Real Estate Transfers

W AERAN TT. Roxana LeBftron and others to Wm. '. McKendry. 62 acres in York. Conideration $900. E. L. Bickford to Gottlob Ilertler. 41 icres in Pittsfield. Consideration $7110. Celinda K. Glover to Stephen Smith, 'resident of cemetery association.- .and in Lodi. Consideration $5. Jas. J. and F. O. Bailey to Ilarriet iailey. Dexter village property. Consideration $500. Christian Schwab to Ilenry Schwab. 74 acres in Bridgewater. Consideration $3000. M. L. and A. T. Freeman to Leroy reorge. 95 acres in Manchester. Consideration $6,880. Barnabas Case to George Lockerby. klanchester village property. Consideration $200. Chas. Rominger to Christian Lam jarth. Land in Lodi. Consideration 52,100. Daniel Hartón to AlexanderMamock. 7 acres in Lyndon. Consideratton$3,$50. J. B. Gilman to Thos. J. Farre!.- Manchester village lot. Consideration Francia Ileaih to Chas. Haröey. Ypsilanti city property. Consideration 5100. Ebenezer Steele to John II. Lawton. Land in Northüeld. Consideration $1,000. Frederick Moeckel to John Joos. - Land in Lima. Consideration $4,800. A-Ugusta Comstock to Wm. B. Meyer. Kleven acres in Sharon. Consideration $562,50. George Clarken to John Cannan Ann Arbor city property. Consideration $4000. Hichael Weimer tp Jacob Laubengayer. Land in Scio. Consideration- dollars. Wm. Ilenry Lacy to AVilmer T.Losee. Land in Augusta. Consideration $250. Mary Exinger to John C. Grace. Ann Ai 'oor' city property. Consideration $150. Alice M. Eisden tdiEmil A.Nordman. 80 acres in Pittsfield. Consideration $2.750. Lucy W. S. Morgan to Tlannah A. Wilkinson. Ann Arbor city property. Consideration $500. Lucy W. S. Morgan to Edwin R. ('iirtis'. Ann Arbor city property. Consideration $500. ('has. l'owell to Lester S. Pryor. Land in Ann Arbor town. Consideration 1,500. QUIT-CXAIM. Francés A. White to John W. Reeve. One-fourth interest in land in AVebster. Consideration $500. Timothy Wallaceto Abram Wallace. 60 acres iñ Lodi. Consideration S348G.04. Selina Bnnüng to Michael Weiner. 2 ftcrea in Scio. Consideration $2860.50. Ilenry B. GardnertoMichael Weiner. 2 acres In Scio. Consideration $786.68. George Button to A. II. Busenbark. 50 acres in Ann Arbor town. Consideration SI.
Real Estate Transfers
Real Estate - Ann Arbor
Real Estate - Washtenaw County
Old News
Ann Arbor Argus
Roxana LeBaron
William J. McKendry
E. L. Bickford
Gottlob Hertler
Celinda K. Glover
Stephen Smith
James J. Bailey
F. O. Bailey
Harriet Bailey
Christian Schwab
Henry Schwab
M. L. Freeman
A. T. Freeman
Leroy George
Barnabas Case
George Lockerby
Charles Rominger
Christian Lambarth
Daniel Barton
Alexander Marnock
J. B. Gilman
Thomas J. Farrell
Francis Heath
Charles Hartley
Ebenezer Steele
John H. Lawton
Frederick Moeckel
John Joos
Augusta Comstock
William B. Meyer
George Clarken
John Carman
Michael Weimer
Jacob Laubengayer
William Henry Lacy
Wilmer I. Losee
Mary Exinger
John C. Grace
Alice M. Risden
Emil A. Nordman
Lucy W. S. Morgan
Hannah A. Wilkinson
Edwin R. Curtis
Charles Powell
Lester S. Pryer
Francis A. White
John W. Reeve
Timothy Wallace
Abram Wallace
Selina Bunting
Michael Weiner
Henry B. Gardner
George Sutton
A. H. Busenbark