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It was plainly apparent to observéis of the Republican city conventiön that, provided the Demócrata exercised dis'creetness in the selecüon of candidates bef ore their convention to be held t vo days later ,victory was assured. Mr.Smith two years ïast mayor, and who had given pretty general satisfaction was a candidate for renomination, not for the honor contened, for he had received all there was to receive in that, nor for the salary of SI, butfora vlndication of lus course as cbief offlcer of the city in connection with the riotous action of students some months ago. He was severely censurad by many eiü.ens for calling upon the militia to enforce order and clear the streets from large bodies of students who, defying him and the pólice, refused to move from their position from in front of the post office. Whether the mayor was justified. qr nat in calling upon the military lias been a debatable question. The act had been done, and upon this issue alone the mayor desired to go to the polls. Ilis desire in this respect was overruled, not by this issue being raised at the primarles, but by a far different one viz: that of prohibition. Underthelead of Mr. B. E. Frazer, word went forth and it was so announced from a reform club meeting in the opera house, that now was the time to enter the political arena and the Republican primaries shovild bc captured. And they were excepting in the second ward. In vain did aldenoan Ilill protest in a speech against the defeat he foresaw if Mr. Brown the candidate of the reform club was nominated for mayor. Said the speaker, " I am a republican, and supposed I was elected to attend a republican convention; I am mistaken for I flnd this is a red ribbon convention." "Woe-begone expressions stole o'er the coüntenanees of Mr. Beal a:id other friends of mayor Smith after the nomination of Mr. Brown was a.nnounced. They shuddered at the contemplation of the issue about to be forced upon them. Though several l'allots were necessarily taken to correct the excessive ones, and the honesty of tellers Kinne and Emerick impugned by a delégate, the nomination of Mr. Brown was conceded to have been fairly carried. Xominationa of Orvilie F. Webster for recorder and Anthony McRey. nolds for justice, were alsoeffectüd by the red ribbon element. Contrary to the illegal voting, bickering and imputation of false counting in the "Repu' '1 can conventiön, the democratie conventiön was conducted in the most quiet and orderly manner, the nominee for mayor reciving an unanimous nomination without resort to bal" lot. A friendly rivalry over the reeordership resul ted, after two formal ballots in the nomination of Mr. W. W. Douglas. One formal ballot determined the nomination of Mr. Philip Winegar.- The convention adjourned in excellent humor. the rebotvt ix tite city. Í í í 1 1 ti i . ï ÍK. S L í MWOK. John Kapp, Dem., 165 210 if, 13656 30 7S2 171 Benj. irown, Rep 163I 31 SS'i.oSS 111 611 Wm. Deube!, Nat, ig, 11 .. 32 RECOR W. W. Doulag, Dem. 158 214 166 127' - 22 739 132 O. F. Webster, Rep.,. 187 35 So 116 89 m '07 M. Brennan, Nt ! 4. 1 23 j6 4 9 77 JL' TICE. P. Wlnear, Dem.,... 10 sao 197 1 ;; ; p 789 170 A. McKevnolds. Rep., 174 311 82 131 Sy 10S1613 SUPERVTSORP. ist ward. 2d ward. Tola]. Conrad Krapf, Rep., 214 173 887 D. Cra.ner, Dem., 109 73 182 3d ward. 4th ward. Total. A. A.Gregory, Rep., 138 167 305 C. J. Gardner, Dem., 122 103 225 N. P. HUI, Nat., 15 10 25 5th wan'. 6Ü1 ward. Total. Geo. II. Rhodes, Rep., 77 117 194 F. II. Ortman, Dem., 51 23 74 ALDEIOIEN. lst ward- Chas. II. Manly. Dem., lflO J. W. Thompson, Rep., 167 2d ward- Herman Ilutzel, Rep., 245 No opposition. 3d ward- Hiiam Kittridge, Dem., 144 N. Sutherland, Rep., 83 W. E. Walker, Nat., 58 4thward- il. Flemin?, Dem., 131 Chas. M. Jones, Rep., 130 M. J. O'Reüly, Nat., 13 öth ward - C. A. Mathewson, Rep., 86 E. P. Masón, Dem., 57 6thward- C. S. McOmber, Rep., 138 lío opposition. constables: lst ward- Chas. Boylan, Rep., 163 M. O'Brien, Dem., 162 2d ward- Paul Schail, Rep., 183 J. M. Rogers, Dem., 161 3d ward- TliDs. Clarken, Dem., 165 Jasper Imus, Rep., 122 4thward- D. J. Loomis, Rep., 179 Thos. W. lioyd, Dem., 92 John J. Hancey, Nat., 7 Sthward- Eli S. Manly, Rep., 77 Chas. Place, Dem., 65 6tli ward- Edwin B. Gidley, Rep., 137 No opposition. POST-ELECTIOU REJOICINGS. About eight p. jt., the city band made its appearance. After marching down the street under lead of Lieut. Schxih and circling around a huge bon lire, the musical organization moved towards the residence of mayor-elect Kapp. Pretty soon his friends arrived in large numbers to congratúlate liim on his success and mingle rejoicings over the victory. The band ceasing to play calis were made for the mayor, who appeared at the front of his ïesidence under escort of ex-mayor Cramer, and by whom he was introduced to the audience wliicli occupied every available bit of standing room in the large yard, and many were compelled to flnd room in the street. Mayor Kapp said: Mt Fkiends: F mi glad to see so many persons here this evening; I did not inow that I had so many friends as I see before me. Yon liave chosen me to a responsible position and it sliall be my endeavor to fulflll its dutiesin afi acceptable manner to uil tlie ]jpople. i ou aro aware that i am a member oí the inedicíil profession, whieh is not líiven ti) speech making. You will not thereíore expect a speech fíom mo. I improve this occasion to tliank yon and all otliers not here wholabored co effect the election of myself aschief otlicer of the city. Calis were made for Messrs. Cramer, Manly and Richmond, each oïwhom responded in brief addresaee. The band then serenaded recorderelect Douglass, justice-elect Winegar. aldermen-elect Fleming, Hutzel and Kittredge, cojntables-elect Clarken and SoliaU. S.UPERVISORS ELECTED. !A.nn Arbor City - lst and 2d wards, C. Krapf , Rep. 3d and 4th w'ds, A. A. Gregory, Rep. 5th andGth wards, G. II. Rhodes, Rep. Ann Arbor Town, I. 5T. S. Foster, Rp., no opp. Angosta, Wm. Dausiiigburg, Rep. Bridgewater, Jantes M. Kress, Dem. Dexter, J. II. Lyman, Dem., no opp. Freedom, John G. Feldkainp, Dein., no opp. Lima, Walter Dancer, Dem., 23 maj. Lodi, Michael Staebler, Dem., 60 maj. Lyndon, Benj.C. Boyce, Dem.,26maj. Manchester, lloratio Burch, Nat., 84 maj. , Northfield, I'atrick S. Purtell, Dem., 70 maj. Pittsfield, M. F. Case, Rep., no opp. Salem, T. D. Lane, Nat., 9 maj. Saline, E. W. Wallace, Dem., 43 maj. ■Scio, Jolm L. Smith, Rep., 08 maj. Sharon, D. G. Rose, Dem., 19 maj. Superior, F. P. Galpin, Rep., 21 maj. Sylvan, W. E. Depew, Rep., 63 maj Webster, AlonzoOlsaver, Rep. ,no opp. York, J. W. Blakeslee, Rep., 12 maj. Ypsilanti Town, Albert B. Graves, Rep., 88 maj. Ypsilanti city, lst dist., Lee Yost, Rep., 197 maj. Ypsilanti city, 2d dist., M. L. Slmtts,, Dem., 105 maj. Republicans 13, Democratsl10, Nationals 2. Re-elected 15. EESULT IK TOWNS. Lyndon.- Sup., Benjamin C. Boyce, dem., 25 maj.; clerk, John A. Clark, dem., 14; treas., Ilenry J. Drake, rep., 52; justice, Wellington W. Bowdish, rep., 35; com highways, W. II. Calidos, rep., 140;, Stephen O. Iladley, dem., 54; supt. of schools, Thomas Young, Jr., dem., 20; school inspector, Ilenry Gorton, dem., 1.54; constables, Win. 'stanfleld, John Haggerty, Chauncey Hummel, dems. Manchester - Greenbackers elected f uil ticket is follows: Supervisor, II. Burch; clerk, J. R. Jaynes; justice, Marvin Cooley for f uil term and A. Conklin to flll vacancy; treasurer, Wm. Sherwood; supt. of schools, A. B. Conklin; school inspector, Irwin Clark; com. of highways, Fred. Schaible; drain com., Geo. Ileiinendinger; constables, Thos. J. Farrel, Martin Traub, Marshall Fisk and Samuel Hoimef. Northfield- With three tickets in the field, comes forward wlth a clean democraticiLictory. P. 8. Purtell for supervisor receivtng 70 majority over Emory E. Leiand, republican, and 72 over P. Wall, greenback, and receives as many votes within four as both the other candidates; Eugene Gibney for cicrk receiving 71 maj. over Albert Groves, rep., and 73 over D. Garry, g. b.; Wro. Shalfer for justice full term receivtng 47 maj. over Grant Ovenshire who ran on both rep. and g. b.; Wm. D. Biid for justice vacancy receiving 106 maj. over Edmund Cahill, g.b., and 93 over F. Barker, rep.; John ïaylor for treasurer receiving 75 over C. Koch, ff. b., and 107 over Joseph D. Stevens, Rep.; Richard Roach for supt. of schools receiving 15 maj. over Elvin U. Stiles who ran on both g. b. and rep.; William Walsh for school inspector receiving 95 majority over M. Howard, g. b., and 91 over F. Duncan, rep.; Fred. Procknowforhigliway cominissioner receiving 79 maj. over B. Murphy, g. b., and 119 over G. Maulbach, rep. Superior.- Sup., Vreeman P. Galpin, 21 maj.; clerk, Chas. L. Downer, dem., 12; tria?., W. H. Crippin, rep., 15; com. highways, Andrew J. Murray, dem., 1; supt. school, CréorgeMcDougal Jr.,rep., 11; justice (to flll vacancy) L. L. Kimball, rep., no opp.; full term, Ilenry S. dippen, rep., 8; school inspector, B. 8.' Voorhees, rep., 11; drain com., Séneca Bagley, dem.,2; constables, W. Romig, Iliram Goodspeed, FltHk P. Galpin, James Clark, Keps. Saline.- Whole number of votes 411. Demócrata witb öne exception (Supt. of Schools) elect entire ticket, as follows: Sup., Edwin W. Wallace, 43 maj.; clerk, Charles 2ï. IIow, 70; treasurer, John M. üross, 11; justice, Aaron L. Feldkamp, 40; supt. of schools, Richard Mareh,Rep.,3; school inspector, Ilenry A. Hammond, 4; high. com.; Romain Glover, 71; drain com., Lyman C. Grady, 13; eönstables- John II. Warner, 75, fm. M. Braiaard, 69, Wm. L. Avery, 50, John Klager, 19. Sylvan. - Mixed resvüt in this town.' Sup., Wm. E. Depevv, rep,, 63 rnaj.; clerk, Jacob Schtrmacher, dem., 32; treasurer, Thomas ileKone, dem., 10; justice, Michael J. Lehman, dem., 213; com. highways, Philip Schweinfurth, rei)., 15; draiu com., Christian "Weber, dem., 69; supt. schools, Geo. A. Robertson, dem., 24 m;ij.; school inspector, Geo. "VV. Palmer, rep., 8; constables, James Hudler, John Gregg, and Peter Oesterle, dems., and Jacob Staffan, rep. York. - Election resulted as follows: Sup., John W. Blakeslee, rep.; clerk,1 Andrew Jackson,. dem.; treas., Frank Butler, dem.; justice, James Gauntlett, rep.; supt. of schools, Chas. Lake, rep.; ; school inspector, J. D. Foreyth, rep.; drain com., FrankOlds, dem.; highway com., Thomas White, rep.


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