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GROCERIES AND PROVISiONS. rÑEWlSeCSRY"! AT16EAS7 HURÓN STREET, GASPAR R1RSSEY -!as opened a new stock of Groceries at the above location, omprlsing ererytblng in the lino at bottom prices - and purcbased exclusively fov casb. Krom a long exjwrience in tile Irada, rcUll anJ rholeaule, o bnliev's he can scll goous os clieup ;he cbeapest. 1ALL AND SEE HIS PBIOES AH (íoo1k Warrniitert First-Ciass.] Farmers produce wnnk"! for vrliicli thr hiniest ■ah prioe will be p;iil. ISF" Remenibcr the place, lü East Huron Street, Ann Arbor. MEDICINAL. THE RERDY FAMILY SOAP MAKER: LEWIS' LYE 98 PER CENT. PURE. (Patcntcd.) FINEIi' POWDERED. HIGETLY PERFÜMED.' Tho stronsfcsí ünd pnrest Iye myílo. TV'ill make 12 ponnas of the best Perfumea Hará Soap in 20 omites without boilin. The best watrr-soítener Luauo. Tho beat disinfcctant. Tho followiuL,' uro Borne of tliQ ailTíintafires obtained by usina Lowia' 98 Per Cent. Powdwed First. ItispacTcedin&nironcaTivHta MWbga Klip or removablo lio1 caeüy taken olí aWL and the contents exposc-í, tnere WHI by tbe troable, annoyance, and JBStk - danirer (í rom flying i'articlea). aa ■LfMr vrith' nther I.yes, whioh, beic? píilí rvi. tí _ pnüd :i the cana, imvt be '■ BBL JtX '"■'v wtt!l a tanimer to get II HÍl Hrcmidí 'It betogf a lino mSSBi lupowdcri you can remove the JESgLar fn lid anti nour out al) the con9 1 Hb8 tenta, being alwaya roady for ,V I 1 4 ue. I Third. A teaspoonf ui pr more ran be MTTSX sed, as in waterscfteninpr. Bcrubbinir, ' VHM etc.aB'l tlielidrcturned to tbecan, and J&9S thoreby save tho bjilaneo of contenta. B "Yith ötherLyes nll itiust bo di" Mst once and nscd in a short tiine, or tho 9jJPq_, etroniïtli is gone. _JE3fc2fco Fourtli. Absoluto purity. Freo from all adulterations. Kifth. Tho best Soap can be made in from ton to twenty minutes with thi Lye. Sixth. Ko failnru is poseible m ma'.dni? Soap with thia Lye when tho simple diroctionu given ai-R followed. Sevontli. Ono can of this Powdered Lye ia cqual to twenty pounds of bal Soda or Washinii Eïxhtii. Ono can of thia Lyo will Raponify ono povmd more of Brrease than any other Conceutrated Lye, Ball Potash, or Saponifler. linth. ïhis Lye is 2S per cent. -etronger than any other Lyo or Potaeh. Touit:. One to two teaspoonfula will Boften a tub f the hardest water. Elevcnth. One tenrpoonftil vnll thoroujrhly cleanee Sinks. Dralns, or Closets, Invahiable for killint? RoacheR,MioelRaDB1wOi Thb best arücle for washin Xroes. MA!TürACTURED ONI.T S? &T.LewisOsnsiesCo. PH JXA3ELPHÏA. _ RAILROADS. HICiilUAN CKXTjRAL KA.ILKOA. NOVEMBER 1P, 187. lïOIVi WBhT. . W : 8 . I -3. Si ! a ■d á l A. 31. AH P.M. I'. M. P.M. Detroit, lenre, 7 Oo' 9 :!.'. 5 S5 4 0.' R 1" " ."0 G. T.Jurotion, 7 15 10 1:0 I1 10 4 ,-r 8 25 10 10 WnyneJuncüun 7 r,_ in JS G 42 4 5 10 42 Ypsüiinti, S ■-'" 10 18 "■ 5 OS 21 11 07 Geddos, 8 80 1 20 : Ann Arbor, 8 4fl 11 '10 7 85 5 22 9 SB 11 ;) Lie'.hi, S 58 7 !' Dexter, 0 M 7 56 5 3C 9 59 _ Cheleen, SM 5 55 '" 15 ÖniisLake, 9 5 S 85 6 12 1 8 l'. M I A.M .Hokeon, 10 en IS 15 9 on1 r, 58 '1 05; 2 55 Mbion, 11 04 12 W g 1 4ii H S9 1 3H Marhll, 11 50 1 30 -" o 8 ÜS U 25 1 55 p.m. ia 1 !a.m. I!ttle Creek, 12 19 1 55:. 8 8 12 SU i 20 Galesburg, ',2 52 1 ', 9 16 1 29 A K. Kalamnzoo, 1 15 2 (T 5 60 9 90 1 d 8 02 L.iwton, 1 5.V S ?.S Í II Decatur, 2 10 5 .'mi 2 ■! Dowaino, 2 ÍS 12 '- M Nil,., 4 07 6 55 o SU 4 3 Uuehannn, 3 19! , 7 07 3 U ThreeOHkB. 3 49! f 7 83 Npw Bufftllo, 4 (Í3 4 58 7 45 4 27 Michigan City, 4 30 5 201 8 10 4 S.' 6 Í5 Lake, 5 13: 6 02 6 58 5 45 r, V, Kensington, 6 00' ö 50 i) toj 6 40 8 1Ohicago.artiYe, 6 Spl 7 40 1(1 so 7 S0 s 30 QOINti KA8T. Tl [5l M 1 _L_ Lli'ii_;'' 5. A.M. 4. M. p. M. 1. Ú. r. M Ohipntro.leavf, 7 00 9 (in 4 00 8 l, 9 10 Keosinicton, 7 50 9 50 4 50 S U5 10 00 I,rtke 8 3! 10 30 ó 4Í 6 50 10 43 Michigan City, 9 20ll 18 o ï 40 11 o New Cufíalo, 0 49:1132 6 58 1152 Three Oaks, 10 0:1 7 1H A.M. Bnohanan, 1" 3" - - 7 40 NÜCB, 10 45112 16 8 10 9 00 12 4 Doy,-;if-K!, '1 IS s 1 16 Decatnr, 11139! 9 OS L 40 Lawton, 11 57 9 22 a. m. 1 67 Kftlamazoo, 12 33! 1 40 10 00 .; 511 1 '.' 2 28 Qalesburt', 12 53 ! . 7 Os Battle Creek, 1 28j 2 15 M 7 40 11 10 8 18 Marshall, 2 25 ! 3 00 J 8 08 U 7 ! 46 - - A.M.. Mbior., 2 52; 3 21 a.m. S 3.5 11 58 4 12 .TackBOn. 3 4.i, 4 U5 7 IV 9 80 12 45 5 00 Graas Lake, 4 10 [7 38 9 50 6 25 Chtlsea, i W ; 8 02 10 W Dokter, 5 00 ; 8 16 10 IV 6 05 Delhi, 6 10 i 8 25 - Alm Arbor, 5 22 5 07 8 45,10 85 2 05 8 25 (1 d'-. 5 29' 1 S 52 Ypsilanti. 6 88 5 28 'J IK 10 48 2 -' -il WayneJunc, 6 02 5 45 9 23. 11 OH 2 1! 7 05 O t June 0 SS 6 15 9 55 n 85 8 30 7 45 DÓtroit, Ar!, ! 6 ' ;U11 50l 3 5 IS (r SuBda7s pxcepteii. JSuturJay and Bunduy exepted. tDaily. H. B. LKDYARD, Oen'l Mnnnprer, Detroit. H. O. Wentwouth, a. P. & T. Ast., Chicago. Toledo and Ann Arbor Raüroad. Taking effect Sumiay February 22, 1880. GOING NOBTH. OOIKO BOT7TH. ÉSp! Mix. ... jMail Mix.iExp. i - STATIONS. ! i A.M. 1' M. I'. M. A.M. F. M. P. M. BW1Í96 110 TOLEDO lOoolSOS 8 10 818 12 08 6 13 North Toledo U57Í300 8 il" 8 20 1222 B '2(1 Detroit Juñctíon 9 80 2 4? 7 58 8 29 1285 6 80 Hawthom B 41 2 83 78 8-87 12 48 6 40 Samarla 9 88 2 20 7 S9 8 50 11 6 Bi Lulu 919 1 5S 7 24 855 119 7 00 Monme Junctioii 914 151 7 18 9 05 135 7 10 Dundet BOS 135 7 1') 9 161 lfl" 7 22 Azalia 8 64 1 IS 6 65 930 2 27 7 as Milán 842 12BO 641 ! 37 S40 7 42 Nora 8 3all2S8 6 84 9 45 ttt 7 IT Orante BSO 12 25 6 28 !':.; 3 i7 7 68 Pittsflold June. 8 2O12OI 10 10J34.Ï 8 lol ANN ARBOR 8 08 Ijl W 6_M A!l traint ron by Colamboa limn- 7 minutas faster than Ann Arbor tl J. M. AHI1LKY, Jn., Superintendent. CAÑABA SOI7TIÏKR1V K'Y tjXTVES. The Only American Koiite Through Canada Trains leave M. C. R. K. Depot, Detroit, city time, as follows: AUantlc Express, daily, 4 00 a. m., "Wagnor car to BoMon. Kabt. Day Express, daily, 12 noon,"Vagner car to NowYork and Knstim. Lightnïng ExpreBS, dftily excepi 8undayf 11 10 p. m., wagner car 1 1 Buflalo and Rochester. Toledo trui iis li ave 7 BO a. m. except öunday 3 10 p. m. daily ; 6 B0 ;. m. except Su i For Fayette 6 80 . m. except Snaday. #m For information and tickets apply to H. Y Ilayes, agent M. O. It. T'.., Ann Arbor, M. C. KOACII, l'ass. Agent, Detroit. FRANK li. SHOW, üuu. l'ass. and Ticket Agt Detroit. GKKAT WESTERN II All, WA Y- Depots fuut of Third and Brush streets.' Detroit time. Detroit time. Leave. Arrive. Atlantic Expíese, a. m. 110.00 p. m. Dtiy Express, ..:'..' a. ijl. 6.30 p. m. New York and Boston Expn 'V.COp.m. tO,45 n.m: Dutioit Express, l'.!.4." p. m. Steambont Fxprea, 7.00a.m JDiiilv. DwiyexceptSunday. tExceptMoiiday. 4S" For inlbrmution ftnd tickets apply to H. W. Huyes, Airent M. C. 11. R., Ann Arbor. W.H. KIETB, WM. EDGAR, W'eat irji l'nss'r Ag't. General Paas'r Agent nn BftlPFTS W Sond forsamplosand h1.---. f. '-..■ S PK prie.s of lip.:r, Carn I ÍK IV I ClIW Board :uid l'riutors' Suppliito OKHIIAK1) & KBAMEB, I Mili Bast Lrne4 ., DETROIT .


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