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BUSIKESS DIRECTOUY. Miss . R IOHVS, FMonable pre.M r. B omiorer ac 2ÍÜ -y - store. Ailworü pr .mptly aud satwfectori riecuted ______ ' 1_ andSolicitorinChanuory. Ypailanti, Mul'. B. TATLOK, ATTOItNEY AT LAW, Chelsea, Mich. DIINAIJ) IHACf,EAJf, "H.'D., PhjMCian and Surgeon. Office an'd residencc. 71 Hnrou itrect, Ann Arbor. Oflice hours from 8 to 9 a. m. anJ from 1 lo 3 r. M. WH. JACKSOTÏ, Dentist. Office corner Main and Washington strpets. over Bacb & Abel'sstoie, Ann Arbor.Mich. Anestheticsadminütereil if desired. 17 N. COOPEK, .TI. D., Accouelieur and Ëi (lynaecologist. OiEce corn er Main and Hutod streets, Ann Arbor. CSCH4EnF.Rl-K. Teacher of the Piano forte. Pupil sttain the desired skil] in pino-pay:ng hy a srstematic course of Instmctinn. For terms, apply it rerictence, No. 13 West Liberty street, Ann Arbor. Prompt atteution paid to piano tuoiup. ÍRAMER, FRCEAUFF & COKBIN, Attorneys iit Law E. K. FIHTE AUFF, Justice ofthe Peace. All business. proniptly attended to. Office Xn. - E;vst Washingtoa street, [iinseyand Seabolt's block. HE2ÍBY E. HILL, Attorney at La-w, Dealei in Real Estáte and Insurance Agent. Office, No. 3 Opera Houhc Mlock, ANN ARBOR. r'ilKDIÜIHK KKAI'Si:. AtrCTIOUEEH. VTill fittend to all ales, nn ehort notice, at ronnnfcble charges. For further particulara cali at the Abgüs Office. m pUROPEAN HOTEL, YpsilantiMIch. New House, First-Clus Table, Clean Beds, Low P rices. W. H. Lnwis, Proprïetor J. H. NICKELS, DEAT.Kll IX FRESH AND SALT MEATS, Em, Sausages, T„ard, etc.. STATE ?TREET, OPPOSITE NORTHWBBT CORNER OF üinVEESITT CAMPO8. Orders promptly filled. Farmers haviug meats to eell gi ve him a cali. THE ANN ARBOR SAVIUGS BAÏÏK AUN ARBOR, MICHIGAN. CspiUl paid in ... fll 50,000.00 Cipital security ... 1OO.0OO.0Ü Transacts a general TCauking Baaiues; tmrs ann üs Exchanges on New York, Detroit aud (Jhicago; sel Bif ht Drafts on all the principal cities of Europe; also, sells Passage Tickets to Liverpool, Lon4on and Glasgow, via the Anchor Line of 8teamibips, wbone rates are lower tban most other flrstclasK Unes. This Baik, already haviag a Iarge business, invite Jüerehante aiöd others to open accounts with theiu, Krithlhe asEGCt-nce of most liberal deaiing cousiseot with safe kanking. In theSavinge Department interest is pafd peniiannually, on the Srat days of January and July.on V butb6 tïiat were depnsited tliree raonths previous 'ío thosedays, thue afierding the people of tiiis city anacountya perfectly safe depository for their iunSs, together witb a fair return in interst for the same. Mon-y to Ixan on Aproved Securities. Birkctop.s- Christiar, Mafk, W. W. Winfs, W. D.Harrim&n. Daniel Hiscoct, K. A. Beal, Win. Beubel, and Willard B. Smitk. OFFICEBLS : CHEISTIAN MACK, W.' W. WIN'F.S, Presideat. Vtce President. ''HAS. E HISCOCK 'hier. EhíiÁftUEL MAUN, Druggist and Pharmacist S SOUTH MAIN STREET, AKS AKBOIi, has on hand a well sedeoled eUieft of PURE DRUGS. MEDICINES, CHEMICALS, CHOICE PERFUMES, TVilft, TrwsfK, &c, which fie offers fut Sale xt prk;cs +o wit the time.-. f3T Physiciaue' t rescripfoons carefully prep.ired -tí. al] hours. EBERBACH & SON, Druggists and Pharmacists, 12 South Main St., Hi7e on banda ltrge aod well seleeted stock of CEUGS, MEDICINES, CIIEMICAXS, DYE STUFFS, Artists and Wax Flower Materials, Toilet Articl!, Trusses, Ktc PURE WINES AND LIQUORS, .Special attention paid to the fnrnishiog nf Phyciraans, Chcinist, Schools.etc., with Philosophical i"1 Chemical Apparatus, Bohemian ChemicalGlassre, Porcelain Ware, Pure Eea?entn, etc. rhysiciaas' presoriotions o.arefully preparcd at H honrs. Abstracts of Titlcs. AUpartiea who are deeirous of ascertainingthe : Wnclition of the title to their lands, or parties wlio wuh to loan money on real estáte will do well to U at the Itegister's office and consult a Compared Set of Abstract Books. Jid books are so far nrlTanced that the Register en f urniah on short notice a Perfect Statement as to the Title ll " ?rclíl of Una in WnBhtenaw Coanty"as own by tho original records. C. H. MANLT, Register


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