy. Two otliers being equally guilty the three pooled their liabiiities and raised $105, which placed to the girl's credit, settled the damages. - ïhere ie a scandal in Ingersoll townsliip, Midland county, where one Kd Murray, a married man, became too fond of a noiglibor'a wife, the trouble culminating in a light between Murray and liis wife, in which Airs. Murray came off sccoad best. - Theyhave weighingsocialsinBuchanan to raise funds for the railroad. Every lady is weighed upon entering, the weight marked on a slip of paper, which is placed in a box, and.when the gentlemen come they draw a slip and pay 2-5 cents per 100 pounds, besides the admission fee. - Tlie civil suit for $10.000 damages brotight by James M. Goodell against John N. Ingersoll, of the Shiawassee American, for calling him an idiotie candidate for office, in the fall of 1878, was linished Friday, the jury bringing in a verdict of six cents for plaintiif af- Oceana County Journal: The main topic now in Shelby is pigeons. Men talk, think and dream about nothing else but pigeons. Every otlierman yon meet has a net, others are goingto havo them, all think they see their fortune in the coming of the pigeons. A good many Hoeks are around, and there is a rumor tliat the birds are, nestintr on tlm same ground they did fouryears ago. -Chicago, March 27.- L. K. Loomis, young man from Detroit, employed as an express messenger on the Chicago, Saginaw and Canada Railroad, whose rnarriage to an estimable young lady of Sfc Louis, Mich., was fixed for last Thursday, was arrested on Tuesday for the thef t of tvvo money packages. lie confessed his guilt, but expressed a delire to have the wedding take place as announced. The ceremony was aecordingly performed, and an hour afterward Loomis was on his way to Detroit witli the oflïcers. - About four months ago the insane wife of Adam Dagenkolb, residing four miles f rom Northport, Leleenau county, disappeared and she was suppoaed to be lost in the woods. No trace of her having been discovered foul play was suspected. Several neighbors interesled theuiselves and instituted a tliorough search of the premises. As they were about to re-open a well that had been closed up, lier husband excused hhnself by saying he wanted to go up atairs wliere he was foimd soon after with throat cut from ear to ear. The body of the woman was found wrapped in a shawl with her throat cut, at bottom of the well.


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